January 2022

The Asymmetry in Responsible Investing Preferences

By Jacquelyn Humphrey, Shimon Kogan, Jacob Sagi & Laura Starks We design an experiment to understand how social preferences affect investment decisions through stock allocations and probability assessments. The major preference channel is asymmetric in social outcomes – although negative and positive responsible investment (RI) externalities have the same magnitudes, negative externalities have greater impact on investment choices. The effect is persistent, but heterogenous. We also find asymmetries in belief formation and learning constitute a secondary channel. Overall, our results...

Did Pandemic Unemployment Benefits Reduce Employment? Evidence from Early State-Level Expirations in June 2021

By Harry J. Holzer, R. Glenn Hubbard & Michael R. Strain The generosity of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits was expanded during the pandemic (FPUC), along with the groups of workers eligible for benefits (PUA). These two programs were set to expire in September 2021, but 18 states opted out of both in June 2021. Using Current Population Survey data, we present difference-in-difference and event study estimates that the flow of unemployed workers into employment increased by around two-thirds following early...

Avances y retos sobre la gestión corporativa en asuntos ASG en Latinoamérica

Por KPMG Desde su primera edición en 1993, el informe revela que desde entonces han ocurrido cambios drásticos en cuanto a la relevancia que han cobrado los aspectos ASG (ambientales, sociales y de gobierno corporativo) para las compañías en el contexto actual. Además de los resultados globales, presentamos un acercamiento especial al contexto latinoamericano, incluyendo información de Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, México, Panamá y Perú. El documento entrega una visión detallada de las tendencias globales y regionales en sostenibilidad, a...

Los grandes debates en torno a los sistemas de pensiones

Por María Ascensión Morales Ramírez Después de los resultados evidenciados en el primer lustro del siglo XXI, en torno a las reformas en materia de pensiones de la década de los noventa y la aproximación entre las visiones antagónicas de los organismos internacionales protagonistas, se vislum-braba que las tendencias a futuro, serían, por un lado, modelos multipilares con un com-ponente contributivo mixto (reparto y capitalización individual) y, por otro lado, la revisión de los objetivos, principios, funciones y sostenibilidad del...

Dividendos demográficos y crecimiento económico en América Latina. Un equilibrio de trampa de ingresos medio y bajo

Por Ignacio Apella El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar el posible alcance de un equilibrio de trampa de ingresos medios y bajos para los países de América Latina debido a la transición demográfica. A partir de la utilización de datos de panel con 16 países durante el período 1970-2014 se identifica una contribución significativa del primer dividendo demográfico al crecimiento del PBI per cápita. Sin embargo, dada la dinámica de la tasa de fecundidad, existe un riesgo de alcance...

Germans see pandemic, pensions as biggest topics for 2022-poll

Germans want their new government to focus on fighting the coronavirus pandemic and safeguarding pensions in 2022, with fewer people wanting them to prioritise the climate crisis, an opinion poll showed on Sunday. The survey by pollsters Insa for the Bild am Sonntag newspaper showed that 61% of the 2,004 people questioned think combating the pandemic is the most important task of the government, followed by securing pensions. Germans also want the government to deal with a shortage of staff...

Private climate investment needs to get intentional about gender and equity — here’s how

By Suzanne Biegel The private capital committed by members of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) has the potential to transform climate investments. Yet climate investment decision-makers don’t reflect the diversity we need for a just transition. They are therefore likely to overlook the women outside of their networks driving many solutions. Read also ESG Investing Is Not Sustainable Investing This is true in both developed and developing markets. Growing research shows that having more women in decision-making positions results...

Why having so much pension money became a headache for Iceland

This is one of those first world problems that we would like to have in Latin American countries: “I don’t know what to do with so much money.” Although it is a cartoon, the truth is that Iceland’s pension system, which has been listed as one of the most successful in the world, has such a gigantic amount of resources that there is now a debate in the country about what is the best way to invest those funds. With assets...

December 2021

US. Gig Economy Retirement Planning

Gig workers, like everyone else, deserve a pension. Freelancers, contract workers, self-employed, temp workers, on-call employees, and individuals with side hustles make up a significant component of our economy. Currently, 57 million Americans are estimated to be gig workers. Since March of last year, freelancing and gig marketplaces like Gigspot and Upwork have reported growth in users. Freelancers may make up half of US employment by 2023. Statista reported data from a 2018 poll in January indicating 27% of full-time...

Pension And Sovereign Wealth Funds Eye Crypto As Regulators Focus On A Global Crypto Framework

Nothing indicates the ascendance of an asset in the financial system more than a pension fund investing in it. It is the ultimate signal of arrival. The Houston Firefighters’ Relief and Retirement Fund (HFRRF) announced in 2021 that it was investing $25 million in bitcoin, the first time a U.S. pension fund invested in cryptocurrencies. The HFRRF investment is in collaboration with NYDIG through a customized private fund managed by NYDIG, the cryptoasset manager that just completed a $1 billion...