October 2018

The Experts’ War on Poverty: Social Research and the Welfare Agenda in Postwar America (American Institutions and Society)

By Romain D. Huret,‎ John Angell In the critically acclaimed La Fin de la Pauverté, Romain D. Huret identifies a network of experts who were dedicated to the post-World War II battle against poverty in the United States. John Angell’s translation of Huret’s work brings to light for an English-speaking audience this critical set of intellectuals working in federal government, academic institutions, and think tanks. Their efforts to create a policy bureaucracy to support federal socio-economic action spanned from the...

Life Quality and Health Costs in Late Retirement

By Yuanshan Cheng (Winthrop University), Philip Gibson (Winthrop University), Tao Guo (William Paterson University) Individuals are living longer due to the advancement of medical technology and nutrition quality. Are the elderly enjoying retirement in those extended years with good quality of life, or, are they simply alive? Using data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and the Consumption and Activities Mail Survey (CAMS), this study contributes to the literature by presenting empirical evidence on how individuals spend time in...

September 2018

The Crisis in Public Sector Pension Plans: A Blueprint for Reform in New Jersey

By Eileen Norcross (George Mason University - Mercatus Center) & Andrew G. Biggs (American Enterprise Institute) In this study, we consider the case of New Jersey, which operates five defined benefit pension plans for state employees. The New Jersey Senate unanimously passed legislation in February 2010 that would put a question on the November ballot to constitutionally require the state to begin to make its full annual payment to the state’s pension system. The bill requires the state to catch...

Pensions and living with your kids

By Markus Goldstein When a government implements a policy, there is often a question about how it will interact and/or displace existing informal practices. For example, awhile back there was a lot of discussion around how government provided insurance would displace (or not) informal risk sharing arrangements that may have been doing a good job of protecting some people from risk. But it’s hard to address this kind of question deeply in a randomized control trial. A lot of the informal...

The world’s largest pension funds – year ended 2017

Assets under management of the world's largest pension funds totalled US$18.1 trillion in 2017. Funds increased their value by 15.1% in 2017, compared to an increase of 6.1% in 2016. Strong market returns for all major asset classes helped boost pension assets during the year. The top 20 funds experienced a higher increase than the overall ranking (17.4%), thus increasing their relative size to 41.1% of total assets. North America remained the largest region in terms of AUM, accounting for 42.3% of all...

China’s Pension Reforms: Political Institutions, Skill Formation and Pension Policy in China (China Policy Series)

By Ke Meng Existing literature has looked at many factors which have shaped Chinese pension reforms. As China’s pension reform proceeds in an expanding and localising fashion, this book argues that there is a pressing need to examine it in the context of China’s political institutions and economic transformations. The book takes a unique approach by looking at political institutions of the Chinese state and the changing conditions of the Chinese economy, which rarely receive proper treatment in the current...

China's Pension Reforms: Political Institutions, Skill Formation and Pension Policy in China (China Policy Series)

By Ke Meng Existing literature has looked at many factors which have shaped Chinese pension reforms. As China’s pension reform proceeds in an expanding and localising fashion, this book argues that there is a pressing need to examine it in the context of China’s political institutions and economic transformations. The book takes a unique approach by looking at political institutions of the Chinese state and the changing conditions of the Chinese economy, which rarely receive proper treatment in the current...

Advances in the Practice of Public Investment Management: Portfolio Modelling, Performance Attribution and Governance

By Narayan Bulusu ,‎ Joachim Coche,‎ Alejandro Reveiz,‎ Francisco Rivadeneyra,‎ Vahe Sahakyan,‎ Ghislain Yanou This book covers the latest advances in the theory and practice of public investment management. It includes the most up-to-date developments in the implementation of public asset management - including multiple contributions on portfolio allocation in varying interest-rate and credit-risk environments. Other highlights include implementation, performance attribution and governance issues surrounding reserves management, portfolio construction techniques appropriate for public investors and an in-depth discussion of the...

State Pension Accounting Estimates and Strong Public Unions

By Samuel B. Bonsall (Pennsylvania State University - Department of Accounting), Joseph Comprix (Syracuse University) & Karl A. Muller (Pennsylvania State University - Department of Accounting) Concerns are commonly raised that strong public unions extract generous pension benefits from state governments and are the cause of states’ burdensome pension obligations. Prior research (Anzia and Moe 2015) finds evidence supporting such concerns. Consistent with incentives to minimize such perceptions, our findings suggest that state pension plans with stronger public unions select...


By Mario Arturo Ruiz Estrada (University of Malaya: Social Security Research Centre (SSRC)) This paper explores the concept of pensionomics as a prospective tool of pension evaluation. The paper suggests a paradigm shift: a multidisciplinary synthesis of differing perspectives in evaluating pension overall performance based on past work on pension evaluation, incorporating non-economic variables with significant impact on economic growth and social development. The paper suggests a new analytical tool called “Pensions Consistency (PC) Index” that identifies the level of...