February 2019

Brazil. Pension Reform Will Make Young People Take Jobs With Less Benefits

Bill encourages hiring retirees and extends the retirement age, making older people stay in the workforce Bolsonaro's proposed Social Security reform bill will keep middle-aged professionals who could otherwise retire in the workforce. It is also bringing a new idea: incentives for companies to hire retirees. However, specialists say that the proposal will have an unexpected side effect: it will force young people - especially the ones without skills - to take jobs without law-mandated benefits. ...

Ireland. Pension hike for 1,000 people following major government review

ALMOST 1,000 people have got a pension hike following a major government review of their retirement benefits. The pensioners’ payments were reassessed to see if an increase was justified following cuts imposed seven years ago. A full state contributory pension is worth €243.30 a week but many get less than this depending on the contributions they made during their careers. Under the review, officials from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection applied a new assessment method. It...

US Man’s “Holiday Inn” Retirement Plan Is Viral

Competition is at least partly to blame, with some 10,000 baby boomers retiring each day, according to the business news channel. American seniors seeking to retire on the cheap have a new source of inspiration: a Texas man who plans to spend his golden years in Holiday Inn hotels to avoid costly nursing home fees. "For a combined long term stay discount and senior discount, it's $59.23 per night," Houston-area resident Terry Robison said on Facebook three weeks ago...

México. Pensión por afores será de 24.3% del último salario: ASF

Con las condiciones actuales que tiene el régimen de la Ley del Seguro Social y la Ley del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado, la pensión promedio que recibirían los trabajadores equivaldría a 24.3% de su último salario, por lo que sería conveniente realizar una reforma, recomendó la Auditoría Superior de la Federación (ASF). “La tasa de remplazo (porcentaje que recibirá el trabajador de pensión de su último salario) mejoraría en función de incrementar...

España. La inversión socialmente responsable, más que una moda

La Inversión Socialmente Responsable (ISR) está cogiendo cada vez más fuerza, “si te comportas en tu vida de forma más responsable, ¿por qué no añadir esos factores a la inversión?” cuestiona Álvaro Llanza, Gestor Megatrends de Fidentis Gestión. De eso se trata, de incorporar criterios extra financieros a nuestras inversiones, eso sí, atendiendo también a la rentabilidad y riesgo. En los últimos tiempos ha cambiado la tendencia radicalmente, ahora se tienen en cuenta criterios de igualdad de género, igualdad...

El Salvador. Economista asegura que actual sistema de pensiones solo enriquece a las AFP

La economista y miembro del Movimiento Pensión Digna, Ana Cecilia Suárez, mencionó durante su participación en la entrevista de “Diálogo con Ernesto López”, que el actual sistema de pensiones solamente se encarga de “enriquecer” a las Aseguradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP). “Las únicas enriquecidas en este país son las AFP”, afirmó Suárez. El sistema de pensiones en El Salvador era administrado por el Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social (ISSS) y por el Instituto Nacional de Pensiones de los...

UK. Urgent need for real estate industry to adapt to ageing population, report shows

The report, which was written by Professor Les Mayhew of the Cass Business School, at City University, examined the impact that increasing life expectancy will have on UK society and found that too many older people are living in unsuitable housing. This perpetuates the housing crisis and stores up problems for the future. The UK population is expected to increase by 10 million over the next 25 years, with much of that due to people living longer. This has...

US. MBTA pension fund faces hard times after 2018 losses

After the MBTA pension fund posted losses in 2018, officials warned Monday that the burden of covering retirement for thousands of T employees remains "a really crucial issue." The fund has been the subject of scrutiny for years as the MBTA grapples with budget concerns. New figures, discussed at the authority's board meeting, did not alleviate the pressure: the fund paid out $100 million more to retirees last year than it collected in contributions from current employees, and it...

Ireland. Failure to save for pensions ‘particularly concerning’ for women

More than 60% of women do not have a private pension, a new study has found. According to a survey carried out by Behaviour and Attitudes for Aviva men are more proactive and confident about their retirement income than women. Almost half of the men polled said they had a pension, compared with 37% of women. One in four women surveyed said a pension was something they were unlikely to ever do. Aviva said the results show a pension...

Colombia. Más vigilancia para los grupos financieros

Desde el pasado 6 de febrero entró a regir la Ley 1870 de 2017, mediante la cual el ente que supervisa el sector, la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia (SFC), recibió amplia potestad de vigilancia sobre los trece conglomerados financieros que actualmente existen en el país, cinco locales y ocho extranjeros (ver Informe). La Ley se implementará por etapas. Para mayor claridad, cabe señalar que conglomerados son el conjunto de entidades locales y del exterior con un controlante común (holding...