September 2021

Social Protection in Lebanon Bridging the Immediate Response With Long- Term Priorities

By Unicef, ILO, & Beyond Since the Beirut Port explosion in August 2020 the social protection debate has been focused on the immediate and short-term response. Building on ongoing efforts for the development of a national social protection strategy for Lebanon, it is important to align the emergency response with medium term priorities and a longer-term vision for the sector. This paper serves to complement the Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF)1. It draws on the findings of various assessments in...

2020 Annual Impact Investor Survey

By Dean Hand, Hannah Dithrich, Sophia Sunderji & Noshin Nova (GIIN Research Team) The 10th edition of the Global Impact Investing Network’s (GIIN) Annual Impact Investor Survey reflects insights from 294 respondents that collectively manage USD 404 billion of impact investing assets. Respondents shared their investment activity for the year ending 2019 and their plans for 2020, their reflections on developments over the past decade, and their views of future challenges facing the market. The report also includes longitudinal analysis...

August 2021

Índice Mundial de Pensiones de Mercer y el CFA Institute

Por Mercer & CFA Insititute Resulta fundamental garantizar la seguridad financiera de los individuos y las sociedades durante la jubilación, ya que la mayoría de los países se enfrentan actualmente a los efectos sociales, económicos y financieros del envejecimiento de la población. En 2020, estas cuestiones se han acentuado debido al COVID-19; sin embargo, no solo la pandemia y el envejecimiento de la población representan retos para los sistemas de pensiones de todo el mundo. El entorno económico actual, con...

Social Security Wealth, Inequality, and Life-cycle Saving: An Update

By John Sabelhaus, & Alice Henriques Volz Social Security wealth (SSW) is the present value of future benefits an individual will receive less the present value of future taxes they will pay. When an individual enters the labor force, they generally face a lifetime of taxes to pay before they will receive any benefits and, thus, their initial SSW is generally low or negative. As an individual works and pays into the system their SSW grows and generally peaks somewhere...

July 2021

The Informal Economy and Economic Growth of Russia

By Minhyeon Jeong The size of the Russian informal economy has attenuated since 2014. However, there are a host of workers involved in economic exercises in the informal sector, and a handful of industries seems to rely on the informal economy too-much intensively. This manuscript takes a brief look at several issues going around the concept of the informal economy, then overviews the Russian informal economy and foresees its growth implications. Source: SSRN 260 views

Designing the Best Solution for Retirement

By Robert C. Merton In March 2020, Robert Powell, Retirement Management Journal editor-in-chief; Zvi Bodie, PhD, president of Bodie Associates and the Norman and Adele Barron Professor Emeritus of Management at Boston University; and Stacy Schaus, founder and chief executive officer of Schaus Group LLC, spoke with Merton about retirement solutions for the twenty-first century working and middle classes, fintech, and solving for the right problems. Source: SSRN 296 views

Informalidad laboral y sus consecuencias políticas en América Latina

Por Andy Baker, Sarah Berens, Germán Feierherd & Irene Menéndez González La informalidad es una realidad extremadamente común e importante en América Latina. Los trabajos, los servicios financieros y la propiedad de los hogares de millones de ciudadanos en América Latina son informales—lo cual quiere decir que no son regulados por el estado. Las consecuencias materiales de este fenómeno son bien conocidas en el campo de economía: la informalidad condena a muchos trabajadores a ingresos bajos y precarios con mínima...

Remaking Retirement: Debt in an Aging Economy

By  Olivia Mitchell & Annamaria Lusardi Around the world, people nearing and entering retirement are holding ever-greater levels of debt than in the past. This is not a benign situation, as many pre-retirees and retirees are stressed about their indebtedness. Moreover, this growth in debt among the older population may render retirees vulnerable to financial shocks, medical care bills, and changes in interest rates. Contributors to this volume explore key aspects of the rise in debt across older cohorts, drill down...

June 2021

Panorama Anual de Inclusión Financiera

Por CNBV La inclusión financiera es un facilitador clave para reducir la pobreza e impulsar la prosperidad; permite que las personas y las empresas tengan acceso y utilicen productos y servicios financieros para satisfacer sus necesidades (transacciones, pagos, ahorros, créditos y seguros), y que sean entregados de manera responsable y sostenible. El acceso y uso de productos y servicios financieros facilitan la vida diaria y ayudan a las familias y empresas a planificar, desde metas a largo plazo hasta emergencias inesperadas....

May 2021

Integrating Social Insurance and Social Assistance Programs for the Future World of Labor

By Robert J. Palacios, David A. Robalino Given the prevalence of informal labor, most countries have combined contributory social insurance programs (pensions, unemployment benefits, and health insurance), with non-contributory insurance programs and several types of "safety nets." All of these programs involve different types of subsidies and taxes, sometimes implicit. Because of design problems and the lack of coordination/integration between programs, these subsidies/taxes tend to cause four problems: 1) they can reduce incentives to contribute to mandatory insurance programs and...