COVID-19 crisis, a wake-up call on social protection for workers
The need for universal social protection in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has been underlined at a virtual conference of trade union leaders from national trade union confederations across continents.
Workers’ representatives at the Fourth meeting of the “Social Protection, Freedom and Justice for Workers Network” on 9 December, explained how their organizations’ have contributed to the formulation of national social protection responses to the COVID-19 crisis.
They discussed trade union advocacy strategies for social protection at the international level, including the establishment of a Global Fund for Social Protection. It took place at a particularly challenging moment for workers around the world due to the severe health and socio-economic consequences brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. “Global crises impose heavy costs on societies.
However, there is a great injustice when costs are disproportionately borne by those who do not have comprehensive and adequate social protection coverage,” said Shahra Razavi, Director of the ILO’s Social Protection Department (SOCPRO).
This crisis has been a renewed call for countries to reinforce efforts towards achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals on social protection for eradicating poverty and achieving universal health coverage (UHC), the meeting heard.
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