December 2024

US Pension Plans Set to Increase Contributions in 2025

Approximately 58% of pension funds in the U.S.—including public, corporate and multi-employer plans—reported that their funded status increased in 2024, according to a survey of pension fund professionals commissioned by Ortec Finance. Approximately 30% of plans reported that their funding status is unchanged, while 12% said their funding status decreased this year. While funded status is generally increasing, more than two-thirds (68%) of respondents said they will or are likely to increase contributions this year. According to Ortec Finance, of the...

November 2024

US. Strategic insights from pension funds – Global Investor Insights Survey

The Schroders Global Investor Insights Survey highlights pivotal shifts in pension fund investment strategies across US$13 trillion in assets. Nearly all respondents (94%) are either invested in or moving into private markets especially in areas like private debt, private equity, and renewable infrastructure – as pension funds seek long-term opportunities aligned with the energy transition and technological innovation. Indeed, the energy transition is a top priority for pension funds worldwide, with 93% of respondents already investing or planning to soon. The demand for...

September 2024

China’s retirement age reforms not enough to fix pension headache

China's move to raise retirement ages is a starting point to plug gaping pension deficits and bolster a shrinking workforce but more pain lies ahead as the economy slows, making further reforms urgent, say economists and demographers. Aging populations are a global phenomenon, but the issue is particularly stark in China due to the legacy of its one-child-policy, which was in place for three decades and has exacerbated its demographic challenges. China’s number of births dropped to 9 million last year and the...

México. Plusvalías de Afores registran más de 231 mil mdp: Consar

La Comisión Nacional de Ahorro para el Retiro (Consar) aseguró que, durante agosto, las plusvalías que registraron las Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro (Afores) alcanzaron 231 mil 264 millones de pesos, con lo que suma 4 meses al alza. Este crecimiento en las ganancias de las Afore es uno de los más altos del cual se tenga registro, en el acumulado de este año este indicador suma un total de 457 mil 152 millones de pesos. Registros de la Consar...

August 2024

UK has record 991,000 self-employed workers aged 60 or over

The number of people aged 60 and older who are self-employed has reached a record of almost 1 million, research suggests. This represents an increase of more than a third (33%) in the past decade, to reach 991,432 self-employed people aged 60 or over in 2023, according to analysis by Rest Less, which offers advice to older people. The analysis found that while the number of self-employed workers in their 50s and older has grown since 2021, it is those in...

Pension warning as ‘significant delays’ hit retirement savings

Retirees are facing "significant delays" in accessing their pension savings, according to experts. Research conducted by My Pension Expert is sounding the alarm over the waiting times for pension transfers between providers. Data from over 5,163 pension transfers in the 2023/24 financial year found Britons waited 28 days on average for ceding companies to move funds from one provider to another. Furthermore, consumers with funds at certain pension firms are having to wait up to 96 days for their savings to be moved to their...

República Dominicana. Sistema Dominicano de Pensiones muestra el más alto índice de rentabilidad en la región

El Sistema Dominicano de Pensiones sigue siendo el principal promotor del desarrollo económico del país al propiciar más empleos, aumento del ahorro nacional, más viviendas e inclusión financiera, a través de las inversiones de los fondos de pensiones en los distintos sectores productivos a nivel nacional. Asimismo, que, pese a los avances que se han logrado, aún persisten los retos de las bajas densidades de cotización y de aportación al sistema, así como alta la informalidad laboral. Así lo informó Francisco A. Torres, superintendente de Pensiones, durante su ponencia en...

Colombia. La asociación de AFP de Colombia designa a Andrés Mauricio Velasco como presidente

Después de unos días bajo el mando interino de Clara Reales, el consejo directivo de la Asociación Colombiana de Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones y Cesantías (Asofondos) eligió un nuevo presidente para la organización gremial, en un momento en que el país latinoamericano está en proceso de reforma previsional. Y su nombre es Andrés Mauricio Velasco. Según informaron a través de un comunicado, la reunión de la comitiva de este martes llevó al nombramiento del profesional, quien asumirá sus nuevas...

July 2024

What The U.S.’s Largest Pension Fund Can Teach About Investing Right Now

Benzinga and Yahoo Finance LLC may earn commission or revenue on some items through the links below. CalPERS, the California Public Employees' Retirement System, is the nation’s largest pension fund and one of the largest private equity investors in the world. With over two million members relying on its every move, the organization takes its investing very seriously. Its most recent report gives us a window on what is and isn’t paying off for it right now and what investors...

Argentina. Jubilaciones: el Gobierno pagará un nuevo bono de $70.000 en julio

Pese a que Javier Milei lo puso en duda, el Ministerio de Economía confirmó a Ámbito que en julio se pagará un nuevo bono de $70.000 a los jubilados y pensionados, mismo ajuste que vienen cobrando desde el mes de marzo. Por el momento no habrá otros cambios y se espera que en los próximos días se oficialice la decisión a través del Boletín Oficial. ANSES entregó por cuatro meses consecutivos un bono de $70.000 para reforzar los ingresos del...