July 2020

Older South Africans are taking their wealth and pensions offshore

In the current precarious economic climate, South African residents over age 55, who invested in retirement annuities (RAs), preservation funds or pensions, are increasingly transferring their investments to living annuities with offshore equity exposure. Read also Greece’s supreme court rules for reimbursement of pension cuts Claudia Mendes, international financial planner at Sable International, considers the argument for going offshore. South African residents find themselves investing in a country that has a concentration of resource stocks and a volatile currency. With...

Australia. Low income earners get further support

Millions of Australians on pensions and low incomes are about to get cash hits from the government, which it hopes will give another boost to the coronavirus-hit economy. The second round of $750 payments for pensioners, veterans and carers will start going into people's bank accounts from Monday. It goes to about five million Australians at a cost of $3.8 billion. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg anticipates many will spend the money on everyday expenses like groceries, rent and bills. "This...

US. Public pension funds in an era of low rates and COVID-19

What is the most prudent strategy for state and local governments confronting low returns on pension investments, aging workforces, and pressure to build portfolios large enough to cover promised future benefits at the same time that these governments face other pressing demands? Presentations at the 2020 Municipal Finance Conference provide contrasting answers to this question. Louise Sheiner and Finn Schuele of the Hutchins Center at Brookings with co-authors Byron Lutz of the Federal Reserve Board and...

Understanding the Greater Diffusion of Mobile Money Innovations in Africa

By Simplice Asongu, Nicholas Biekpe, Danny Cassimon The present research extends Lashitew, van Tulder and Liasse (2019, RP) in order to understand the greater diffusion of mobile money innovations in Africa. To make this assessment, a comparative analysis is engaged between sampled African countries and the corresponding sampled developing countries. Three main types of predictor groups are used for the study, namely: demand, supply and macro-level factors. The empirical evidence is based on Tobit regressions. The tested hypothesis is...

Environmental Concerns and Financial Performance: Evidence from the EU Regulatory Framework

By Ricardo Correia, Carmen Mendoza, Nuria Suárez We analyze the impact of carbon and greenhouse gas emissions on firms’ accounting and market performance. Over a sample of 115 non-financial firms from 9 European countries during the 2008-2016 period, our results suggest that higher volume of both country-level carbon and greenhouse emissions have, on average, a positive and statistically significant impact on firms’ accounting performance. However, no statistical effect is found in terms of stock market performance. The results are...

The big reforms that could boost retiree incomes by 30 per cent

Retiree incomes could increase by as much as 30 per cent if superannuation funds were forced to offer ‘longevity-based’ products, the Actuaries Institute has claimed. In a new paper released on Thursday, the peak professional body said Australian retirement incomes would be significantly boosted through the compulsory use of ‘longevity risk’ managing products. Read also Does early access to pension funds improve health? These products, such as lifetime annuities, are intended to provide a stable, regular income to retirees for...

EIOPA announces the new composition of its two stakeholder groups

The Board of Supervisors of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has appointed new members to the Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholder Group (IRSG) and Occupational Pensions Stakeholder Group (OPSG). The two groups consist of a broad range of stakeholders, representing the industry, consumers, beneficiaries, academics, small and medium-sized companies, employees as well as professional associations. EIOPA received considered 158 applications from 26 European countries, submitted following an open call. In its selection, EIOPA aimed to achieve geographical...

Trump’s Plan to Block Pensions From ESG Won’t Help Fossil Fuels

The U.S. Department of Labor is concerned that America’s pension fund managers don’t know what they’re doing. Read also US. Public Pensions and the COVID-19 Fiscal Dilemma That’s the rationale, at least, for the department’s newly proposed rule restricting the use of environmental, social, and governance considerations in investment decision-making. The language reaffirms the standard interpretation of fiduciary guidelines that only financial risks and returns can be considered in the management of U.S. employer-provided pension funds; “non-pecuniary goals,” for...

Banks and pension funds among investors bankrolling meat and dairy

Banks, investors and pension funds have poured billions into the world’s largest meat and dairy companies over the past five years, a new report has found. It compares the environmental impact of “‘big ag” to that of big oil. The report, published on Thursday, said private financial backing for the world’s 35 largest meat and dairy companies totalled an estimated $478bn (£380bn) between January 2015 and 30 April this year. The financing came in the form of loans, bonds...

US, Canadian Pension Funds Rebound with Markets in Q2

The funded status of the largest US corporate pension plans and Canadian defined benefit (DB) pension plans rebounded during the second quarter as resurgent equity and bond markets offset liability increases from falling interest rates. The funded status for the pension plans for 366 Fortune 1000 companies that sponsor US defined benefit pension plans increased to 82% as of June 30, from 79% at the end of the first quarter, but below the 87% at the end of 2019,...