February 2020

Reforming Pensions in Developing and Transition Countries (Social Policy in a Development Context)

By K. Hujo This book moves beyond technical studies of pension systems by addressing the political economy of pension reform in different contexts. It provides insights into key issues related to pension policy and its developmental implications, drawing on selected country studies in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America. Get the book here

January 2020

Secure Retirement: Connecting Financial Theory and Human Behavior

By Jacques Lussier Investors fear return uncertainty and drawdowns associated with owning relatively risky asset classes, such as equity. The fact that greater risk is associated with greater expected return does not preclude the possibility that realized returns may be far less than a low-risk asset could provide, even with horizons as long as 5 to 10 years. Fear prompts the average investor to sometimes act against his own best interest. Therefore, the average investor’s portfolio often underperforms a...

OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Portugal

By OECD This review provides policy recommendations on how to improve the Portuguese pension system, building on the OECD’s best practices in pension design. It details the Portuguese pension system and identifies its strengths and weaknesses based on cross-country comparisons. The Portuguese pension system consists of an old-age safety net, a pay-as-you-go defined benefit scheme and voluntary private savings. The safety net includes an old-age social pension and a complement (the so-called Complemento Solidário para Idosos or CSI), both...

Risk and Equity Release Mortgages in the UK

By: Tripti Sharma, Declan French, Donal G. McKillop Accessing elderly housing wealth through equity release mortgages (ERMs) continue to be the focus of policy debates about how to pay for social care and how to support retirement incomes in the UK. We demonstrate in this paper that the spatial concentration of this market in just a few regions is not due to demand but to the risks faced by suppliers. We show that by ignoring regional variations in No Negative...

Informality and the Challenge of Pension Adequacy: Outlook and Reform Options for Peru

By: Christoph Freudenberg, Frederik G Toscani Past reforms have put the Peruvian pension system on a largely fiscally sustainable path, but the system faces important challenges in providing adequate pension levels for a large share of the population. Using administrative microdata at the affiliate level, we project replacement rates in the defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) pillars over the next 30 years and simulate the impact of various reform scenarios on the average level and distribution of...

The World’s Best Places to Retire in 2020

“Where should I retire?” This is the question we hear most often at International Living, and every January we give you our most definitive answer in the form of our Annual Global Retirement Index. When it was first conceived, our Retirement Index was our special way of coping with an embarrassment of riches. At that stage, IL had already spent over a decade exploring all manner of dream locales. The result was a huge and exciting variety of choice and opportunity. Fast-forward to...

Finanzas Contemporáneas Sostenibles: Una “oportunidad verde” para los gestores de Cartera en Colombia

Por Jairo Samuel Villamil Argoti El objetivo general de este trabajo de investigación, es revisar a partir de aproximaciones clásicas de valoración de portafolio, junto a indicadores de portafolio los desempeños de un índice sostenible (Corporate Sustainability Index) vs un índice tradicional como lo es el Bovespa, para poder dar cumplimiento a los objetivos de este trabajo de investigación, se consultaron libros y revistas de investigación económica, financiera y social utilizadas en el marco teórico y estado del...

Social Security and Pension Reform: International Perspectives

By Marek Szczepanski, John A. Turner Countries around the world are reforming their social security and pension systems. International studies often focus on social security reforms in Europe and North America, and may include Latin America. Reforms, however, are also occurring in Asia and Africa, and include reforms of voluntary and employer-provided pensions as well as social security programs. This book discusses both social security and employer-provided pension reforms, as well as reforms in most regions of the world....

Pension Actuarial Mathematics

By Philip Martin McCaulay This 40-page publication on pension actuarial mathematics covers topics such as (I) interest and mortality, (II) cost methods, (III) amortization and contributions, and (IV) Duration and Convexity. Part I on interest and mortality includes mortality rates and survival functions, the theory of interest, commutation functions, and life annuity factors. Part II on cost methods includes the Unit Credit (UC) Cost Method, the Projected Unit Credit (PUC) Cost Method, the Entry Age Normal (EAN) Cost Method,...

The Evolution of Fintech: A New Post-Crisis Paradigm?

By Douglas W. Arner, Janos Nathan Barberis, Ross P. Buckley “FinTech”, a contraction of “Financial technology”, refers to technology enabled financial solutions. It is often seen today as the new marriage of financial services and information technology. However, the interlinkage of finance and technology has a long history and has evolved over three distinct eras, during which finance and technology have evolved together: first in the analogue context then with a process of digitalization of finance from the late...