April 2019

Chile. Reforma de pensiones: Cuprum propone que afiliados puedan hacer rescates en caso de enfermedades catastróficas

AFP Cuprum sigue de cerca la discusión de la reforma previsional que se está dando en el Congreso. Esta mañana, en el marco de su tercera asamblea de afiliados, el gerente general de la AFP, Martín Mujica, comentó una idea que ya han dado a conocer al Gobierno, y que esperan que se pueda incorporar en el proyecto: que los afiliados puedan realizar rescates en caso de enfermedades catastróficas. “Tenemos una propuesta que hicimos hace bastante tiempo de manera...

Lebanese PM warns of catastrophe without austerity

Lebanon faces catastrophe if the government does not agree what may be the most austere budget in its history, the prime minister said on Wednesday, urging national unity and saying everyone should be ready for sacrifices if necessary. Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri’s government is finalizing a 2019 state budget expected to follow through on its promise of “difficult and painful” reforms to put the public finances on a sustainable path. The budget is seen as a critical test of...

UK. Govt urged to tackle ‘social inequalities’ caused by state pension reforms

The government is being urged to draw on examples from other countries when it comes to implementing state pension reforms without causing further social inequalities, as it was found the current UK reforms have the potential to "exacerabate inequalities". In a new report from the International Longevity Centre (ILC), the think tank draws on research by Extend project that found that the state pension reforms have significant potential to exacerbate social inequalities. The research by Extend found...

South Africa. Pension fund boards must take climate change into account

A South African pension lawyer has published a new opinion which finds that the boards of South African pension and provident funds must fully consider climate risk when making investment decisions. Failure to do so exposes trustees to the threat of legal liability for losses incurred by the fund as a result. The legal opinion specifies that this is true for funds regulated by South Africa’s Pension Funds Act, and for those funds – like the Government Employees Pension...

US. Here’s What Public Pension Funds Can Do To Protect Against Insolvency

The severity of the pension crisis is quite clear at this point because news and data about it are widely available. However, one thing that hasn’t been prevalent is potential solutions to the problem. Public pensions are starting to put their proverbial heads together to tackle this major issue, but so far, efforts have generally not been enough to protect even the largest pension funds from potential insolvency. Now one organization has examined the pension crisis as it applies...

México. Trabajadores independientes con Afore llegan a 311 mil a marzo

Al cierre del tercer mes de 2019, los trabajadores que laboran de forma independiente con una cuenta Afore llegaron a 311 mil 635, la mayor cantidad registrada hasta ahora en la historia del Sistema... Al cierre del tercer mes de 2019, los trabajadores que laboran de forma independiente con una cuenta Afore llegaron a 311 mil 635, la mayor cantidad registrada hasta ahora en la historia del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro (SAR). De acuerdo con cifras actualizadas...

Colombia. Las ventajas de las pensiones voluntarias, más allá de los beneficios tributarios

En el más reciente congreso de Asofondos, una de las grandes novedades fue la propuesta de la Superintendencia Financiera de usar el dinero de las pensiones voluntarias como respaldo de los créditos. De llegar a concretarse esa iniciativa, sería una buena noticia para cerca de un millón de colombianos que tienen más de $21 billones ahorrados en este vehículo, que de acuerdo con las cuentas de Andrés Lozano, vicepresidente de inversiones en Colfondos, crecerá a una tasa de 10%...

España. Aplicar el índice de revalorización bajaría las pensiones un 2,13% en 2019

La aplicación del Índice de Revalorización de las Pensiones (IRP), que continúa vigente legalmente aunque no se utiliza desde 2018, habría supuesto este año una bajada de las pensiones del 2,13%, de acuerdo con un informe elaborado conjuntamente por la consultora Willis Towers Watson y el Grupo de Investigación en Pensiones y Protección Social de las Universidades de Valencia y Extremadura. Esta reducción es menor que la que habría resultado en 2018 por el mismo motivo, el 3,02%. El...

It’s on! Mexican Afores plot mutual fund foray

Nothing moves quickly in the world of pension reform. Just ask Mexico’s pension funds, whose patience has been pushed to the limits of late. After being granted access to foreign mutual funds for the first time in December 2017, Mexico’s pension funds had to wait over a year to receive guidelines from the local pensions authority, known as Consar, on how they could invest in them. A number of factors led to delays, not least among them last...

UK. MP fights frozen pensions policy

Sir Peter Bottomley, a Conservative MP for Worthing West, has tabled an early day motion against government rules which dictate a freeze of some expat state pensions. The Department for Work and Pensions introduced rules in March that restrict the state pension annual increases in cases where the beneficiary is not ordinarily resident in Great Britain. Currently the majority of pensioners living in the UK have their state pension increased according to the triple-lock principle, meaning it is by...