March 2022

Report on the economic impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on Latin America and the Caribbean

Report on the economic impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on Latin America and the Caribbean

By ECLAC On 26 March 2020, the Government of Mexico convened a virtual ministerial meeting on health affairs for response and follow-up to the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean, which was attended by foreign ministers and health representatives from 30 countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), as well as regional organizations. As a result of the meeting, CELAC formed a strategic alliance with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)...

War and Pensions

War and Pensions

By John A. Turner, David M. Rajnes & Gerard Hughes Although war has had substantial effects, both positive and negative, on pension systems, the topic has received relatively little attention. War has played a role in the development of pension systems in many countries. Yet, no previous analysis has examined the full range of its effects. Source: 420 views

War and Social Welfare: Reconstruction after Conflict 2009th Edición

By F. Cocozzelli & Paul S. Chung War and Social Welfare: Reconstruction after Conflict addresses the issues of rebuilding social assistance and pension programs in the wake of war. Arguing that post-conflict reconstruction missions need to pay greater attention to comprehensive social policy formation, the book makes normative and functional claims that social welfare programs articulate the core aspects of citizenship. War and Social Welfare uses the case of Kosovo to examine the interaction of international and local political actors...

A History of Public Sector Pensions in the United States

By Robert L. Clark, Lee A. Craig & Jack W. Wilson Understanding the historical development of pensions is critical to the future of retirement systems around the world. A History of Public Sector Pensions in the United States offers a comprehensive assessment of the political and financial dimensions of public sector pensions from the colonial period until the emergence of modern retirement plans in the twentieth century. The authors emphasize how retirement plans can help achieve human resource objectives, how...

February 2022

Assessing the Macroeconomic Impact of Structural Reforms in Ukraine

Assessing the Macroeconomic Impact of Structural Reforms in Ukraine

By Anil Ari & Gabor Pula Ukraine’s economic performance has been anemic since the early 1990s. A major impediment to productivity growth has been low investment, held back by lack of strong and independent institutions. This paper aims to assess the major areas of institutional weakness in Ukraine and quantify the long-term growth impact of catching-up to Poland in terms of the quality of major economic institutions and market development. Our analysis identifies the legal system as the area where...

Racial Wealth Disparities: Reconsidering the Roles of Human Capital and Inheritance

By John Edward Sabelhaus, Jeffrey P. Thompson In this paper, we present updated measures of racial disparities in wealth using the most recent data from the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF), augmented by household-level estimates of defined benefit (DB) pension wealth developed by Sabelhaus and Volz (2020). Including this important asset, we find that racial wealth disparities are smaller than the numbers typically discussed in other research or in the media, but the disparities remain substantial. The paper proceeds by...

Reforming the Greek Pension System

By Daehaeng Kim, Alvar Kangur & Niki Kalavrezou The Greek pension system has been costly, complex, and distortive, which has contributed to Greece’s fiscal problems and discouraged labor force participation. Several attempts to reform the system faltered due to lack of implementation, pushback by vested interests, and court rulings leading to reversals. A series of reforms introduced throughout 2015–17 unified benefit and contribution rules, removed several distortions and reduced fragmentation and costs. If fully implemented throughout the long-term, these reforms...

Pension Markets in Focus 2021

Pension Markets in Focus 2021

By OECD Pension Markets in Focus provides detailed and comparable statistics on retirement savings around the world. This annual statistical report contributes to the effort of making data on retirement savings available, as the OECD Core Principles of Private Pension Regulation advocates for, to enable regulators and stakeholders to evaluate the design and operation of the pension system relative to its goals. These statistics can support policy discussions through international comparisons and peer learning, and are the basis of policy...

Do pensions have real teeth? Evidence from the state government borrowing costs

By Sumit Agarwal, Chunlin Liu, Qiyuan Peng, Qun Wu & Ting Zhang Yes, they do. State governments with risky defined benefit pension plans have higher borrowing costs, as measured by larger bond offering yield spreads. To control for the potential endogenous issue, we utilize the instruments of actuarial firms’ reputation, and direct flight between the state capital and actuarial firm headquarter. We further identify the relation between pension plan investment risks and borrowing costs using two quasi-experimental shocks: the introduction...

January 2022

Pension Funding Index January 2022

By Zorast Wadia & Charles J. Clark Corporate pension plans experienced a win-win year in 2021, with an investment gain of 8.33% alongside increasing discount rates and a cumulative liability return (e.g., the projected benefit obligation decrease) of -1.96%. The result was a staggering $183 billion improvement in the funded status deficit of the Milliman 100 Pension Funding Index (PFI), the second-largest in the report’s history (exceeded only by the $204 billion improvement in 2013). In 2021, corporate pension asset returns...