February 2019

US. Bosses, Beware! You’re Legally at Risk Over High 401(k) Plan Fees

Yes, CEOs have a fiduciary responsibility to their employees, and if they fail to fulfill it, the employees can sue. And win. A good 401(k) plan can be an amazing tool for helping to build your retirement nest egg. Most companies offer at least some level of employer match, and the tax deferral is a great perk. But if your 401(k) options come larded with excessive fees, it's a whole different story. In this segment from the Motley Fool...

Australia. Pensioners set for income threshold boost

Draft laws allowing pensioners to earn $300 a fortnight - up from $250 - without it hurting their welfare payments passed the first green light of parliament. Pensioners will soon be able to earn $300 a fortnight without it hurting their welfare payments under draft laws which passed the first hurdle of parliament. The proposal cleared the lower house alongside two other measures - means testing pooled-retirement-income products and allowing more older Australians to access the pension loan scheme...

España ha incrementado un 57% el gasto en pensiones desde 2008

Los Presupuestos Generales del Estado de 2019 se la juegan hoy en el Congreso de los Diputados. Los partidos debatirán las enmiendas a la totalidad presentadas por Partido Popular, Ciudadanos, PDeCat y ERC y será mañana cuando se voten en un ambiente de división de las fuerzas constitucionalistas tras la fallida negociación entre La Moncloa y el Govern y la amenaza de elecciones generales en primavera. Un pulso que deja a los 84 diputados socialistas en una posición muy...

Colombia. Las cesantías son para gastárselas, pero…

Es claro que las cesantías es dinero de todos los trabaja-dores y que cada quien se las gasta como quiera, pero debe haber un principio de seguridad Esta semana se termina la temporada de las cesantías que obliga a los empresarios a pagar más $5,5 billones a sus trabajadores como una suerte de blindaje para cuando lleguen las épocas de vacas flacas. La idea inicial de la ley es que todo trabajador tuviese unos recursos que le permitan sobrevivir...

In Nicaragua, steep pension cuts, tax increases could plunge country into recession

Last April, news of these measures led to protests and a government crackdown that led to hundreds of deaths and over fifty thousand leaving the country. Nicaraguans revolted last April when the government announced it was raising payroll taxes and cutting retirement benefits to bolster a social security program hemorrhaging money. The unrest led authorities to quickly withdraw the measure, but as the protests boiled for months and broadened into demands that President Daniel Ortega leave office, security forces...

Are businesses matching green efforts with climate-safe staff pensions?

Only a small number of FTSE 100 firms' pension schemes have shifted their investment approach to take account of climate-related risks, ShareAction research finds The retirement savings of hundreds of thousands of workers could be "highly exposed" to climate-related risks, with some of the UK's biggest company pension schemes sticking with investment strategies that fail to address exposure to carbon intensive assets. That is the key conclusion from research by ShareAction published today which warns companies are failing to...

First U.S. Pension Funds Take the Plunge on Crypto Investing

Morgan Creek Digital has scored what it says is probably the first investment in the crypto asset universe from a U.S. pension fund. Two pension plans in Fairfax County, Virginia are anchor investors in a new $40 million venture-capital fund, according to a statement from the company. Other investors include an insurance company, a university endowment and a private foundation, said Morgan Creek Digital founder Anthony Pompliano, who declined to provide further details. Many institutional investors, which crypto enthusiasts...

United Kingdom: PS pension study postponed

A decision by the UK Government to delay part of its work on the valuation of Public Service pensions has sparked an angry response from unions. Critics of the move say it is simply a stalling measure to deny improvements to members’ benefits. Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Liz Truss (pictured) told Parliament that a December judgement from the Court of Appeal on “transactional protection” offered to some scheme members could have a £4 billion (A$7.1 billion) a year...

México. Revelan ciberataque a la Afore Invercap

Un software malintencionado (ransomware) amenazó a siete equipos de la sucursal en San Juan del Río, Querétaro, de Afore Invercap, pero se contuvo y no puso en riesgo las cuentas individuales y los recursos que administra, garantizaron la administradora y la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar). Este fue el primer ciberataque del año y de la administración de Andrés Manuel López Obrador. “El jueves 7 de febrero recibimos un intento de ataque cibernético en...