March 2019

UK. Pensions watchdog tells weak companies to stop handing cash to investors

Weak companies have been told they must stop dishing out fat payouts to shareholders if they are struggling to fill a hole in their pension scheme. The Pensions Regulator (TPR), which has a responsibility to safeguard pensions, said that if an employer is “weak and unable to support the scheme” then it expects the “payment of shareholder distributions to have ceased”. The disparity between shareholder dividends and pension contributions has been a major area of focus since the high-profile...

Colombia. Entra en vigor reforma que designa fondo a donde irán las aportaciones

Desde el 5 marzo, si los trabajadores colombianos no han decidido en qué fondo colocar sus aportes para pensión (conservador, moderado o de mayor riesgo), las administradoras privadas (AFP) podrán enviar parte o la totalidad de esos recursos al de mayor riesgo, dependiendo de la edad y el sexo. Es lo que dispone el decreto 959 del 2018, que les autoriza a los fondos privados de pensión el traslado de recursos de sus afiliados nuevos. La norma, en últimas,...

Perú. AFP: Mañana debatirán restitución del Régimen Especial de Jubilación Anticipada

Tras tres meses sin que los afiliados al Sistema Privado de Pensiones (SPP) puedan acceder al Régimen Especial de Jubilación Anticipada (REJA), finalmente mañana miércoles 6 de marzo, la Comisión de Economía del Congreso debatirá tres proyectos de ley que proponen su restitución. Así lo informó el presidente de dicha comisión, Carlos Bruce, quien indicó que existen hasta cinco puntos en la orden del día. En el caso del REJA, éstas son los tres proyectos de ley que...

México. Podría eliminarse requisito que facilitaría cambio de Afore

Las Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Afore) tendrán prohibido negar o limitar el servicio de emisión de constancias sobre implicaciones de traspaso a los trabajadores a otra administradora, toda vez que se está considerando eliminarla, afirmaron este lunes autoridades de la Comisión Federal de Mejora Regulatoria (Cofemer). La Cofemer emitió una circular en la cual la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) prohíbe la encriptación de la constancia de implicaciones, la cual es un...

Chile. Corte Suprema rechaza demanda contra AFP Habitat por cobro de comisiones en cuenta de APV

El tribunal estableció que la Ley del Consumidor no se aplica en el cobro de comisiones de las AFP, materia que está regulada por el decreto ley que creó las administradoras de fondos de pensiones. La Corte Suprema confirmó la sentencia que rechazó la demanda deducida por eventual infracción a la ley de protección de los derechos de los consumidores, en contra de la AFP Habitat S.A. por el cobro de comisiones en cuenta de ahorro voluntario. En fallo...

Warren Buffet Tells Pensions and Endowments to Cut Management Fees

Warren Buffett has a word of advice for pension funds and endowments: cut out those high-fee “helpers,” namely consultants, outside managers, and others he deems a drag on returns. In Berkshire Hathaway’s latest annual letter, Buffett describes US growth over the last 77 years. Why 77 years? That refers to when he bought his first stock: three shares of Cities Service for $114.75. And he did a little math regarding public pension funds and college endowments. “If my $114.75...

Europeanising pensions and unemployment insurance

A European mechanism for pensions and unemployment insurance would protect vulnerable economies against asymmetric shocks and give life to the European Pillar of Social Rights. The debate about the future of the social dimension in Europe offers an opportunity to ground new policy directions and research. The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) sets out, in its chapter III, the principles of social protection and inclusion, in which unemployment benefits and old-age income and pensions figure. Equality, fairness and...

India. Serving, retired staff of government insurers to benefit from pension scheme

Retired and serving employees of government-owned insurance companies are happy at the Centre's decision to offer another chance to opt for pension scheme. "I am happy with the development. With the interest rates on bank deposits sliding down, getting a steady pension income is good. I am going to opt for pension," said Y. Sivam, a retired employee of National Insurance Company Ltd. A serving employee in the same company said: "Earlier I didn't opt for the pension...

Phoenix Group sees more UK Plc pension insurance deals as Brexit nears

Phoenix Group, Europe’s largest owner of life assurance funds closed to new customers, expects Britain’s approaching departure from the European Union to push more UK companies to offload risks linked to their pension schemes in 2019. The company also reported higher full-year profit and targeted cash generation of 3.8 billion pounds ($5.01 billion)from 2019 to 2023, more than the 2.5 billion pounds it earlier expected to earn between 2018 and 2022. Phoenix, poised to enter London’s blue-chip index, also...

Kenya’s pension firm enters Uganda’s market

A new pension administrator, Enwealth Financial Services, has entered Uganda’s pension market upon securing an operation license from the regulator, Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority (URBRA). The firm that joins nine other pension administrators in the country plans to offer pension retirement services, training and consultancy services. Founded in 2011 in Kenya, it currently manages pension assets worth over Shs2trillion for 120 clients in 12 countries within Africa. Nelson Kuria, the company’s chairman Board of Directors said at the...