Millennials, Gen Z worry about retirement, sustainability, employer values

Money, politics, and stress are all factors affecting younger generations’ willingness to stay in a job. A newly released study by Deloitte, a professional services networked, surveyed nearly 15,000 millennial and Gen Z professionals to see what their top priorities were in the workplace, as the Great Resignation continues.
The survey by Deloitte found that workers from the millennial and Gen Z age groups are more likely to bring their political opinions to the workplace. The 2022 study by Deloitte found both generations’ workers were willing to forego taking a job based on “personal ethics,” and other jobs or assignments that “don’t align with their values.”

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For management positions, almost half of the Gen Zs and millennials have turned down assignments based on those values, according to the Deloitte study.

The study also found that younger workers are prioritizing issues like climate change, sustainability, and public policy. However, the study also showed that public policy engagement and “using social impact pension providers or retirement funds” that invest in sustainable businesses were “lower priorities” than environmental concerns.

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