June 2023

Linear Risk Sharing in Intergenerational Pension

By Michail Anthropelos, An Chen, Steven Vanduffel & Morten Wilke  We introduce and analyze a novel collective defined contribution plan (CDC) which guarantees upon retirement at least a target benefit as a lump sum. The guarantee is provided by the remaining working generations under a pre-determined linear intergenerational risk sharing (IRS) rule. Through a simulation-based study, we show that the CDC scheme consistently outperforms the comparable individual DC scheme in terms of risk-adjusted performance. An extensive sensitivity analysis indicates that this...

A review of gender differences in retirement income

By Jennifer Curtin & Yanshu Huang  A research report prepared for the Commission for Financial Capability’s Review of Retirement Income Policy, July 2019. This review seeks to answer the following questions: How wide is the Gender Pension Gap in New Zealand? What is the coverage of KiwiSaver by gender? How does this compare with international trends? Is the Gender Pension Gap reducing (as gender pay gaps are) over time (drawing on both international and NZ data where available)? What accounts...

The Effect of Defined Benefit Pensions on Income Survivability and ‘Safe’ Withdrawal Rates in Retirement

By Alan Stocker  Income from a Defined Benefit (DB) pension with various levels of inflation protection (no protection, and inflation caps of 2.5% and 5%) was combined with the income from an investment portfolio to provide a total required income, IR that was constant in inflation adjusted terms. Results of backtesting are presented for retirees in the UK and USA using historical asset returns and inflation. For a value of IR close to the maximum safe withdrawal rate (MSWR) for...

May 2023

A zoom into Asia’s pension reform journey: different perspectives of a multi-pillar approach

By Calvin Chiu & Elvin Tharm Pension reform in Asia is progressing as the region faces numerous challenges: ageing populations, rising life expectancy and the erosion of traditional family and community support for the elderly. While the traditional state-provided pension may provide one potential source of retirement income, Manulife Investment Management believes that a comprehensive multi-pillar approach, such as that outlined by the World Bank, should be the best way forward. In this initial paper of a new series on...

Bringing Back the State: Understanding Varieties of Pension Re-reforms in Latin America

By Leandro N.Carrera & Marina Angelaki Pension policy is a highly political issue across Latin America. Since the mid-2000s, several countries have re-reformed their pension systems with a general trend toward more state involvement, yet with significant variation. This article contends that policy legacies and the institutional political setting are key to understanding such variation. Analyzing the cases of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile, this article shows that where a weak legacy, characterized by low coverage and savings rates, a weakly...

Save to Advance: Analysis and Recommendations on the Pension Reform in Colombia

By Manuela Restrepo, Camilo José Ríos, Andrés Mauricio Velasco & Andrés Zambrano  In March of 2023, the Government filed a Bill that seeks to modify the Colombian pension system. The Bill contemplates a four-pillar scheme: a social transfer pillar named Solidario, a semi- contributory pillar, a contributory pillar, and a voluntary savings pillar. This paper presents a summary of the Bill filled in Congress, followed by an analysis of its implications for fiscal sustainability and macroeconomic stability. As a result, we recommend that the...

Workplace sidecar saving in action

By Annick Kuipers, Jo Phillips, Will Sandbrook & Emma Stockdale As a concept, sidecar saving is designed to work with human cognitive and behavioural biases, by sequencing people’s saving to boost their financial resilience – by first, in the short term, building liquid savings, and then, for retirement, increasing contributions to pension saving. We knew immediately that this idea had the potential to address two of the biggest financial challenges for low- to moderateincome households in the UK: 1) not...

Retirement Plan Reforms in the Absence of a Retirement Policy

By Natalya Shnitser The US retirement system is currently characterized by tremendous diversity of instruments, institutions, and intermediaries in pursuit of the same goal. While the goal – achieving financial security in retirement – is widely accepted by policymakers and participants, for individuals in the United States, the nature of the “investment” experience in the retirement context varies considerably based on the identity, savviness, and size of the intermediaries, as well as the particular legal regime to which such intermediaries...

Pension Reform: Conceptual Foundations and Practical Challenges

By Seamus H. Duffy & Oliver Giesecke Underfunded pension are the largest liability for state and local governments across the United States. As a result of increasing recognition of the associated risks, recent statutory funding mandates led to a sharp increases in required contributions, threatening city services and employee bases. As funding pressure mounts, pension reforms offer a viable tool for prudent economic policy. We propose five general principles that guide pension reform considerations and discuss how these principle stand...

The Limited Role of Intergenerational Transfers for Understanding Racial Wealth Disparities

By John Sabelhaus & Jeffrey P. Thompson Transfers of wealth between generations—whether through inheritances or inter vivos gifts—are less important in explaining racial disparities in wealth than might be expected. While this factor looms large in the media’s discussions of racial inequality, it explains relatively little of the disparities evident in the data. One reason is that most people, regardless of race, receive no inheritance or other transfer of substantial value. In addition, most recipients of inheritances ultimately consume those...