April 2019

Chilean Government Introduces New Cryptocurrency and Fintech Regulation Bill to Congress

The Minister of Finance of the Chilean government Felipe Larraín announced the introduction of a bill regulating cryptocurrencies and fintech to Congress, Cointelegraph Spain reported on April 15. During his recent stay in the United States, Larraín reportedly noted that the requirements introduced by the new regulation will be proportional to businesses. He explained that the rules will take into account that various companies have different business models, and deliver different services that imply different risks for the users...

Cyber Security: 15th International Annual Conference, CNCERT 2018, Beijing, China, August 14–16, 2018, Revised Selected Papers

By Xiaochun Yun, Weiping Wen, Bo Lang, Hanbing Yan, Li Ding, Jia Li, Yu Zhou This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Annual Conference on Cyber Security, CNCERT 2018, held in Beijing, China, in August 2018. The 14 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 53 submissions. The papers cover the following topics: emergency response, mobile internet security, IoT security, cloud security, threat intelligence analysis, vulnerability, artificial intelligence security, IPv6 risk research, cybersecurity...

Blockchain in Healthcare: Innovations That Empower Patients, Connect Professionals and Improve Care

By Vikram Dhillon, John Bass, Max Hooper, David Metcalf, Alex Cahana Blockchain technology is poised to revolutionize more than just payment and crypto-currency. Many vertical industries will be reshaped by the new trusted data models enabled and inspired by the blockchain - healthcare is no exception. In fact, healthcare may hold the greatest opportunities for meaningful use of the technology. Early pioneers have explored some of the first use cases for medical payments, electronic health records, HIPAA/data privacy, drug counterfeiting,...

Fair Pensions

By Ilja Boelaars (University of Chicago) & Dirk Broeders (De Nederlandsche Bank; Maastricht University) This paper examines the allocation of market risk in a general class of collective pension arrangements: Collective Defined Contribution (CDC) schemes. In a CDC scheme participants collectively share funding risk through benefit level adjustments. There is a concern that, if not well designed, CDC schemes are unfair and will lead to an unintended redistribution of wealth between participants and, in particular, between generations. We define a...

An Economic Analysis of Intra-governmental Account Transfers: Social Security and Public Infrastructure in Japan

By Yoshimi Adachi (Konan University - Department of Economics) & Tomoki Kitamura (Tohoku Gakuin University; NLI Research Institute, Finance Research Group) In the context of limited local government resources, it is often targeted to secure financial resources for social security expenditures for the aging society and upkeep expenditures against the aging of public infrastructure facilities. This paper examines whether transfers from general accounts to special accounts and public enterprise accounts have a significant impact on the financial burden of local...

The Effect of Pension Subsidies on the Retirement Timing of Older Women: Evidence from a Kink Design in Germany

By Han Ye (University of Mannheim; IZA) I estimate the effect of additional pension benefits on women’s retirement decisions by examining a German pension subsidy program for low-pay workers. The subsidies have a kinked relationship with the recipients’ past contributions, creating a sharply different slope of benefits for similar women on either side of the kink point. I find that a 100 euro increase in the monthly benefit induces female recipients to claim their pensions eight months earlier. A back-of-the-envelope...

Beneficios tributarios de los aportes a fondos de pensiones voluntarios y ahorro para el fomento de la construcción

Por Álvarez Ramírez, Laura Constanza y Bazzani Pena, Valentina Con la expedición de la ley 1819 de 2016, el gobierno colombiano modificó el régimen tributario y como consecuencia se redujeron significativamente los beneficios tributarios para alivianar la carga fiscal, sobre todo para aquellas personas naturales que acostumbraban a usar los beneficios relacionados con las rentas laborales. De modo que, aunque beneficios tales como: (i) Los aportes a las cuentas de Ahorro para el Fomento de la...

La viabilidad del sistema público de pensiones: Cuestiones actuales

Por: Prudencio José Riquelme Perea, Ángel Manzanares Gutiérrez Este estudio panorámico pretende sintetizar las principales controversias suscitadas acerca de la viabilidad del sistema público nacional de pensiones. La inestabilidad del mercado laboral, las bajas tasas de natalidad y sobre todo el envejecimiento de la población conforman un escenario que, a priori, no parece muy alentador para el sostenimiento del sistema de pensiones. Se han acometido reformas importantes, la más profunda entró en vigor en 2013 incluyendo tanto ajustes paramétricos como estructurales....

El Banco Mundial urge a Brasil a aprobar la reforma de las pensiones de Bolsonaro

El ritmo de crecimiento “mediocre” de América Latina y el Caribe en 2018, como lo calificó el Banco Mundial en su último informe, se vio fuertemente influenciado por la contracción de 2,5% en Argentina, el crecimiento anémico de México y la lenta recuperación de Brasil tras la recesión de 2015 y 2016. Esos tres países —que representan casi tres cuartas partes de la región— desinflaron las previsiones del organismo multilateral, que había estimado un crecimiento del 1,8% para el...

Regulador mexicano autoriza venta de participación de Grupo Wiese y Bancolombia en Sura Asset Management

Sura Asset Management, filial del colombiano Grupo Sura, cerró la venta de la participación que Grupo Wiese de Perú y Bancolombia tenían en la firma especializada en ahorro e inversión, tras recibir la autorización del ente regulador de México. Ambas firmas poseían, en conjunto, el 7% de las acciones y fueron vendidas en su totalidad a Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec (Cdpq), un fondo especializado en la administración de pensiones con sede en Quebec. El valor de...