January 2019

Canada’s vast pension fund is sticking with China even as political tensions mount

Investment strategies involving China are coming under scrutiny amid political and security-related conflicts between Beijing and major Western economies, as well as a predicted growth slowdown for the world's second-largest economy. But Canada's massive pension fund, among the world's top 10 in terms of size, is sticking to plans to expand its holdings there. Mark Machin, president and chief executive of Canada's Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), sees the country's potential to diversify his portfolio as outweighing any shorter-term...

México. Afores muestran cautela en mercado accionario

Las inversiones en renta variable local fue de 6.6% a noviembre, por debajo del 10% permitido. Poca oferta, una estricta regulación y la incertidumbre en los mercados hace que las administradoras de fondos para el retiro (afores) pierdan el apetito por las acciones en el mercado bursátil nacional. “Desde que Donald Trump juró como presidente de Estados Unidos en enero del 2017, los mercados internacionales han estado presionados y las afores se han reservado sus inversiones en renta variable”,...

Bolivia. Pensión de jubilados sube en 4% y Renta Dignidad en Bs 50

Jubilados recibirán un aumento adicional al ajuste de rentas que se hace con la variación de UFV. La Renta Dignidad sube desde junio. El Gobierno determinó un incremento del 4% en las rentas de los jubilados para este año y de 50 bolivianos adicionales en la Renta Dignidad desde junio, informó el ministro de Economía y Finanzas Públicas, Mario Guillén. Luego de una reunión sostenida por el presidente del Estado, Evo Morales, autoridades del área económica y la Confederación Nacional...

Micro-pensions can boost security for India’s elderly poor

Only 4 per cent households were covered under widow pension, 2 per cent retirement pension and 1.5 per cent under disability pension. India is home to one-fifth of the world’s population which includes a third of the world’s poor and one-eighth of the world’s elderly. Most of them spend their whole lives as informal workers and have no retirement security other than the hope that their children will care for them in their old age. This arrangement worked well...

Protect your pension pots from investment scams and negligent trustees: UK government

The Insolvency Service is warning people to guard their pension savings from investment scammers and negligent trustees. Since 2015, the Insolvency Service has applied to the courts to wind-up 24 companies that have carried out a form of pension misuse. The pension misuse varies from convincing people to access their pensions and invest in unregulated schemes to pension trustees not carrying out their duties properly. The Insolvency Service has estimated that there have been close to 3,750 victims connected to...

US. NYC Mayor de Blasio Proposes City-Sponsored Retirement Plan

If the federal government can’t get it done and you live in a state is slow to adopt, maybe your city will step up (what’s next, neighborhoods?). New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio recently delivered his State of the City Address. Among the proliferation of payouts Hizzoner promised in city spending was his plan to provide “retirement security for all” in a city-sponsored retirement plan. “Fewer than half of all working New Yorkers have access to a plan...

Migration, Remittances and Brexit: European Labor Market Integration and Its Effects on Inequality and Convergence

By Pawel Langer (New York University) & Laszlo Tetenyi (New York University) The increase in migration from Eastern to Western Europe after their accession to the European Union (EU) in 2004 resulted in a large increase in remittances to New Member States (NMS) and were comparable in size to FDI or EU funds. This paper adds to the literature by analyzing the impact of remittances and migration jointly, rather than separately, on the integration of EU economies and their implications...

Retirement Savings Adequacy in U.S. Defined Contribution Plans

By Francisco Gomes (London Business School), Kenton Hoyem (Financial Engines, Inc.), Wei-Yin Hu (Financial Engines, Inc.), Enrichetta Ravina (Kellogg School of Management) We evaluate retirement savings adequacy in the U.S. using a large panel dataset comprising the contribution rates, salary, tenure, account value, plan features and asset allocations of more than 300 thousand US workers with a 401(k) account. Our simulations account for medical expenditure, longevity, and investment risks, and realistically model the likelihood of withdrawals due to hardship, job...

México. Aumentar aportaciones y un sistema universal, propuestas para afores

Se debe abordar la pensión no contributiva, la universal y el programa de 65 y más. A lo largo del último sexenio, diversas organizaciones han presentado sus propuestas para mejorar el sistema de pensiones y la mayoría coincide en la necesidad de aumentar las aportaciones de 6.5% y de tener un sistema universal. Entre las propuestas más recientes se encuentra la del Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas (IMEF), la cual sugiere que las aportaciones pasen de 6.5 a...

Chile. Coordinadora NO + AFP solicita indagar a agentes de Provida que pagaban por traspasos de cotizantes

La instancia ciudadana pidió a la Contraloría General de República que oficie al superintendente de Pensione, para que entregue a la fiscalía la información de los involucrados en las prácticas irregulares. La Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores NO+AFP presentó una petición a la Contraloría General de la República para que se den a conocer los nombres y apellidos de los directores y ejecutivos de AFP Provida, que eventualmente incurrieron en el delito de corrupción. Recordemos que en diciembre pasado, la Superintendencia...