Pension Markets in Focus 2021
Pension Markets in Focus provides detailed and comparable statistics on retirement savings around the world. This annual statistical report contributes to the effort of making data on retirement savings available, as the OECD Core Principles of Private Pension Regulation advocates for, to enable regulators and stakeholders to evaluate the design and operation of the pension system relative to its goals. These statistics can support policy discussions through international comparisons and peer learning, and are the basis of policy recommendations in the OECD series of Pension Reviews and Pensions Outlook. These statistics can also be helpful to private sector representatives, journalists, academics and anyone interested in funded pension systems.
The 2021 edition of this annual report provides an overview of retirement savings at the end of 2020 in 92 jurisdictions and outlines the developments in the pension sector worldwide. The report exhibits an extensive range of indicators relevant to retirement savings, harmonised and standardised across jurisdictions. It monitors the key financial aspects, such as the amount of assets accumulated, the way these assets are invested and their investment performance, both over the past year and over the longer term. The report also examines the proportion of the population covered by pension plans, the amount of contributions paid into these plans and the benefits that members receive at retirement.
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