December 2021

México. Las Afores participarán en proyectos ASG

México. Las Afores participarán en proyectos ASG

A partir del próximo 1 de enero, todos los ahorros para el retiro de los trabajadores mexicanos serán invertidos con un mayor enfoque en proyectos que tengan un impacto positivo en lo ambiental, social y gobierno corporativo (ASG). Las Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Afores) serán los primeros inversionistas institucionales en México que a partir del 2022 estarán regulados o de alguna manera obligados a invertir en empresas y proyectos que cumplan con la certificación ASG. Estas administradoras son las...

México. Bajan las comisiones de las AFORES en 2022, ¿Cómo beneficia esto a tus ahorros?

En octubre pasado se aprobó una reducción en las comisiones de administración (es decir, la cuota que pagas para que manejen tu dinero) de las AFORES en México a partir del siguiente año. El monto promedio de las comisiones anuales de las AFORES durante 2021 fue de 0.808% y bajarán hasta 0.566% en 2022. Si bien puede parecer una reducción poco significativa, es bastante beneficiosa para las y los ahorradores en el largo plazo. Tus ahorros para el retiro permanecen...

UK. Platforms must help advisers reduce carbon footprints

Platforms must explore ways to support advisers in their digital and sustainable goals, M&G Wealth’s sales director has said. Justin Blower told FTAdviser UK platforms needed to keep up the momentum in their digitisation and automation strategies, as hybrid advice becomes more important in a post-pandemic world and the UK government increasingly prioritises carbon neutrality in the wake of Cop26. “Generally, advice firms have embraced portals and technology that allow them to service clients remotely,” said Blower. “And many more clients...

US. New Lifetime Annuities in 401(k) Plans Could Cut Advisors Out of the Picture

One of the primary reasons many retirees seek out financial advice is to convert their savings into a steady stream of income that can support their current lifestyles for the rest of their days. That’s why, to some advisors, the news this November that State Street Global Advisors launched a deferred lifetime income annuity within the University of California’s retirement plan could seem unsettling. That retirement plan has $35 billion in assets that advisors might not be able to manage...

ETF investors want impact with ESG allocations, survey finds

Investors are aligning themselves with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) when allocating to ESG, according to a survey conducted by ETF Stream and Amundi. The survey of 105 investors across Europe, which featured in a report of initial findings titled ETF Scan: The Big Picture, found 35% of respondents said they want ESG exposure linked to either impact or the 17 SDGs, the most across all responses. This highlights the use case for thematic ETFs which can offer targeted...

Choice Overload? Participation and Asset Allocation in French Employer-Sponsored Saving Plans

By Marie Briere, James M. Poterba & Ariane Szafarz This paper employs administrative data from one of the largest plan providers in France to investigate the role of plan and default characteristics in affecting whether employees participate in the plan and whether they accept its default investment option. The dataset includes information on the saving choices of 680,392 active employees at 1,610 firms. French employers have wide discretion in structuring employee saving plans. All plans must offer medium-term investments, which...

What Drives Variation in Investor Portfolios? Evidence from Retirement Plans

By Mark Egan, Alexander MacKay & Hanbin Yang We study empirical patterns in investment behavior using a comprehensive data set of defined contribution plans. Using plan-level portfolio allocation data for the near universe of 401(k) plans over the period 2009-2019, we document substantial differences in investment behavior across plans. Plans with wealthier and more educated participants tend to have higher equity exposure while plans with more retirees and minorities tend to have lower equity exposure. These patterns cannot be explained...

Green Finance: A Shift Towards Sustainable Economic Growth

By Bazgha Khan & Noria Farooqui Green finance refers to the financial arrangements that are specific to the utilization for projects that are environmentally sustainable or projects that adopt the aspects of global climate change. It’s to extend the level of financial flows from banking, micro-credit, insurance and investment, the public, private and not-for-profit sectors to sustainable development priorities. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has been working to align financial systems to the 2030 sustainable development agenda to direct financial flows...

Los fondos de inversión sostenibles: una alternativa a la inversión tradicional

Por Inés María de la Cruz Castellano En los últimos años la tendencia hacia la sostenibilidad, la responsabilidad, la conciencia ambiental y la diversidad de recursos renovables ha llevado al mundo a perspectivas económicas impensables años atrás. La política y la economía se han unido para dirigir la sociedad hacia una perspectiva que busca salvaguardar nuestro planeta, el cual nos proporciona vida a través de su clima, sus recursos y sus seres vivos. Es por ello que se están enfocando...

Cambios demográficos y adultos mayores como parte de la fuerza laboral

Por Crasnia de las Mercedes Rivera Bravo El presente artículo visibiliza las alarmantes proyecciones del envejecimiento de la población en el mundo, y describe estudios sobre capacidades y limitaciones de los adultos mayores asociadas a trastornos musculoesqueléticos, postura mantenida de pie y estimulación mental. Considerando el trabajo como un factor determinante para la vejez, se indican recomendaciones de organismos internacionales sobre la importancia de promover un estilo de vida saludable y trabajo sostenible. Existe una gran necesidad de modificar los procesos...