February 2021

The ongoing sustainability journey for UK pension schemes

With over £1.3trillion of investments held in the occupational pension arrangements of over 24 million of its citizens, it’s easy to see why pension schemes are an essential part of the UK government’s drive to net-zero. In terms of wider sustainability issues, however, trust law is slower to respond, leaving pension scheme trustees with difficult decisions in some instances. This article provides an overview of the current state of play. Read also Deutsche Bank inks buy-in deal for U.K. pension...

Addressing the financial timebomb of ageing Australia

The 2015 Intergenerational Report found that Australia’s aged dependency ratio (the number of people over 65 for every working-age person 15 to 64) is expected to double over the next 40 years. This means there will be fewer taxpayers supporting a growing demand for pensions and services, including health and aged care. In addition, the rate of home ownership is continuing to decline among young Australians, suggesting more people will face the ongoing costs of renting once they retire. The superannuation guarantee...

Fintech Raisin to support UK-based investment and pension providers, Aviva

Raisin, Open Banking solutions provider, has teamed up with UK-based savings and retirement firm Aviva with over 33.4 million customers worldwide. The fintech leveraged its Raisin Savings as a Service technology to launch Aviva Save, allowing the pension and investments specialist to enter the cash savings market in the UK. The new Aviva Save platform offers Aviva customers – with 15 million customers in the UK – a selection of fixed-term savings accounts. Aviva savers can pick and mix savings offers...

Fondos latinoamericanos en los últimos lugares en transparencia hacia usuarios

En colaboración, Top1000funds.com y CEM Benchmarking lanzaron el Global Pension Transparency Benchmark (Comparativo Global de Transparencia en Pensiones). El Global Pension Transparency Benchmark es un primer estándar mundial sobre la apertura y la divulgación de pensiones, que se centra en la transparencia en un intento por mejorar los resultados de las pensiones para los afiliados. El GPTB jerarquiza a 15 países en la divulgación pública de elementos clave de generación de valor para las cinco organizaciones de fondos de pensiones más...

México. Reformas en pensiones de 1997 y 2020 redujeron costo fiscal al gobierno: Amafore

Las reformas en pensiones que se hicieron en 1997 y en 2020 permitieron reducir la carga fiscal que tenía el gobierno y darle un respiro a las finanzas públicas del país, aseguró el presidente de la Asociación Mexicana de Afores (Afore), Bernardo González Rosas. El esquema de beneficio definido que se basa en que los trabajadores que están activos financien las pensiones de las personas que ya se retiraron, se volvió insostenible ante el cambio demográfico que vive el país. Por...

Jóvenes dominicanos deben tratar de ahorrar e invertir para su retiro

De cara a 2040, los jóvenes dominicanos tienen el reto de acumular, por medio de ahorros e inversiones, lo suficiente para poder retirarse, es decir, tener la facultad de mantener su estilo de vida pese a que se desvinculen del mercado laboral y la dinámica del emprendimiento. Así lo afirma Edesio Ureña Albacete, director general de CEF Santo Domingo, quién destaca que ahorrar es el primer paso para construir un patrimonio financiero que garantice el sustento más allá del trabajo. “Esta...

Costa Rica. Supén aprueba la creación de los primeros multifondos de pensión. Así funcionarán

El próximo 15 de marzo se echarán a andar los primeros multifondos de pensiones después de casi una década de que la Superintendencia de Pensiones (Supén) anunciara la intención de introducir este tipo de opción de inversión en Costa Rica. Esta es una figura que permite la creación de fondos de pensiones diferenciados por grupos de edad de los trabajadores y las condiciones de las inversiones van desde una posición más riesgosa a una más conservadora. BAC Pensiones es la primera...

The Global Pension Transparency Benchmark launches in a bid to improve pension outcomes for members

The Global Pension Transparency Benchmark has revealed the opportunity for improvement in pension fund disclosure transparency around the globe. Read also Ten degrees of sustainability The Global Pension Transparency Benchmark is a world first global benchmark measuring transparency of pension disclosure, bringing a focus to transparency in a bid to improve pension outcomes for members. Read also ESG-Conscious Money Managers Are Pension Funds’ Top Consideration The GPTB ranks 15 countries on public disclosures of key value generation elements for the five largest pension...

Ten degrees of sustainability

By Tanya Broadfield In November, when COP26 takes place in Glasgow, the eyes of the world will be looking at what progress the UK has made towards delivering sustainability targets to support net zero and the tackling of climate change. Savills has identified 10 drivers of change we can expect to hear more about this year. 1. TCFD and climate transparency A raft of sustainability disclosure requirements is coming and The Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is leading the way. Since January,...

South Africa. Cosatu Welcomes President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Signing of the Historic Pic Amendment Act Into Law

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) welcomes President Cyril Ramaphosa's signing of the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) Amendment Act and its immediate enactment into law. This is long overdue. The PIC Amendment Act was drafted by Parliament's Finance Committees in close collaboration with COSATU. This was necessitated by the revelation of rampant looting and the mismanagement of PIC funds by many in the PIC and those companies who have benefited from its investments and loans. The Amendment Act...