June 2017

Chapter 19: Individual Biases in Retirement Planning and Wealth Management

By James E. Brewer & Charles H Self III Around the globe, the gradual move from defined benefit pensions to defined contribution pensions has increased the need for individual retirement planning. Examples of this include U.S. savings rates at historic lows, poor retirement prospects for citizens in developed countries, and the disparaging gap between investor returns and market returns. Research indicates that individuals working with a financial advisor generally receive better results than those who do not. Working with a...

In-Kind Infrastructure Investments by Public Pensions: The Queensland Motorways Case Study

By Michael Bennon, Ashby H. B. Monk & YJ Cho (Stanford University) OECD countries require billions in infrastructure investment for new projects and the rehabilitation of old assets. Public pensions are likewise underfunded and in need of stable, inflation-linked investment opportunities uncorrelated with the rest of their portfolio, making infrastructure a seemingly strong fit. This has led to calls to facilitate more direct investment by public pension funds in infrastructure. In truth there are many impediments to such programs. Under...

Assessing the Demand for Micropensions Among India’s Poor

By Olivia S. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania) & Anita Mukherjee (University of Wisconsin) Using new data from a field experiment in India, we test hypotheses about micropension design in a poor population. We elicit demand for the basic micropension in addition to variants with different minimum withdrawal ages, government match rates, and options for lump sum withdrawal. A majority (80%) of respondents report interest in the micropension, and the amount they are willing to contribute would be enough to cover...

Assessing the Demand for Micropensions Among India's Poor

By Olivia S. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania) & Anita Mukherjee (University of Wisconsin) Using new data from a field experiment in India, we test hypotheses about micropension design in a poor population. We elicit demand for the basic micropension in addition to variants with different minimum withdrawal ages, government match rates, and options for lump sum withdrawal. A majority (80%) of respondents report interest in the micropension, and the amount they are willing to contribute would be enough to cover...

May 2017

Fiscal Challenges of Population Aging in Brazil

By Alfredo Cuevas, Izabela Karpowicz & Mauricio Soto (International Monetary Fund); Carlos Mulas-Granados (Government of the Kingdom of Spain)  In recent decades, population has been aging fast in Brazil while old age pensions and health related spending have increased. As the population ages, the spending trend threaten to reach unsustainable levels absent reforms. Increasing the retirement age is key, but by itself will not provide sufficient savings to close the pension system financing gap, and reforms reducing replacement rates are...

Contributory Retirement Saving Plans: Differences across Earnings Groups and Implications for Retirement Security

By Irena Dushi, Howard Iams & Christopher R. Tamborini (US Social Security Administration) This article examines how savings in defined contribution (DC) retirement plans vary across the earnings distribution. Specifically, the authors investigate the extent of an earnings gradient in access to, participation in, and levels of contribution to DC plans. Using a nationally representative sample of Survey of Income and Program Participation respondents to data from their W-2 tax records, the authors find that DC plan access, participation, and...

Non-Contributory Pensions and Savings: Evidence from Argentina

By Martín González-Rozada & Hernán Ruffo (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) This paper examines the effects of Argentina's Plan de Inclusion Previsional (PIP), which changed the pension system in a way that generated a new noncontributory pillar, produced a huge expansion in pension coverage between 2005 and 2008 and a transfer of a vast amount of resources to households. Using a difference in differences methodology it is found that the PIP policy has reduced the incentives to work and to be...

The Effect of Non-Contributory Pensions on Saving in Mexico

By Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes (San Diego State Universit), Jorge Alonso Ortiz & Laura Juárez (ITAM) This paper examines the effects of non-contributory pension programs at the federal and state levels on Mexican households' saving patterns using micro data from the Mexican Income and Expenditure Survey. The federal program by itself appears to reduce the saving rate of households whose oldest member is either 18 to 54 or 65 to 69. State programs by themselves have no significant effects on household saving rates...

April 2017

Ethnic and Racial Disparities in Saving Behavior

By Mariela Dal Borgo (Bank of Mexico) Using pre-retirement data from the Health and Retirement Study, I find that median saving rates are 9p.p. larger for Whites than for Mexican Americans and Blacks. Two-thirds of each gap reflect changes in asset prices and a third reflects households’ active saving decisions. Since Blacks save more in pensions, only the racial gap disappears with the inclusion of retirement assets. Both saving gaps are mostly explained by differences in income and, especially for...

Nudge for Good? Choice Defaults and Spillover Effects

By Claus Ghesla, Manuel Grieder & Jan Schmitz (ETH Zurich) Policy makers increasingly use choice defaults to promote 'good' causes by influencing socially relevant decisions in desirable ways, e.g., to increase retirement savings, charitable giving, or pro-environmental choices. Such default nudges are remarkably successful when judged by their effects on the targeted behaviors in isolation. However, there is scant knowledge about possible spillover effects of defaults on subsequent related choices. Theoretically, such behavioral spillover effects could amplify, eliminate or even...