June 2017

Pensions: What Solidarity between Generations?

By Gérard-François Dumont (University of Paris 4 Sorbonne) To understand the fact that solidarity between generations is essential for pensions, Gérard-François Dumont presents a parable inspired by the story of Robinson Crusoe. It shows that it is always the case that assets reduce their purchasing power to release payments to pensioners, whether they are in a distribution or capitalization system. According to the author, "capitalization is a system of financial distribution; Distribution is a system of human capitalization". (more…)

Public Pension Reform and the Takings Clause

By Michael B. Kent Jr. (Campbell University) Of the many current issues facing state and local governments, perhaps one of the most pressing is public pension reform. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are nearly 4,000 public pension systems in the United States, the vast majority (3,742) of which are administered by local governments. As of 2014, these systems had more than 19,000,000 members and more than 9,000,000 beneficiaries receiving periodic payments. But many of these systems are in...

May 2017

The Swiss Occupational Pension System: A Governance View

By Nadège Bregnard (University of Neuchatel) This paper describes the current Swiss occupational pension system with a focus on its governance aspects by emphasizing on the minimum guarantees established by the law, the governance-related requirements, and the most recent supervision framework. It documents in details how the various and different Swiss pension funds are structured and organised and identify six key structure characteristics to classify them. The major distinction with other country pension systems is that pure defined-contributions plans do...

Population Aging, Social Security and Fiscal Limits

By Burkhard Heer (University of Augsburg), Vito Polito (University of Bath) & Michael R. Wickens (University of Cardiff) We study the sustainability of pension systems using a life-cycle model with distortionary taxation that sets an upper limit to the real value of tax revenues. This limit implies an endogenous threshold dependency ratio, i.e. a point in the cross-section distribution of the population beyond which tax revenues can no longer sustain the planned level of transfers to retirees. We quantify the...

April 2017

Disarming Puerto Rico's Pension Time Bomb

By Richard J. Cooper, Luke A. Barefoot, Daniel J Soltman & Antonio Pietrantoni (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP) With the long-delayed commencement of negotiations between the new government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the “Commonwealth”) and its financial creditors finally underway, and the expiration of the existing stay on creditor actions looming, much of the financial press’ attention over the next several weeks will undoubtedly be focused on whether the government of Puerto Rico can reach an out...

Disarming Puerto Rico’s Pension Time Bomb

By Richard J. Cooper, Luke A. Barefoot, Daniel J Soltman & Antonio Pietrantoni (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP) With the long-delayed commencement of negotiations between the new government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the “Commonwealth”) and its financial creditors finally underway, and the expiration of the existing stay on creditor actions looming, much of the financial press’ attention over the next several weeks will undoubtedly be focused on whether the government of Puerto Rico can reach an out...

Retirement Security: The Importance of Conflict-Safe Advice

By Andrew L. Oringer (Dechert LLP) This article is adapted from testimony given by Andrew L. Oringer on March 24, 2009 before the House Subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. The testimony was given during the Subcommittee's hearings on the regulations of the US Department of Labor regarding exemptions for certain investment advice. (more…)

Pension Reform: Is There a Tradeoff between Efficiency and Equity?

By Estelle James In the past decade, Latin America has taken the lead in structural pension reform which replaces a publicly managed pay-as-you-go defined-benefit system with a system of privately managed, fully funded defined-contribution accounts supplemented by a social safety net This arrangement is designed to improve efficiency and growth, and preliminary evidence suggest that it has been successful in doing so. But traditional social security systems have been justified on the grounds that they are equitable and redistribute to...

March 2017

Towards an Equitable and Sustainable Points System: A Proposal for Pension Reform in Belgium

By Erik Schokkaert (Catholic University of Leuven), Pierre Devolder (Catholic University of Louvain), Jean Hindriks (University of London) & Frank Vandenbroucke (University of Amsterdam) We describe the points system that has been proposed by the Belgian Commission for Pension Reform 2020-2040. Intragenerational equity can be realised in a flexible and transparent way through the allocation of points within a cohort. The intergenerational distribution is determined by fixing the value of a point for the newly retired and a sustainability parameter...

Pensions and Sovereign Default

By Sean Myers (Stanford University) This paper studies the effect of public pension obligations on a government's decision to default. In the model, the government can renege on its pension promises but suffers a cost from losing the trust of households about future pensions. Large pension promises act as a commitment device for debt because they require the government to have regular access to credit markets. The government's decision to default is driven by its total obligations, not just its...