April 2019

México. Ahorro para el retiro registra plusvalías por 157,757 millones de pesos en el primer trimestre

En el primer trimestre de este año, los saldos administrados por las Afore registraron plusvalías por 157,757 millones de pesos, señaló la Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar). Con ello, indicó el organismo a través de un comunicado, las minusvalías observadas en el último trimestre de 2018, por 138,580 millones de pesos quedaron superadas. Al cierre de marzo de este año los activos netos administrados por las Afore fueron de más de 3.5 billones de...

Perú. Fondos mutuos quieren captar ahorros para futuras pensiones

Mensualmente, una fracción del salario de un trabajador formal se destina a una AFP con el objetivo de tener una pensión al jubilarse. Sin embargo, el sistema también le permite al trabajador acercarse a su AFP y, voluntariamente, depositar dinero para aumentar el valor de su futura pensión. Es este mecanismo el que ha generado interés entre las administradoras de fondos mutuos, quienes ya alistan una propuesta para poder captar aportes previsionales voluntarios, al igual que las AFP. El...

Ghana. NPRA To Unify Pension Schemes By 2021—Wireko Brobbey

The National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) is expected to unify Ghana’s fragmented pension scheme regime by the year 2021, a Deputy Minister for Employment and Labour Relations, Bright Wireko Brobbey has disclosed. According to him, Cabinet has already given the approval for the development of a roadmap aimed at unifying all pension schemes which is expected to be completed by 2021. Currently, the consultation process which involves wider stakeholders is ongoing before it fully takes off with the unification....

UK parliament pension fund takes first step towards fossil fuel divestment

Parliament’s pension fund trustees are to reconsider the rules of their investments to take account of the risk of climate change, in a first for MPs’ finances. While stopping short of a promise to fully divest from fossil fuels, the pledge by the trustees marks an important first step towards assessing and reducing the effect of the pension fund’s investments – which are ultimately paid for by the taxpayer – on climate change. The move is a victory for...

Nigeria: The Informal Sector To Benefit From The Contributory Pension Scheme

In a bid to strengthen the post-retirement financial capability of all working Nigerians (across all sectors of the economy), the National Pension Commission (PenCom) has finalised plans to launch the micro pension plan (MPP) on Thursday, 28 March 2019. The MPP will allow employees of organizations with less than three staff as well as self-employed individuals to participate in the contributory pension scheme. The move to expand the scope of coverage of the contributory pension scheme will potentially mean...

España. Pensiones sin histeria

El debate electoral sobre las pensiones ha empezado con mal pie. Las ambiguas declaraciones del asesor económico principal de Pablo Casado, Daniel Lacalle, sobre los recortes en las prestaciones en aquellos países que habían aprobado subidas o revalorizaciones han suscitado un intercambio visceral de acusaciones entre los partidos que no contribuye a calmar las inquietudes de los pensionistas, presentes y futuros, sino a estimular su ansiedad. Tampoco ha aclarado la posición del PP, partido que gobernó hasta antes de...

UK. Why the increase to workplace pension contributions is a much bigger deal than you think

To some this will seem just another of those irritating little deductions that come through on salary slips, but in reality the amount you contribute will have a huge impact on your future From Saturday, the start of the new financial year, the 10 million or so Britons who are included under the pensions auto-enrolment legislation will have their workplace pension contributions go up from 5 per cent of their salary to 8 per cent. Employees have to contribute...

Colombia. Subsidios a las pensiones altas podrían estar en la mira de una reforma

Para una pensión de 25 salarios mínimos el subsidio es de $ 732 millones, mientras que para una de un salario mínimo el auxilio es de $135 millones. Varias alternativas se exploran para logar cambios profundos el sistema pensional en Colombia de manera que beneficie a un mayor número de personas de una forma más equitativa. El Ministro de Hacienda, Alberto Carrasquilla, considera que más que una reforma pensional se requiere una reforma de protección a la vez que...

More UK firms eye collective DC pensions

With the UK’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) working to pass legislation to roll out collective defined contribution (CDC) pension schemes, several firms are considering them for their employees. Around one in eight (13%) corporate pension scheme decision-makers believe that their company is either likely or very likely to adopt CDC schemes in the coming six years, according to a recent survey of by global corporate advisory firm Willis Towers Watson. That is, of course, provided the DWP’s...

Are Switzerland’s pensions too high?

The Swiss pension system is in danger of collapse. At the same time, Swiss retirees get higher pensions than almost anywhere else in the world. Is the country due for a reality check? The Swiss are a nation of happy pensioners. A study by UBS (International Pension Gap Index) found that in Switzerland (compared with 12 other countries), generous pensions mean that people must save the least for their old age – and that is in a country that...