October 2021

Designing a pension system

By Vincenzo Galasso Designing a pension system is both a complex endeavor and a long lasting legacy. Complexity stems from the many trade-offs that conceiving a pension system entail and from how these initial decisions affect the social and economic behavioral responses of workers and retirees. Policy-makers planning a pension system have to evaluate its internal economic consistency, but also these feedbacks. Economic and demographic models that allow a quantitative evaluation of these costs and benefits are required. More than...

Enfoque en la Jubilación: Latinoamérica

Por Hernán Poblete Miranda América Latina ha convivido durante décadas con dos tipos de transición demográfica, una muy parecida a la que ha vivido Europa y que afecta a poblaciones más próximas a estructuras económicas modernas, y otra, más vinculada a pautas tradicionales de reproducción, con altas tasas de nupcialidad precoz y descendencia numerosa (Zavala de Cosío, 1992). Sin embargo, es a partir de la década de 1990 que comienza a verificarse un cambio en el desarrollo de estas configuraciones...

September 2021

Informe Fintech en América Latina 2018: crecimiento y consolidación

Por BID Este informe representa la segunda edición del estudio “Fintech: Innovaciones que no sabías que eran de América Latina y el Caribe” que brindó, por primera vez, una visión consolidada sobre la actividad y el desarrollo de la industria Fintech en la región. El presente informe describe la evolución y el avance ocurridos con respecto a la medición y el análisis realizados en 2017, además de examinar nuevas dimensiones relevantes para el ecosistema. En el primer capítulo se ofrece una...

August 2021

Global Pension Risk Survey 2019

By AON Welcome to the findings of Aon’s 2019 Global Retirement Risk Survey for the Asia-Pacific region. Aon’s Global Retirement Risk Survey has been conducted every two years for over a decade. The survey is part of a global series of surveys that follows defined benefit (DB) plan sponsors’ risk management attitudes and practices around the world. This is the first time that the survey has been conducted in the wider Asia-Pacific region. Japan took part in the research in...

July 2021

Ciencias del comportamiento en las políticas públicas: ¿futuro de los gobiernos?

Por Carolina Sánchez, Renos Vakis, Zeina Afif Es impresionante ver que hay más de 202 entidades públicas que, en la actualidad, aplican los conocimientos sobre el comportamiento a sus políticas. En 2015, el Banco Mundial se convirtió en una de esas entidades que comenzaron a explorar la importancia y el beneficio potencial de los conocimientos sobre el comportamiento para las políticas de desarrollo al publicar nuestro Informe sobre el desarrollo mundial sobre Mente, sociedad y conducta (i). Desde entonces, nos...

May 2021

Prospective Longevity

By Warren C. Sanderson, Sergei Scherbov From two leading experts, a revolutionary new way to think about and measure aging. Aging is a complex phenomenon. We usually think of chronological age as a benchmark, but it is actually a backward way of defining lifespan. It tells us how long we’ve lived so far, but what about the rest of our lives? In this pathbreaking book, Warren C. Sanderson and Sergei Scherbov provide a new way to measure individual and population aging. Instead...

April 2021

Pension systems in east Africa a deep dive

By World Bank Group Although the populations of the countries in East Africa are still young, there is a growing awareness among policy makers that they too will face the interlocking challenges of demographics and urbanization. The lesson learned from other regions is that policies need to be put in place now to ensure that pension systems are robust and affordable. So too, pension savings should be used to fund economic growth and development. Otherwise, we risk the fate of...

Reference Points for Retirement Behavior: Evidence from German Pension Discontinuities

By Arthur Seibold This paper documents and analyzes an important and puzzling stylized fact about retirement behavior: the large concentration of job exits at specific ages. In Germany, almost 30% of workers retire precisely in the month when they reach one of three statutory retirement ages, although there is often no incentive or even a disincentive to retire at these thresholds. To study what can explain the concentration of retirements around statutory ages, I use novel administrative data covering the...

March 2021

A Guide to the Treatment of Pensions on Divorce

By Pension Advisory Group The publication of this final report from the Pension Advisory Group is an important and very welcome event. The importance of the work is demonstrated by the fact that a good many busy and experienced practitioners have given up valuable time over the course of the past two years to produce this definitive guidance on the approach to the issue of pensions in Financial Remedy cases before the Family Court. For too long the division of...

La seguridad social en Mexico

Por Gabriela Mendizabal Bermudez Hablar hoy en día de seguridad social exige un estudio profundo y sistematizado del tema, pues desde su surgimiento hasta la fecha se ha dinamizado y diversificado en cada rincón del mundo, y México no es la excepción, ya que la estructura de la seguridad social en este país cuenta con características evolutivas propias, derivadas de un desarrollo cargado de historia y actualmente reflejado en un sistema que aún se encuentra en proceso de construcción y...