March 2019

South Africa. Government ministers lobby to stop PIC amendment bill

The bill is intended to strengthen and bring positive changes to the weakened Public Investment Corporation. There are behind-the-scenes efforts by some government ministers to put a spanner in the works and oppose the passing of the proposed Public Investment Corporation (PIC) Amendment Bill, according to an EWN report. The amendment bill is intended to strengthen and bring positive changes to the weakened PIC, which is responsible for managing assets on behalf of, among other institutions, the Government Employees...

US. ‘Dire situation’: Pension costs may close dozens of Kentucky health departments

About $38 million in increased pension costs could shutter health departments serving 42 Kentucky counties next fiscal year. State health leaders are pressing lawmakers for a one-year reprieve to allow time to overhaul a public health system now facing a financial crisis. The higher pension tab could lead local health departments serving an additional 22 counties to run out of reserves and be forced to close the following year, state officials said. That would hit a system...

UK. Pension warning for hundreds of thousands of carers

Hundreds of thousands of carers are unwittingly denying themselves a full state pension by failing to apply for carer’s credit. Figures from a Freedom of Information request reveal just 17,388 people received carer’s credit at the end of 2018. But according to government figures, around 200,000 carers are eligible – and most are women. If a carer fails to claim for carer’s credit, they could get less state pension in the future because these credits help plug gaps in...

Australia. Innovations in Retirement Income Solutions

The headline gave me hope: “Innovative income product now available for retiring Australians”. It was July 2017. The description of this new product was promising as it was “designed to help Australians more easily and confidently manage their superannuation in the lead up to and during retirement.” But then, like so many times before … ”[A]n account-based pension that offers a flexible and simple way for people to convert their superannuation into a steady income stream.” Lessons for...

México. Cancela López Obrador fondo para pensiones de Ferronales

Como parte de sus medidas de austeridad, el gobierno federal dejará de transferir 18 millones de pesos al año para cubrir los costos de un comité encargado de administrar el fideicomiso creado en 1997 para pagar las pensiones de los trabajadores de la extinta empresa estatal Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México, que hasta ahora eran entregados al Sindicato de Trabajadores Ferrocarrileros de la República Mexicana (STFRM), informó este viernes la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP). La dependencia aseguró...

México. Afore única, no: Consar

El gobierno mexicano no busca eliminar las afore para crear una sola afore estatal, ni busca expropiar los recursos de las pensiones de los trabajadores y tampoco pretende canalizar los ahorros a los proyectos de infraestructura que planea realizar. Así de contundente, así de clara es la respuesta del presidente de la Consar, Abraham Vela, quien deslinda al gobierno federal del Partido del Trabajo, que semanas atrás planteó una iniciativa de ley para desaparecer a las afore privadas y...

EU and UK reach agreement over no-deal Brexit insurance rules

In case the UK withdraws from the EU without ratification of the withdrawal agreement, on March 30, 2019, the UK becomes a third country and UK insurance undertakings and distributors lose their right to conduct business across the EU27 Member States. This story is reprinted with permission from the Insurance Coverage Law Center, the industry’s only comprehensive digital resource designed for insurance coverage law professionals. Read more @Property Casualty360

The case for betting pensions on start-ups

While cautious funds sit on £2.4 trillion, pressure is mounting to find ways to funnel some of that cash to entrepreneurs Nicole Eagan had every right to be excited as she announced a new funding round for her cyber-security venture, Darktrace, two years ago. The $75m investment marked a “critical milestone” for the start-up, she said, and would allow it to continue along a path of “unprecedented growth”. Darktrace, which uses artificial intelligence to spot and respond to cyber-...

These are the 15 best dividend stocks for investing in retirement planning

There are many types of investors in America. Whether you are in your 20s or retired, it is important to know what strategy is the best fit for your portfolio. Investing strategies start to change for investors when they get up into their 50s and 60s, as the retirement age starts to become a future reality rather than a distant blur. And after investors reach their formal retirement age and then grow into their 70s, investing strategies should change...

Pension Plans in Mexico: Market Sales

By Editorial DataGroup Americas The Pension Plans Mexico eBook provides 14 years Historic and Forecast data on the market for each of the 5 Products and Markets covered. The Products and Markets covered (Pension Plans) are classified by the Major Products and then further defined and analysed by each subsidiary Product or Market Sector. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic and Forecast Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided, as well as Industry Data (59 items)...