February 2021

Albania. Deficit in State Pension Scheme Deepening

The decit in the state pension scheme reached Dollar 506 million at the end of 2020, reaching the highest level since the start of the implementation of the new reform in this area. Government spending on pensions amounted to Dollar 1.34 billion, 2.2% more than in 2019, while contributions for social security payments fell for the rst time since 2016. Economic experts link this phenomenon to the eects of the Covid-19 pandemic, where many people lost their jobs, and in many...

Rwanda: ‘Rising Cost of Living’ Worries Pensioners

Pensioners have appealed for a rise in pension benefits, citing the rising cost of living. Dorothée Uwimana, the President of the Rwanda Pensioners' Association, told The New Times that the benefits they receive are not adequately adjusted for inflation and the cost of living in general. For instance, she explained that food prices have been rising steadily while pension benefits continued to be calculated based on the salaries that retirees used to earn many years This, Uwimana said, particularly hurts retirees who...

Global Pension Transparency Benchmark

By top1000funds.com and CME The Global Pension Transparency Benchmark is a world first global standard for pension disclosure, bringing a focus to transparency in a bid to improve pension outcomes for members. The GPTB ranks 15 countries on public disclosures of key value generation elements for the five largest pension fund organisations within each country. The GPTB focuses on the transparency and quality of public disclosures with quality relating to the completeness, clarity, information value and comparability of disclosures. The overall country...

Global Pension Assets Study – 2021

By Willis Tower Watson The Global Pension Assets Study covers 22 major pension markets (the P22), which now totals US$52,522 billion in pension assets and account for 80% of the GDP of these economies. The study includes an analysis of the seven largest markets (the P7) which includes Australia, Canada, Japan, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK and US and comprises 92% of total pension assets. Get the book here

México. Descubre cómo se establecerá el máximo de comisiones que cobren las afores

La junta de gobierno de la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) aprobó el mecanismo mediante el cual se van a avalar las comisiones que van a cobrar las afores a partir de 2022. Antes de publicarse en el Diario Oficial de la Federación, la Comisión Nacional de Mejora Regulatoria (Conamer) debe analizar y, en su caso, palomear el nuevo esquema. En diciembre se aprobó la reforma al sistema de pensiones para los trabajadores del IMSS, la...

Perú. Es falso que se pueda garantizar la devolución del 100% de los aportesa la ONP y AFP, como ofrece Pepe Luna

El 7 de febrero el candidato al Congreso de la República por el partido Podemos Perú, José Luna Gálvez, realizó un video en Facebook, el cual cuenta con más de 3.4 millones de reproducciones y ha sido compartido más de 6.000 veces. En esta publicación, el aspirante al Parlamento dijo: “Existen pensionistas que reciben 8 soles. El Estado Peruano está condenando a la pobreza y a la miseria a millones de aportantes a la ONP (Oficina de Normalización Previsional). Nuestra lucha...

Chile. ¿Efecto Felices y Forrados? Traspasos entre multifondos de AFP se disparan a 8,6 millones en 2020, su mayor registro en 6 años

Superintendencia de Pensiones califica de “preocupante” el riesgo que toman los afiliados en la búsqueda de ganancias de corto plazo. A su parecer, una estrategia de cambios frecuentes buscando una rentabilidad más inmediata conllevaría un riesgo relevante para la pensión. “El 79,5% y el 78,2% de los afiliados que ha realizado traspasos ha tenido un peor desempeño en su estrategia, que si se hubiera quedado en el fondo original o en la estrategia por defecto, respectivamente“, afirma la entidad,...

México. Afores administran 4.7 billones de pesos: Consar

Los activos netos del sistema de las administradoras de fondos para el retiro (afores) sumaron 4 billones 709,808 millones de pesos, al cierre del 2020, de acuerdo con información de la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar). El órgano regulador especificó que esto es un incremento anual real de 14.5%; con lo que el sistema de afores tiene una participación de 20.4% en el Producto Interno Bruto (PIB). En este sentido, al cierre de 2020, en el...

Underfunded and Under Pressure, U.S. Pensions to Keep Investing in China

U.S. state pension funds that invested in Ant Group Co. were stung when the financial technology firm’s initial public offering was suddenly pulled on orders of China’s president. But few of these investors are swearing off Chinese private markets, where they still hope to reap big returns. Read also US Corporate Pension Funded Ratio Climbs to 89.8% in January Shock waves rippled through the investment world when China halted the initial public offering of Ant, which would have been the world’s...

Spain Counts on Citizens to Buy Into Revolution for Pensions

Spain is hoping to entice people to prepare for retirement with a voluntary saving plan as it tries to wean them off relying solely on state pensions. The aim is to set up a fund run by private investment companies by the end of the year, offering Spaniards an affordable alternative to supplement their public pension. But unlike some other countries, the system will require workers to opt in rather than being automatically enrolled. “We think there’s a group of middle-...