February 2022

Pension Systems and Sustainability: Japan

By United Nations With 297 trillion yen ($2,854 billion) in assets, the Japanese pension system is the third largest in the world.1 Between public and private providers, some 54% of assets are managed by PRI asset owner signatories, a higher proportion than in Australia, the US and the UK. This report builds on ideas set out in the PRI briefing ‘Sustainable Finance Policy in Japan’, published in October 2020, providing an overview of the Japanese system and its key sustainability...

Assessing the Macroeconomic Impact of Structural Reforms in Ukraine

Assessing the Macroeconomic Impact of Structural Reforms in Ukraine

By Anil Ari & Gabor Pula Ukraine’s economic performance has been anemic since the early 1990s. A major impediment to productivity growth has been low investment, held back by lack of strong and independent institutions. This paper aims to assess the major areas of institutional weakness in Ukraine and quantify the long-term growth impact of catching-up to Poland in terms of the quality of major economic institutions and market development. Our analysis identifies the legal system as the area where...

GEPF Annual Report 2020/2021

By GEPF Economic environment The financial year ending 31 March 2021, was a ‘tale of two worlds’, with strong recovery from developed financial markets being contrasted by weak economic growth in most emerging markets. This effect was also mirrored by the divergence in vaccination rates between developed and emerging markets. Locally, the picture has been familiar. There was very strong growth in financial markets, however, this needs to be contrasted by the stark economic climate in South Africa. The impact...

Racial Wealth Disparities: Reconsidering the Roles of Human Capital and Inheritance

By John Edward Sabelhaus, Jeffrey P. Thompson In this paper, we present updated measures of racial disparities in wealth using the most recent data from the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), augmented by household-level estimates of defined benefit (DB) pension wealth developed by Sabelhaus and Volz (2020). Including this important asset, we find that racial wealth disparities are smaller than the numbers typically discussed in other research or in the media, but the disparities remain substantial. The paper proceeds by...

Assessing Chile’s Pension System: Challenges and Reform Options

By Christopher Evans & Samuel Pienknagura Chile’s pension system came under close scrutiny in recent years. This paper takes stock of the adequacy of the system and highlights its challenges. Chile’s defined contribution system was quite influential when introduced, and was taken as an example by other countries. However, it is now delivering low replacement rates relative to OECD peers, as its parameters did not adapt over time to changing demographics and global returns, while informality persists in the labor...

Reporte de Monitoreo de las Pensiones No Contributivas 2º trimestre 2021

Reporte de Monitoreo de las Pensiones No Contributivas 2º trimestre 2021

Por Argentina Presidencia,  Consejo Nacional de Políticas sociales y SIEMPRO Al 2º trimestre de 2021 había 1.467.759 titulares de Pensiones No Contributivas (PNC), con un leve incremento de 2,3% respecto al trimestre anterior. En términos interanuales, la cobertura creció 4,5%. • Las Pensiones por Invalidez representan 74,9% del total de PNC y crecieron 3,1% en la cobertura respecto al trimestre anterior, con 33.506 titulares más. En términos absolutos es el tipo de pensión que tuvo mayor incremento. Este tipo de PNC...

Morningstar’s Annual Target-Date Strategy Landscape

Morningstar’s Annual Target-Date Strategy Landscape

By  MorningStar The coronavirus pandemic presented the biggest challenge for target-date strategies since the financial crisis of 2008. Target-date strategies play a central role in many Americans' retirement success by often serving as the default investment option in their defined-contribution retirement plans. Although targetdate performance rebounded sharply from the first quarter’s bear market, the fallout from the economic shock continued to weigh on investor contributions throughout the year. In this report, we examine the impact of the economic uncertainty created by the pandemic on...

Pension Markets in Focus 2021

Pension Markets in Focus 2021

By OECD Pension Markets in Focus provides detailed and comparable statistics on retirement savings around the world. This annual statistical report contributes to the effort of making data on retirement savings available, as the OECD Core Principles of Private Pension Regulation advocates for, to enable regulators and stakeholders to evaluate the design and operation of the pension system relative to its goals. These statistics can support policy discussions through international comparisons and peer learning, and are the basis of policy...


Principios Para La Inversión Responsable

Por: PRI Creemos que un sistema financiero global económicamente eficiente y sostenible es una necesidad para la creación de valor a largo plazo. Este sistema recompensará la inversión responsable a largo plazo y beneficiará tanto al medio ambiente como a la sociedad en conjunto. El PRI trabajará en pro de lograr establecer este sistema financiero global y sostenible incentivando la adopción de los Principios y la colaboración para su aplicación, promoviendo el buen gobierno corporativo, la integridad y la rendición de...

De la crisis del paradigma salarial clásico a la consolidación de un nuevo patrón de relaciones laborales en Argentina

Por Sonia Balza El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los alcances y límites del concepto de sector informal urbano y el advenimiento de la noción de precariedad laboral, para el caso argentino. También trabajaremos sobre la noción de deslaborización, en tanto apela a la crisis del paradigma salarial clásico, que es provocado por la paulatina ruptura del binomio seguridad jurídica-dependencia económica. Este trabajo tiene la doble intención de, por una parte, repasar la tradición estructuralista a través del concepto...