September 2020

US. Should Pre-Retirees And Retirees Worry About The Presidential Election’s Impact On Their 401(k)?

It’s understandable if pre-retirees and retirees are nervous about the impact of the upcoming presidential election on their retirement savings, especially if they’re keeping up with the news these days. If they are, they might feel as if they’re being whipsawed between conflicting headlines they’ve read or heard in the media. For example, President Trump claims the stock market will crash if Biden is elected, but not if he himself is reelected. On the other hand, several recent news...

Poverty trap in Mexico, 1992-2016

By Eduardo Loría The paper aims to prove that between 1992 and 2016, people in poverty as a proportion of the total population has not been reduced. In particular, food poverty (FP) represented an average of 22%, despite the fact that gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and GDP, social development expenditure and food programme expenditure (both as GDP proportion) grew by 0.96%, 1.9%, 2.7% and −17.4% on an annual average, respectively. Design/methodology/approach There are non-linear relationships between...

UK universities and staff face huge jump in pension contributions

UK universities and thousands of their staff face increased annual pension costs totalling billions of pounds under proposals to plug an estimated £18bn deficit in the sector’s main retirement scheme. Read also £15bn boost if UK scraps pensions triple-lock, says think tank The £67bn Universities Superannuation Scheme, the UK’s largest private-sector pension fund, will on Monday lay out a range of options to reduce the burgeoning deficit, which was £3.6bn in 2018. Read also US. The crisis of multiemployer pension...

US. DOL´S mixed message for plan sponsors

The Labor Department is on a tear. In recent actions, it has opened the door for sponsors of defined contribution retirement plans to consider adding alternative investments such as private equity to their lineups. And it also sent a stern warning for both defined benefit and DC plan sponsors over including investments with an explicit ESG focus. More recently, it has proposed blocking an ERISA plan sponsor's ability to vote a proxy unless the issue has an economic impact on...

Greece.Pay as you go for auxiliary pensions

The government’s major social security reform will be promoted in 2021, following the necessary economic and actuarial studies and public consultation. Its main focus will be on the creation of a deposit system in auxiliary pensions. This is based on the idea that the contributions of salary workers who have just entered the system will not be used for the payment of today’s auxiliary pensions, but instead form the pension capital of each individual worker. The changes will be...

The Battle for Social Investment

By Emilio Basavilbaso Today we find different visions regarding investments in Social Welfare Policy. So far we are fine, the problem begins when we cannot listen to those who think differently. Some phenomena that are occurring in the world make this more and more complicated. We tend to associate with people who think like us and agreeing is increasingly difficult. A ¨crack¨ opens between one another, which is increasingly difficult to close. And by not knowing, we tend to...

What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture

By Ben Horowitz Henry Louis Gates Ben Horowitz, a leading venture capitalist, modern management expert, and New York Times bestselling author, combines lessons both from history and from modern organizational practice with practical and often surprising advice to help executives build cultures that can weather both good and bad times. Ben Horowitz has long been fascinated by history, and particularly by how people behave differently than you'd expect. The time and circumstances in which they were raised...

Homeownership Effect on Retirement Adequacy and Government Transfers in Australia

By John R. Evans, Abdul Razeed Whilst the concept of an asset-based welfare system developed formally in the 1950s there is evidence in Australia that the philosophy developed well before then and has continued through advantages for those able to acquire a home over those that cannot in the retirement system. The net cost to government of the retirement system has been reduced below that which would have applied had the own home asset-based welfare system not been introduced....

How to Improve Mobile Money Service Usage and Adoption by Nigerians in the Era of COVID-19

By Joseph E Tonuchi The paper aims to investigate how to improve mobile money service adoption and usage by Nigerians during the era of COVID-19 by examining the challenges faced by mobile money users in Nigeria. The study used a mixed method to sample 300 targeted informal sector operators offline using questionnaires and 200 respondents online (ardent digital products users) using Google form. In reaching the targeted online sample, the study distributed the google form through social media while...

ESG Investing: Theory, Evidence, and Fiduciary Principles

By Max M. Schanzenbach, Robert H. Sitkoff Trustees and other investment fiduciaries of pensions, charities, and personal trusts, and those who advise them, face increasing pressure to rely on ESG factors in the investment management of tens of trillions of dollars of other people’s money. At the same time, however, confusion abounds about the intersection of fiduciary principles and ESG investing. This article cuts through that confusion to provide guidance about when and how ESG investing by trustees and...