UK. DWP failed in communicating women’s state pension age changes
Government officials were too slow to tell many women they would be affected by the rising state pension age, the Parliamentary Ombudsman has ruled.
The finding brings the prospect of compensation closer for thousands of women born in the 1950s who have long been furious about the issue.
It marks a significant victory for the Waspi (Women Against State Pension Inequality) campaign.
However, the ombudsman has no power to refund “lost” pensions.
It is also unable to recommend that anyone receive their state pension any earlier than the current law allows.
Angela Madden, who chairs the Waspi campaign, said: “The findings reinforce what we, unfortunately, knew all along; that the DWP failed to adequately inform 3.8 million 1950s-born women that their state pension age would be increasing.
“These women have been waiting for many years for compensation. We cannot wait any longer. We are calling on the government to agree fair and adequate compensation rather than allow what has become a vicious cycle of government inaction to continue.”
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