June 2024

México. En enero-mayo, retiros de Afores por desempleo sumaron 12,355 millones de pesos

Desaceleración económica y las ofertas que hacen promotores a los cuentahabientes para que realicen este trámite, detrás del aumento. Los retiros por desempleo de las Afores han subido 26.75% a tasa anual durante los primeros cinco meses del 2024, para marcar un monto no visto en un periodo similar. Esto debido a factores como la desaceleración económica que atraviesa el país, así como las ofertas que hacen promotores a los cuentahabientes para que realicen este trámite. Company logo Entre enero y mayo...

May 2024

US. Wall Street scans for potential volatility after Trump verdict

The impact of former President Donald Trump’s historic guilty verdict has yet to set in on Wall Street. From round-the-clock currencies to after-hours equity trading, most financial assets — aside from shares in Trump Media & Technology Group — were largely stable after a New York jury found Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts. But for traders, the question now is how the decision will impact markets that are already starting to prepare for the 2024 U.S. elections — in...

Why half of Japan’s cities are at risk of disappearing in 100 years

With contributions from around 370 celebrities, intellectuals and cultural figures of the time, the April 1920 edition of the now defunct Nihon Oyobi Nihonjin (Japan and the Japanese) magazine ran a special feature on what the country would look like in 100 years. Sakio Tsurumi, then-director of the government's Forestry Bureau, predicted that the nation’s population would grow nearly five-fold to around 260 million by 2020, approximately double what it actually is now. Professor Riichiro Hoashi of Waseda University expected...

México. Promueven el primer amparo colectivo contra Fondo de Pensiones

A dos días de la promulgación en el Diario Oficial de la Federación (DOF) del decreto mediante el cual se crea el Fondo de Pensiones para el Bienestar, 727 personas que laboran en los sectores público y privado, promovieron el primer amparo colectivo contra la determinación. La pensión tiene como propósito procurar el pago de un complemento a trabajadores en retiro. Con el monto adicional podrán recibir poco más de 16 mil pesos al mes. La demanda la presentó la firma...

Venezuelan National Assembly Approves Pension Protection Bill

The National Assembly of Venezuela approved on Thursday in the first discussion, the Social Security Pension Protection Bill, after it was presented to that body by the executive vice president of the South American country, Delcy Rodriguez. "We wanted to bring this bill that has 13 articles that seek special protection, through contributions and contributions of private business for the protection of pensions against criminal blockade"said Rodríguez and also recalled that the country’s income from the blockade was impacted by...

February 2024

U.S. Public Pensions Highly Vulnerable to Market Correction

Investment volatility has re-emerged as a key concern for defined benefit public pension plans since the pandemic began, signalling the risk that market corrections can set back progress in stabilizing funded ratios and trigger higher contributions, Fitch Ratings says. Asset values surged in 2021 followed by sharp reversal in 2022 and a rebound in 2023. Based on audits of almost 100 major state pension plans, fiduciary plan assets rose a median of 24.4% in fiscal 2021, then fell 7% yoy...

January 2024

Chile. Sin la derecha, comisión de la Cámara aprobó el fin de las AFP

Sin la derecha, cuyos representantes se retiraron de la sesión, la Comisión de Trabajo de la Cámara de Diputadas y Diputados votó este miércoles el primer capítulo de la reforma previsonal y aprobó la separación de la industria y, con ello, el fin de las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP). Precedida del anuncio de la "suma urgencia" que le ingresó el Gobierno, la instancia sesionó dos veces esta jornada, primero al mediodía y luego durante la tarde. Esta última estuvo...

December 2023

Chile. Gobierno buscará acelerar pacto fiscal y reforma de pensiones ante un dividido Congreso post-plebiscito

Lo dijo el Presidente Gabriel Boric en su discurso de anoche en el Palacio de La Moneda. Con el proceso constitucional cerrado, el Gobierno pondrá el pie en el acelerador para intentar sacar adelante el pacto fiscal y la reforma de pensiones, los dos grandes proyectos que el Ejecutivo debe negociar en el Congreso. En el primero, ya ha enviado un borrador a los partidos políticos con seis ejes, en el que también se incluyen medidas proinversión, rebajas impositivas y...

U.S. pension funds heavily invested in China despite crackdown

U.S. proposals to clamp down on investments in China may be being undermined by continued funding from some of America's biggest institutional investors, new analysis shows. The majority of U.S. public pensions, as well certain universities and non-profit organizations, have committed funds to China and Hong Kong, including in sensitive technologies — some as recently as this year, according to a report by Future Union, a non-partisan trade organization. The 74 largest contributors have allocated more than $70 billion to companies...

The new longevity: Stanford center examines societal impacts of a population living longer

BY 2030, ONE in four Californians will be 60 years or older. By 2060, the percent of Californians in the 60+ age group will have increased three times faster than the total population. People are living longer than ever. Worldwide, the average life expectancy of a newborn has more than doubled since 1900, from 32 years to 71 years. Half of 5-year-olds in the United States today will likely live for 100 years or more. The Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL)’s mission is to...