February 2019

Australia. We need generational change on retirement incomes

Most retirees are better off than we previously thought. Public policy should reflect this. It's been a quarter of a century since the Keating government introduced a retirement-income package in 1992 and Vince Fitzgerald reported on national savings in 1993. For a generation, Australian retirement incomes policy has been dominated by their assumptions.We've had a generation of policy thinkers who assumed that people won't have enough money in retirement. Many fear retirees will be financially insecure, and...

Miles marchan por reforma de pensiones en España

Miles de personas se movilizaron contra un real decreto aprobado por el Gobierno español acerca del régimen de pensiones. Las principales ciudades de España fueron el escenario de masivas movilizaciones encabezadas por el sector de los jubilados, quienes a pesar de las bajas temperaturas marcharon este sábado para exigir pensiones dignas. En ciudades como Madrid, Barcelona o Sevilla se podían leer frases en pancartas, como “Perdón por vivir tanto”, “Viejo Sí, Tonto No”, “Pensiones dignas” o “Fuera recortes”, expresando la indignación de este segmento de la población contra una política de jubilación que no...

México. Solo el 30 por ciento de los mexicanos cuentan con educación financiera

La falta de conocimientos financieros básicos puede representar un riesgo para el patrimonio de la sociedad En México sólo el 30 por ciento de la población cuenta con educación financiera, mientras que en países como Suecia, Noruega y Dinamarca es el 71 por ciento, en Canadá es el 68 por ciento de su población, y en Reino Unido los porcentajes se elevan a un 67 por ciento.Según el estudio de Educación Financiera en México, de la Oficina de Información...

México. Los grandes cambios que te abrirán la puerta a una jubilación anticipada

Revisar tu cartera de fondos  antes de llegar a tu edad para dejar de trabajar puede ayudar a incrementar tus beneficios. Helen, una ciudadana de 53 años que vive en Australia, cree que se jubiló más tarde de lo que debería aunque eso no le ha impedido sacar el máximo rédito posible a sus ahorros. "Podríamos habernos jubilado antes. No estoy segura sobre lo que pensará mi marido, pero no quiero trabajar hasta mi edad de jubilación", afirma esta ciudadana. Es gente como...

Thousands of Spaniards protest for better pensions in Madrid

Thousands of older Spaniards are marching through downtown Madrid to demand better public pensions.Many protesters on Saturday held up homemade signs, including some that read “We are all pensioners” and “I’m old, not stupid.”Retiree groups and unions have held protests across Spain during recent months to demand that the government make sure that pension payouts rise in line with inflation. They argue that the 0.25 percent increase in 2017 was insufficient.Isabel Perez, 67, says “this is a fight that...

New Zealand. Time to address our rapidly ageing population

It's time for the Government to muster the courage to introduce policies appropriate for a rapidly ageing population, argues the University of Auckland's Dr M. Claire DaleThe Retirement Commissioner has a statutory obligation to produce a report on retirement income policies every three years. This year’s review has had little fanfare so far and the terms of reference have only just been released. The report is expected by December 2019, which allows little time to properly examine the pressing issue of...

Nigeria. N8.4trn Pension investment to promote industry – PENCOM

The National Pension Commission (PenCom) has clarified that pension funds are not lent out but invested in FGN Bonds, Treasury Bills and other financial instruments yielding profit over time.The funds which stood as at N8, 499,891.97 trillion as at November 2018 have depleted through borrowing to corporate entities, states among others.A document exclusively obtained from PenCom by Blueprint showed the FGN Bonds gulped N4, 439,561.29 trillion, representing 52.23 per cent of the total amount, while investments in Treasury Bills amounted to...

Pensions at Work: Socially Responsible Investment of Union-Based Pension Funds

By Jack Quarter,‎ Isla Carmichael,‎ Sherida Ryan Pension funds have come to play an increasingly important role within the new economy. According to Statistics Canada, in 2006, trusteed pension funds in Canada had $836 billion of assets and represented the savings of 4.6 million Canadian workers. Pensions at Work is a unique collection of papers that uses a labour perspective to deal with the socially responsible investment of pension funds. Featuring leading Canadian and international scholars, it builds on existing scholarship on...

State Automatic Enrollment IRAs After the Trump Election: Are They Preempted by ERISA?

By Kathryn L. Moore (University of Kentucky College of Law) In recent years, a number of states have sought to close the retirement savings funding gap by enacting legislation mandating that employers that do not sponsor a voluntary pension plan for their employees automatically enroll their employees in a state-administered IRA program. This article focuses on the most serious legal challenge these programs face: ERISA preemption.  The article begins by providing an overview of the state automatic enrollment IRA programs....

Perspectives on Poverty in Europe

By Stephen P. Jenkins (London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) - Department of Social Policy and Administration; Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA); University of Essex - Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER)) I address four topics: how our capacities to monitor poverty in Europe have improved substantially over recent decades; how progress on EU poverty reduction has been disappointing and why this has been; conceptual and measurement issues; and the future direction of EU-level anti-poverty...