January 2019

Japan. Face challenges of a shrinking, aging population

The latest population estimate by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, released late last month, points to the accelerating decline of Japan’s population with ever fewer births. The number of babies born in this country in 2018 is estimated at 921,000 — down 25,000 from the previous year and falling short of 1 million for the third year in a row. The lowest annual number of births on record since the government began taking comparable statistics in 1899 was...

UK. Local government workers to receive increased pensions protections

Consultation to look at strengthening pensions protections for local government staff who have had their roles outsourced. Public sector workers will receive increased pensions protections in the event their job is outsourced, in proposals published today (10 January 2019). The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is consulting on reforms to ensure local government workers whose roles are compulsorily transferred to independent providers, retain the right to remain in the Local Government Pension Scheme. Under the reforms, transferred...

Perú. AFP: Afiliados podrán hasta quintuplicar su fondo en caso de invalidez

Giovanna Prialé, presidenta de la Asociación de AFP, señala cuáles son los requisitos mínimos que debe cumplir un afiliado para que pueda acceder a este beneficio. Si usted está afiliado al Sistema Privado de Pensiones ( SPP ) y aporta mes a mes debe haber notado que, además del 10% que le descuentan de su sueldo para su fondo individual y la comisión por administración, se le descuenta 1.35% por Seguro de Invalidez, Sobrevivencia y Gastos de Sepelio. Este...

UK. Nine key pensions issues that will hit the headlines in 2019

2019 promises plenty of developments that will keep trustees, employers and advisers busy. From Brexit to superfunds, pension professionals will have to grapple with new legislation, consultations and revised guidance. In this update, we outline nine key pension issues that are likely to dominate the pensions landscape this year, plus some other developments to look out for. Nine key pension issues for 2019 1. Brexit means Brexit, but what will it mean for pensions? At 11pm on 29 March 2019, the UK...

Trends that will shape Nigeria’s investment landscape in 2019

Looking into 2019, Sigma Pensions say they expect Nigeria's investment landscape to be shaped by lower oil prices, the pace of monetary policy normalisation in developed markets and Nigeria's 2019 elections. Pabina Yinkere, Chief Investment Officer for Sigma Pensions joins CNBC Africa to discuss how investors should navigate the investment landscape this year Watch the full video here Source: @CNBCAfrica

Australia. Investors increasing fixed income allocations

New research has found that fixed income is set to experience a spike over the new twelve months among institutional investors.  BlackRock’s annual survey of global institutional investors found that 38 per cent of investors intended to increase their fixed income allocations, up 9 percentage points from 29 per cent last year. BlackRock’s global head of institutional client business Edwin Conway said that as the economic cycle turned private markets would help clients to navigate the challenging environment. “We have...

US. How to Prevent Market Dips From Tanking Your Retirement

For those with decades until retirement, the market’s swings are just a part of the investing process. As long as your asset allocation is in line with your risk tolerance, you can more or less sit back, ignore daily movements and turn off CNN when things get rocky. But for new retirees and those just a few years away, a tanking market is a scarier prospect.If that’s you, you need to start moving some of your assets around to a...

Brasil. Bolsonaro incluirá un régimen de capitalización en la reforma de pensiones

"Creo que un sistema de capitalización, como estamos diseñándolo, es algo bastante más robusto, es más difícil, el costo de transición es alto, pero estamos trabajando para las futuras generaciones", anunció el ministro de Economía Paulo Guedes. El ministro de Economía de Brasil, Paulo Guedes, anunció hoy que el Gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro incluirá la creación de un régimen de capitalización individual en el proyecto que enviará al Congreso para reformar el sistema de pensiones. "Creo que un sistema...

Táctica De Política. Pequeños Cambios Para Mejorar la Gerencia Pública

Por Oliver Meza (Centro de Investigación y Doncencia Económicas) & Carlos Moreno Jaimes (Instituto Tecnólogico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente) No poca bibliografía apunta las dificultades políticas, presupuestales y de organización, que tiene la administración pública en México. Sin embargo, no se ha observado ni de manera sistemática ni suficiente las formas existentes para hacer frente a esas barreras. ¿Qué tipo de acciones tienen los gerentes públicos en sus repertorios para incrementar la eficacia de los programas que administran?...

Malestar, acción colectiva y movimientos sociales en Chile (2001-2017)

Por Francisco Iván Sotomayor López (Escuela de Trabajo Social Universidad de Valparaíso) El objetivo del texto es reflexionar críticamente sobre los profundos cambios a nivel de los discursos políticos dominantes presentes en las primeras décadas de este siglo en Chile, lo que ha permitido disputar ciertas hegemonías históricas. Metodología: estudio descriptivo de carácter teórico y reflexivo, con la revisión previa de la literatura sobre los movimientos sociales, colectivos y acciones de protesta. Resultados: Se concluye que la incapacidad...