December 2021

UK. Enthusiasm for green pensions fails to translate

Although most savers say they want their pension to be invested responsibly, very few people auto enrolled into workplace schemes have moved their investments to sustainable funds. That is according to research by Barnett Waddingham which found one in five savers (20%) said they thought ESG funds should be the default option for workplace pensions, regardless of return. A further 26% said they thought this should be the case so long as the return is the same as a non-ESG fund. Meanwhile,...

Understanding and Forecasting Demographic Risk and Benefits

By David Bohl, Barry Hughes & Shelby Johnson There is a global demographic transition underway—mortality rates and fertility rates are declining in almost every country. Different countries are at different stages of this demographic transition, generally corresponding to their level of economic development, and progressing at different speeds. Declining mortality and fertility, along with migration, determine the changing age structures of countries. There are macro-economic, financial, and social burdens and benefits associated with different age structures. Since demographics is largely...

Pension Information and Women’s Awareness

By Paola Profeta, Marta Angelici, Daniela Del Boca, Maria Christina Rossi, Noemi Oggero & Claudia Villosio We explore the role of financial and pension information in increasing women’s knowledge and awareness of their future pension status and interest for pension information. We interview a representative sample of 801 Italian working women to assess their knowledge about pensions, financial issues and their own savings. The responses show that their knowledge and awareness of retirement planning is limited. We then run a...

Spending in the Shadow: The Impact of Unfunded Pensions on Public Services and Public Employees

By Manita Rao The shadow of unfunded public pensions has raised concerns on its consequences for public services and public employees. Some argue that pension liabilities increase the cost of government by crowding out public services. Others suggest that unfunded pensions are more likely to affect public employees and have limited implications for public services. This article empirically examines the extent to which the impact of unfunded pensions is mitigated or has spillover effects on public services and public employees....

México. Siempre sí: Tope a Afores entrará en vigor en 2022

México. Siempre sí: Tope a Afores entrará en vigor en 2022

Un juez federal dio luz verde al tope de comisiones que tendrán que aplicar las Afores a partir de enero de 2022. Leer también México. Ahorrro voluntario esquiva al COVID-19 y sus variantes; crece en más de 20% a octubre El Juzgado Primero de Distrito Especializado en Competencia Económica le negó la suspensión definitiva a Afore Azteca, luego de una audiencia realizada el día de ayer con la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar). Leer también México. Los...

¿Cómo se modifican las pensiones con el nuevo salario mínimo en Colombia?

Hay un nuevo salario mínimo en Colombia, y así modifica las pensiones

La definición del salario mínimo suele ser uno de los momentos clave en cada Navidad. A su modo, es una celebración muy colombiana, que en muchos casos es plena en improvisación y desacuerdo, aunque en otros suele ser escenario de algo de esperanza y debate constructivo entre contrarios. Leer también Colombia. Corte hace un llamado a atender tramites de pensión con enfoque de género Pero más allá de ser una suerte de postal decembrina, el alza del salario aún le pega...

New EU proposal aims to make long-term investment funds more attractive

Money managers operating in the European Union anticipate an increase in alternative investment opportunities as regulators relax rules for European long-term investment funds. Under the latest proposal to reform the Capital Markets Union — an ongoing initiative aimed at creating a single pan-European financial market — the European Commission is revising how money managers can set up and market European long-term investment funds, known as ELTIFs. These collective investment strategies — currently only offered by certain alternatives money managers —...

México. Los retiros por desempleo en las Afores se encaminan a un récord en 2021

México. Los retiros por desempleo en las Afores se encaminan a un récord en 2021

De enero a noviembre, los mexicanos que se vieron obligados a sacrificar su ahorro para el retiro por estar en desempleo sacaron en total 20,057 millones de pesos de su Afore. El año de la reactivación económica queda a deber a millones de mexicanos que tras haber perdido su empleo han tenido que recurrir a sus ahorros para el retiro para poder solventar sus gastos. Entre enero y noviembre de este año, los mexicanos que se quedaron sin empleo y solicitaron...

Canada. CPPIB targeting high carbon emitters for long-term investments

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board is pursuing a new strategy that involves investing in businesses with high greenhouse gas emissions and a desire to reduce them. The strategy, which is published in a new report, aims to identify companies committed to creating value by lowering their emissions in a manner that’s consistent with the CPPIB’s own timeframe. The strategy was devised by Bill Rogers, managing director and head of sustainable energies; Mike Conrad, principal in sustainable energies; and Art Pithayachariyakul,...

US. Record Returns Not Enough to Ensure Public Pension Stability

Despite logging average returns of 27.5% during fiscal year 2021, state pension plans still face a large funding shortfall and might have billions more in unfunded liabilities not yet recognized on their books, according to a recent report from nonprofit Equable Institute. “This past year has been an incredibly helpful boost to state pension funds that spent a decade mired in mediocrity,” Equable Institute Executive Director Anthony Randazzo said in a statement. “But even a nearly $400 billion improvement in...