December 2018

US. Why millions of seniors are still working past the age of 65

Retiring comfortably at 65 is now out of reach for millions of Americans. Tom Coomer was a machinist at the aerospace manufacturer McDonnell Douglas for 29 years, but the plant closed one year before he was due to get his full pension. Now 80 years old, he works as a greeter five days a week at a Walmart in Oklahoma. While Coomer and his wife have downsized their lifestyle, it's still hard for them to make ends meet. They're just...

Is Latin America Prepared for an Aging Population?

Latin America, while still comparatively young, is aging fast. Our research finds that population aging is challenging the fiscal sustainability of public pension and health care systems in the region. Policymakers will need to ensure adequate benefits for the rising share of older people—notably their social acceptability—by supporting formal employment and gradually reforming pension and healthcare systems. Demographic dividend Latin American countries are still younger than most advanced economies, but population aging is expected to accelerate. Today Latin American women have on...

Aging Japan: Dementia puts financial assets of the elderly at risk

“What’s a microwave?” she asked her husband, Eiichi. Yumiko was in the early stages of dementia, struggling with vocabulary and unable to teach the kimono-dressing classes she had run for 25 years. The difficulty with everyday tasks has made life challenging for her and Eiichi, who has been caring for her since 2008. But she is also unable to deal with her finances - a situation that experts say is increasingly common in fast-ageing Japan and that puts trillions of yen worth...

US. Pension Risk Transfer Volume Falls

A LIMRA analyst sees strong demand for small and midsize deals. U.S. life insurers reported a small drop in pension plan buyout annuity sales in the third quarter. Pension risk transfer sales fell to $6.3 billion, down from $6.4 billion in the third quarter of 2017, according to survey data from the LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute. The institute bases the survey results on data from 16 companies that share information about their sales of large, single-premium group annuity contracts. Pension risk transfer volume...

Older Australians living overseas will need to prove they are alive to keep getting pension

Australians aged over 80 who are living overseas will soon have to produce a "proof of life certificate" to continue receiving the pension. From July 1, pensioners will be asked to go to an Australian embassy or consulate every two years to register that they are still alive and entitled to receive a welfare payment. Social Services Minister Paul Fletcher said estimates suggested there had been thousands of cases where a person died while living overseas but continued to receive the...

México. Pensionissste y Afore XXI Banorte apuestan por start-ups con CKD de ALLVP

El instrumento financiará a 15 empresas de sectores de alto impacto como salud, movilidad, servicios financieros y de energía eléctrica. Afore Pensionissste y Afore XXI Banorte participarán en el financiamiento de start-ups a través del Certificado de Capital de Desarrollo –CKD- que emitió el fondo ALLVP, que tendrá un programa de hasta 1,000 millones de pesos (mdp). La primera emisión se produjo en noviembre de este año por un monto de 200 mdp. En paralelo, ALLVP está levantando un vehículo...

México. El promedio de las comisiones de las Afores rompe el piso del 1%

La junta de gobierno de la Consar autorizó las propuestas de comisiones que las Afores cobrarán a partir de enero del próximo año y el promedio se ubicará por debajo del 1%. La junta de gobierno de la Comisión Nacional de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar), autorizó este martes las propuestas de comisiones que las Afores cobrarán a partir de enero del próximo año, las cuales registran una ligera baja. De acuerdo con un comunicado difundido por la Consar, el promedio...

Chile. AFP: Radiografía a los $347 mil millones de utilidades netas que obtuvieron en 2017

Solo las comisiones que los más de 5,5 millones de cotizantes les pagaron a las AFP en 2017 sumaron $660 mil millones. La cifra debe cotejarse con los $347 mil millones en utilidades netas que las seis administradoras que participan del negocio de la previsión privada obtuvieron ese mismo año, y con el monto promedio de las pensiones que pagan. La indagación de CIPER arroja que esas utilidades se ven engrosadas por las que obtienen de contratos con empresas...

US. No, Retirement Plan Participation Isn’t Plummeting

This week the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (SCEPA) published a short article claiming that “New Data Shows Drop in Retirement Coverage for All Income Levels,” contributing to the narrative that Americans face a “retirement crisis” that government must step in to address. In reality, the article should have been titled “Bad Data Show Drop in Retirement Coverage for All Income Levels,” because the decline in retirement plan coverage reported by SCEPA is almost surely a problem with...

UK watchdog orders shake up of advisors to pension trustees

Poor competition in the market for advice to pension fund trustees has resulted in "substantial customer detriment", Britain's Competition and Markets Authority said on Wednesday. UK pension schemes have total assets of 1.6 trillion pounds ($2.04 trillion), and the dominant advisors are Aon, Mercer, and Willis Towers Watson. Half of pension schemes buy fiduciary management that makes investment decisions on their behalf, from their existing investment consultant. It announced a range of reforms to the investment consultancy and fiduciary management sector, saying...