February 2019

Canada Pension Plan posts 1.1 percent return in latest quarter

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), Canada’s biggest public pension fund, on Thursday reported a net return of 1.1 percent on its investments in the third quarter of its fiscal year. The CPPIB, which manages Canada’s national pension fund and invests on behalf of 20 million Canadians, said its net assets totaled C$368.5 billion ($278 billion) at Dec. 31, 2018, compared with C$368.3 billion three months earlier. For the nine months to Dec. 31, the CPPIB posted a...

Why Full Retirement Age Is So Important For Social Security

As most people are aware, you can start taking your Social Security benefit as early as 62. You can also delay taking benefits until you are 70. In between 62 and 70 is what’s called your “Full Retirement Age.” Understanding the distinctions of “Full Retirement Age” is an integral part of your claiming strategy. There are basically four factors that determine your claiming strategy and ultimate amount of lifetime benefits you will receive. Three of which you can control...

Perú. Hay consensos para reformar las AFP

La Asociación Peruana de Consumidores y Usuarios (Aspec) sostuvo que hay consenso en el Banco Central de Reserva (BCR), el Banco Mundial y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) en la necesidad de reformar el Sistema Privado de Pensiones (SPP) para fomentar una mayor competencia en el sector y mejorar las pensiones. “Se trata de entidades ajenas a cualquier sospecha. Todas coinciden en que el sistema previsional peruano tiene que ser reformado”, manifestó su presidente, Crisólogo Cáceres, en...

Colombia. Independientes pueden hacer ahorro voluntario

Los empleadores están obligados por ley a hacer los aportes a las cesantías de aquellos empleados vinculados mediante un contrato de trabajo, entonces ¿qué puede hacer un trabajador independiente (dentro de los cuales están los de rentas, actividad propia y prestadores de servicios) o un empleado con salario integral (que percibe más de diez salarios mínimos legales mensuales vigentes) con respecto a las cesantías? El abogado especialista en derecho laboral, Juan Guillermo Herrera Gaviria, aclara que la opción es...

México. Alerta al sector financiero el ‘secuestro’ de computadores

Los ciberataques que se han registrado recientemente en México, ponen en alerta a los sistemas de seguridad de los bancos. Los ataques recientes a las Afore Invercap y CIBanco han despertado la alerta en el sector financiero ante la vulnerabilidad a hackeos. Desde el pasado viernes y el martes, la presencia de malware, conocido como ransomware, en equipos de la Afore Invercap y CIBanco tiene la característica de tratarse de un virus informático que bloquea equipos de cómputo y...

Pensions: Council confirms agreement on pan-European pension product

EU institutions agreed new rules that will make it easier for people to put money aside for their retirement. EU ambassadors today endorsed the agreement reached between the presidency and the European Parliament on 13 December on the proposed 'pan-European pension product' (PEPP), a new class of personal pension scheme. The draft regulation is aimed at providing greater choice for people who wish to save for their retirement, and at the same time boosting the market for personal pensions....

Japan. The 100-year life and public pension reform

The Abe administration emphasizes the arrival of the “100-year life,” and the government envisions labor market reforms that meet the needs of a society in which people live much longer than past generations. While elderly people will need to have more money to cover the expenses of living longer, the policies that address this issue are not being seriously discussed by the government. Given the growing length of post-retirement life, will people still be able to heavily depend on...

Denmark’s Biggest Pension Fund May See 40% Surge in Inflows

Denmark’s biggest pension fund, with about $120 billion in assets under management, may end up handling even more money as a result of plans to make retirement savings obligatory for the unemployed and others receiving government support. Under the proposal in parliament, funds currently allocated for social, health and labor programs will be rerouted to ATP, the state-backed pension fund to which all working Danes must contribute. If passed, the proposal would raise annual net payments into ATP by...

US. Retirement In America Is Too Expensive, But It Doesn’t Have To Be

In a recent survey, Legg Mason found that a 32% of Americans are “very confident” that they will have enough money for a comfortable retirement. That same study finds that retirement confidence falls sharply as Americans approach retirement and really understand just how expensive it is to retire – that is, exactly how much money must be saved that will last through retirement. In contrast, just 17% of Baby Boomers who have retired or are approaching retirement are very...

Un breve recorrido por la historia del fintech

Por: Cámara de comercio de Bogotá La Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá (CCB) a través de la Vicepresidencia de Fortalecimiento Empresarial (VFE), ofrece servicios que promueven el emprendimiento, la formalización, el fortalecimiento y la innovación de las empresas de Bogotá y la Región. Para acceder a estos servicios elempresario o emprendedor realiza un autodiagnóstico empresarial con el objetivo de identificar sus necesidades empresariales; a partir de la información recogida se construye una ruta de servicios acorde a las necesidades...