December 2018

US. Shareholders call on ExxonMobil to set greenhouse gas reduction targets

A number of institutional investors in ExxonMobil Corp (XOM.N) have said they will file a shareholder resolution which calls on the world’s largest oil company to set targets for lowering its greenhouse gas emissions. The call, led by the New York State Common Retirement Fund (NYSCRF) and the Church Commissioners of England (CCE), comes in the wake of shareholder moves at other major energy firms seeking to make them more responsive to climate change and its impact on the business. The...

España. Jubilados marchan por pensiones dignas en España

En distintas ciudades del país europeo jubilados marcharon para exigir pensiones dignas al Gobierno español. Este sábado las calles de distintas ciudades españolas se vieron copadas por centenares de jubilados que exigieron pensiones dignas al Gobierno y mostraron su preocupación por el futuro del sistema público de pensiones. En Madrid, la convocatoria tuvo lugar en la Plaza de Cibeles, recorriendo la calle de Alcalá hasta finalizar en la Puerta del Sol. "Queremos tener pensiones dignas, queremos tener un buen futuro", expresó una...

Las AFP los problemas del fondo más grande de Bolivia

Son la alcancía más grande del país aunque no les pertenece a todos, valga aclarar. Han acumulado la friolera de 16.447 millones de dólares. La suma supera, por ejemplo, a las cifras récord que Bolivia alcanzó en reservas internacionales durante la década de la bonanza del gas. Éstas, en noviembre de 2014, llegaron a 15.418 millones de dólares, antes de iniciar una acentuada baja. Probablemente nunca se concentró tal cantidad de recursos en una sola entidad. Mal que mal esta...

Italian Premier Wins Populist Support for Budget Offer to EU

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte forged a deal with populist leaders to submit a revised budget proposal to the European Commission, in a bid to avert fines against Italy. Conte’s euroskeptic deputies Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio, who hold most of the political power in the administration, set aside their opposition to concessions at talks running late into Sunday night and agreed on a new package to send to Brussels, government officials said. Investors aren’t pricing in a deal just yet...

Chile. Octubre: terrible para los cotizantes y recién jubilados, no para las AFP

Según cifras dadas a conocer por la superintendencia del ramo, la mitad de los aproximadamente 12 mil nuevos pensionados que jubilaron dicho mes, obtuvieron pensiones autofinanciadas inferiores a 43 mil pesos. Pérdidas en rentabilidad de multifondos que alcanzaron los 8,3 billones de pesos. Mientras que los dueños de las AFP hasta septiembre, obtuvieron utilidades que superaron los 236 mil millones de pesos. “Octubre, más que un mes negro, ha sido una constante durante todo el año, con pérdidas significativas para...


By Carl Honoré Carl Honoré captured the zeitgeist with his international sensation, In Praise of Slow. In Bolder, he introduces us to another rising movement: a revolution in our approach to ageing. Ageing is inevitable. In this time of longer lifespans, however, we have the potential to age better than ever before. Having travelled the globe to meet the pioneers who are redefining ageing, Carl Honoré explores the cultural, medical and technological trends that will help us make the most of...

Practical Pension Scheme Accounting

By Shona Harvie,‎ Joanne Scriven,‎ Phil Spary Pension scheme accounts are prepared following the guidance laid out in the Pensions Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) issued by the Pensions Research Advisory Group (PRAG). A revised version of the SORP was issued in 2018 in line with recent revisions to FRS 102 and other minor regulatory updates. The revised SORP is applicable for periods beginning 1 January 2019, and the new edition of this title reflects these changes.Starting from the trial...

Informing Retirement Savings Decisions: A Field Experiment on Supplemental Plans

By Robert L. Clark (North Carolina State University - Poole College of Management), Robert G. Hammond (North Carolina State University), Melinda Sandler Morrill (North Carolina State University - Department of Economics), Christelle Khalaf (North Carolina State University) Although supplemental saving plans can be an important part of an individual's financial security in retirement, contribution rates remain low, particularly among those with lower salaries and less education. We report findings from an intervention that provided information on key aspects of the...

Annuity Pricing In Public Pension Plans: Importance Of Interest Rates

By Nino Abashidze, Robert L. Clark, Beth Ritter, David Vanderweide There is little systematic information on the distribution options in public sector retirement plans and how annuity options are priced relative to the standard single life annuity. This study examines the distribution options of 85 large public retirement plans covering general state employees, teachers, and local government employees. An important component of the analysis is the construction of a data set presenting the annuity options offered by each of these plans and how the...

Perú. AFP: fondos de pensiones ganaron S/ 523 millones a noviembre 2018

Fondos previsionales 2 y 3 mostraron descenso, mientras Fondo 1 avanzó, según información de la SBS Los aportes previsionales a las administradoras privadas de fondos de pensiones (AFP) ganaron 523 millones 203,228 soles a noviembre pasado, según información difundida por la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS). Efectivamente, los aportes previsionales corresponden al periodo comprendido entre el 29 de diciembre del 2017 y el 30 de noviembre de este año. De esta manera, el fondo de pensiones pasó de 154,887 millones...