February 2019

State Automatic Enrollment IRAs After the Trump Election: Are They Preempted by ERISA?

By Kathryn L. Moore (University of Kentucky College of Law) In recent years, a number of states have sought to close the retirement savings funding gap by enacting legislation mandating that employers that do not sponsor a voluntary pension plan for their employees automatically enroll their employees in a state-administered IRA program. This article focuses on the most serious legal challenge these programs face: ERISA preemption.  The article begins by providing an overview of the state automatic enrollment IRA programs....

Using Behavioral Science to Increase Retirement Savings in Mexico A look at what we have learned over three years

By Andrew Fertig, Alissa Fishbane, Jaclyn Lefkowitz Acknowledgements We’ve been fortunate to work with many individuals who made this report possible. We are enormously grateful to MetLife Foundation for its support and partnership throughout our efforts, and especially to Evelyn Stark, Alison Jarrett, Gabriela Zapata, and Nalleli Garcia Gutierrez. We’d like to thank our team members Marcela Cheng Oviedo, David Munguía Gómez, and Juan David Robalino for their excellent research and design contributions as well as their dedication...

January 2019

Putting the Pension Back in 401(k) Retirement Plans: Optimal versus Default Longevity Income Annuities

By Vanya Horneff (Goethe University Frankfurt - Research Center SAFE), Raimond Maurer (Goethe University Frankfurt - Finance Department), Olivia S. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School; National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)) A recent US Treasury regulation allowed deferred longevity income annuities to be included in pension plan menus as a default payout solution, yet little research has investigated whether more people should convert some of the $15 trillion they hold in employer-based defined contribution plans into lifelong income streams. We investigate this...

Fintech: Latin America 2018: Growth and Consolidation

By Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); BID Invest; FinnovistaThis report is the second edition of the study “Fintech: Innovations You May Not Know were from Latin America and the Caribbean” (IDB, 2017), which offered a comprehensive view of the activity in and development of the Fintech industry in the region. The report describes the evolution and the progress achieved with respect to the measurement and analysis carried out in 2017, and examines new dimensions relevant to the ecosystem. The first...

The Effect of Self-Employment on Income Inequality

By Stefan Schneck (Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (IfM) Bonn) It is well known that the self-employed are over-represented at the bottom as well as the top of the income distribution. This paper shifts the focus from the income situation of the self-employed to the distributive effects of a change in self-employment rates. With representative German data and unconditional quantile regression analysis we show that an increase in the proportion of self-employed individuals in the labor force increases income polarization by tearing...

Retirement Savings Adequacy in U.S. Defined Contribution Plans

By Francisco Gomes (London Business School), Kenton Hoyem (Financial Engines, Inc.), Wei-Yin Hu (Financial Engines, Inc.), Enrichetta Ravina (Kellogg School of Management) We evaluate retirement savings adequacy in the U.S. using a large panel dataset comprising the contribution rates, salary, tenure, account value, plan features and asset allocations of more than 300 thousand US workers with a 401(k) account. Our simulations account for medical expenditure, longevity, and investment risks, and realistically model the likelihood of withdrawals due to hardship, job...

First report costs and past performance

By EIOPA (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority) Executive Summary The report sets out aggregate data on the costs of insurance-based investment product (IBIPs) across the EU, and, to a limited extent, certain personal pension products (PPPs). The data also sets out net performance for the period between 2013-2017. It follows the European Commission request to the European Supervisory Authorities to periodically reporto on costs and past performance of retail investment products. It has been undertaken as a “pilot” exercise, reflecting an anticipated need for...

The Populist Backlash Against Europe: Why Only Alternative Economic and Social Policies Can Stop the Rise of Populism in Europe

By Bojan Bugaric (University of Sheffield, Department of Law) The European Union is facing an unprecedented political crisis. This club of liberal and democratic countries has been confronted by a nationalist and populist backlash that threatens the core principles at the very heart of the EU. Capitalizing on the European sovereign debt crisis, the backlash against refugees streaming in from the Middle East, public angst over the growing terror threat, and Brexit, previously fringe populist political parties are growing with...

December 2018

Informing Retirement Savings Decisions: A Field Experiment on Supplemental Plans

By Robert L. Clark (North Carolina State University - Poole College of Management), Robert G. Hammond (North Carolina State University), Melinda Sandler Morrill (North Carolina State University - Department of Economics), Christelle Khalaf (North Carolina State University) Although supplemental saving plans can be an important part of an individual's financial security in retirement, contribution rates remain low, particularly among those with lower salaries and less education. We report findings from an intervention that provided information on key aspects of the...