March 2019

México. Impulsar el ahorro voluntario es una prioridad: Amafore

Para la Asociación Mexicana de Administradoras de Fondos de Ahorro para el Retiro (Amafore), es una prioridad impulsar el ahorro voluntario, dado que solo 11 por ciento de los trabajadores que tienen una cuenta para el retiro, y que representan a 6.9 millones de mexicanos, hicieron aportaciones voluntarias el año pasado. Es decir, que 89 por ciento de los 62.9 millones con una Afore decidieron no ahorrar. Bernardo González, presidente de la Amafore, dijo que es preocupante que la...

UK Pensions Secretary Backs Collective Defined Contribution Plans

Amber Rudd said new type of pension should ‘deliver improved investment returns.’ The UK’s Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd said she supports allowing Collective Defined Contribution (CDC) pension plans in the UK, a decision that was welcomed by postal services provider Royal Mail and the Communication Workers Union (CWU). “These pioneering proposals should deliver improved investment returns for workers and savers while cutting costs and red tape for British job creators,” said Rudd. “The new type of pension...

401(k) managed accounts becoming more diverse

Some record keepers of defined-contribution retirement plans are diversifying the managed-account products they offer to employers and their employees in a bid to boost uptake and diversify their revenue streams in an environment of fee compression, according to experts. Empower Retirement is the most recent example. The record keeper — among the largest, with $590 billion in assets and more than 9 million participants — debuted its Advisor Managed Accounts product Mar. 20. Unlike a traditional managed account —...

Zimbabwe. NSSA pensioners are crying for attention

Both government and the private sector are doing something on 'hardship allowance' for their workers whilst NSSA pensioners continue to sing the blues. One Hon.MP raised the plight of the suffering pensioners in Parliament early this month but the discussion never went far, with Hon. Sekai Nzenza saying government was seized with the matter. To date the elderly NSSA pensioners are all ears hoping to hear something fruitful but the silence is alarming. Most NSSA pensioners are...

UK. Up To Three Million Self-Employed Workers Turning Their Backs On Pension Pots

Data from accountancy practice Nixon Williams shines a light on the vast numbers of contractors and freelancers snubbing personal pension schemes Study finds the number opting to avoid pension scheme payments has risen 12 per cent in a single year, as the Taylor Review sparks calls for a new auto-enrolment option for self-employed workers. Almost two-thirds (64 per cent) of self-employed people in the UK are avoiding paying money into a personal pension scheme to save for their retirement,...

Perú. Asociación de AFP afirma que creación de AFP estatal no amenaza a las privadas

La presidenta de la Asociación de AFP, Giovanna Prialé, enfatizó que una AFP pública deberá contar con todos los criterios de seguridad para proteger el dinero del aportante La presidenta de la Asociación de Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP), Giovanna Prialé, señaló este miércoles que la creación de una AFP pública no representa una amenaza para las AFP privadas. "De ninguna manera es una amenaza que la ONP se convierta en una AFP pública porque aquí en el...

México. Jóvenes, los que más perdieron en su ahorro para el retiro

Durante el primer bimestre del año, la volatilidad en los mercados financieros afectó el ahorro pensionario de las personas que tienen 36 años de edad o menos, de acuerdo con información de la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar). En sus estadísticas, expone que la sociedad especializada en fondos para el retiro (siefore) básica 4, donde se encuentran las cuentas de los trabajadores más jóvenes, tuvo una reducción en su rendimiento de 5.6 puntos porcentuales,...

The Retirement Crisis Is Much Worse Than You Think

Are you sitting down for this? According to a recent survey, one in five American adults have nothing saved for retirement or emergencies. A further 20 percent have squirreled away only 5 percent or less of their annual income to meet certain financial goals. Less than a third of all Americans have saved at least 11 percent or more. The survey, conducted by Bankrate in late February and early March, is just the latest indication that the U.S. faces...

Portugal’s pension system needs to prepare for rapid population ageing

Portugal needs to reform its pensions system to address the challenges of a fast-shrinking workforce and high levels of old-age inequality, according to a new OECD report. The OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Portugal says the country’s rapidly ageing population, a result of low fertility and rising life expectancy, is putting pressure on pension finances. The total population recently started to shrink and is projected to fall below 9 million by 2050 from a peak of 10.7 million in...

Fund managers turn up heat on UK companies over diversity, pensions, audit

Britain’s big public companies will face a grilling by asset managers over their track record on diversity, excessive pension payouts to bosses and poor quality audits when they hold annual shareholder meetings over the coming weeks. A committee of 15 asset managers at the Investment Association has picked the three issues that annoy investors the most to try to increase pressure for change. It is the first time the IA has specifically set out what changes it wants to...