July 2019

Individual Retirement Accounts: Formalizing Labor’s and IRS’s Collaborative Efforts Could Strengthen Oversight of Prohibited Transactions

By Jay McTigue, Charles A. Jeszeck, MaryLynn Sergent, David Lehrer, Ted Burik, Susan Chin, Steven Flint, Emily Gruenwald, Mark Kehoe Mark Kehoe, Jungjin Park, David Reed, James Bennett, Amy Bowser, Jacqueline Chapin The Department of Labor (DOL) has a process to grant administrative exemptions for individual retirement account (IRA) transactions that would otherwise be prohibited by law, such as an IRA buying investment property from the IRA owner. DOL evaluates applications using statutory criteria and follows administrative procedures codified...

Individual Retirement Accounts: Formalizing Labor's and IRS's Collaborative Efforts Could Strengthen Oversight of Prohibited Transactions

By Jay McTigue, Charles A. Jeszeck, MaryLynn Sergent, David Lehrer, Ted Burik, Susan Chin, Steven Flint, Emily Gruenwald, Mark Kehoe Mark Kehoe, Jungjin Park, David Reed, James Bennett, Amy Bowser, Jacqueline Chapin The Department of Labor (DOL) has a process to grant administrative exemptions for individual retirement account (IRA) transactions that would otherwise be prohibited by law, such as an IRA buying investment property from the IRA owner. DOL evaluates applications using statutory criteria and follows administrative procedures codified...

Reconstructing Retirement: Work and Welfare in the UK and USA

By David Lain In the United Kingdom, retirement programs are being reconstructed to follow the American practice of abolishing mandatory retirement and increasing state pension ages. This timely book compares prospects for work and retirement at age sixty five-plus in both the United States and the United Kingdom. After exploring the shifting logic behind both nations' policies--policies that increase both the need and opportunities to work past age sixty five--David Lain presents an original comparative statistical analysis on the...

Longevity: a new asset class

By David Blake A little over a decade ago, a new asset classemerged, one linked to longe vity risk, i.e., unanticipatedchanges in life expectancy. The Life Market has two seg-ments: a macro-segment with assets linked to groups of lives,such as members of a pension plan or a book of annuitants;and a micro-segment with assets linked to individual lives,such as life settlements. For the market to become global,certain market requirements need to be satisfied, such asunderstanding the causal factors underlying...

Navigating Complex Financial Decisions at Retirement: Evidence from Annuity Choices in Public Sector Pensions

By Robert L. Clark, Robert G. Hammond, David Vanderweide Choices regarding the disposition of wealth at retirement can have substantial implications for retirement income security. We analyze the factors determining annuity option choices offered by a public sector defined pension plan with no default annuity option. Using combined administrative records and survey data, we explore the role of individual and household characteristics as well as risk preferences, time preferences, and financial literacy. The evidence is consistent with predictions over which...

Must an Occupational Pension Scheme Take Into Account ESG Factors Even If There Is a Risk of Financial Detriment to the Pension Fund?

By Philip Bennett This paper outlines the legal rules that regulate the investment of the assets of an English law occupational pension scheme set up under trust where the investment powers over those assets are held by the scheme trustee. Those rules derive from a combination of EU Directives (in particular, Article 18 of Directive 2003/41/EC (the “IORP I Directive”) replaced by Article 19 of Directive 2016/2341 (the “IORP II Directive”)), UK legislation transposing those Directives and adding further...

The Ultimate Guide to Retirement in South Africa

By Bruce Cameron, Wouter Fourie Most people are rich for a single day in their lives: the day they retire and receive their retirement savings. This moment is more critical than many people realise – it marks the change from saving for retirement to drawing an income from savings that will ideally sustain them until they die. All too often, pensioners end up struggling financially because they make the wrong decisions after they retire. It is crucial for...

Welfare Effects of a Non-Contributory Old Age Pension: Experimental Evidence for Ekiti State, Nigeria

By Maria Laura Alzua, Natalia Cantet, Ana Dammert, Damilola Olajide Many countries in the developing world have implemented non-contributory old-age pensions. Evidence of the impact of such policies on the elderly in Sub-Saharan Africa is scarce, however. In this paper, we provide the first evidence from a randomized evaluation of an unconditional, non-contributory pension scheme targeted at the elderly in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Our findings show that treated beneficiaries self-reported better quality of life, more stable mental health, and...

June 2019

Retirement Security: Women Face Challenges in Ensuring Financial Security in Retirement

By U.S. Government Accountability Office Women aged 65 and over will account for a growing segment of the U.S. population over the next several decades. Despite increases in women's workforce behavior in the past 65 years, elderly women have persistently high rates of poverty. Thus, it is important to understand the differences between men's and women's retirement income, and how women may fare given future reforms to Social Security and pensions. GAO was asked to examine (1) how...

The Great Pension Debate: Finding Common Ground

By Robert L Brown, Stephen Eadie In the never-ending debate about finding an optimal pension model, many proponents start the discussion at extreme ends of the pension model paradigm. At one extreme is a traditional, fully guaranteed defined-benefit (DB) pension plan. In this plan, all of the risks are born by the plan sponsor given that plans are fully funded. While such plans are growing rare today that is the starting point for many in this debate. At the...