March 2018

When Mommies Become Nannies: The Effects of Parental Retirement Across Generations

By Yi Chen (Jinan University - Institute for Economic and Social Research) & Xiaoyun Zhang (University of New South Wales (UNSW) - ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR)) This paper analyzes the effect of parental retirement on the next generation through intergenerational time transfer. We investigate a series of consequences, including women's time allocation, fertility decisions, labor force participation, and subjective well-being. The study uses data from the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) and employs regression discontinuity...

Public Sector e-Recruitment Practices in Greece: The Case of the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (Asep) Website.

By Dimitrios Vyzirgiannakis (University of Crete) Although it is generally accepted that technology itself has no inherent value, there is no doubt that it is the key enabler of e-Government services. In regards to personnel recruitment, technology has undoubtedly revolutionized traditional methods. E-recruitment, generally defined as the process of utilizing new Information and Communication Technologies for candidate attraction, selection and communication management, has been extensively used in the private sector over the last two decades. The success of e-recruiting, especially...

Gender and Social Security Reform: What’s Fair for Women?

By Neil Gilbert Aging populations are creating tremendous pressures on social security systems throughout the world, lifting the need for reform to the top of policy agendas. Proposed reforms often have different implications for men and women. At the same time, traditional family and gender roles are changing with the decline in fertility rates and the rapid rise in women's participation in the paid labor force.While trying to adapt social security systems to the fiscal demands of aging societies, policymakers...

Rescuing Retirement

By Teresa Ghilarducci,‎ Tony James,‎ Timothy Geithner Everyone deserves to be able to retire with dignity, but this core feature of the social contract is in jeopardy. Companies have swerved away from pensions, and most of the workforce has woefully inadequate retirement savings. If we don’t act to fix this broken system, rates of impoverishment for senior citizens threaten to skyrocket, and tens of millions of Americans reaching retirement age in the coming decades will be forced to delay retirement...

Earnings Test, Non-actuarial Adjustments and Flexible Retirement

By Axel H. Börsch-Supan, Klaus Härtl, Duarte N. Leite In response to the challenges of increasing longevity, an obvious policy response is to gradually increase the statutory eligibility age for public pension benefits and to shut down pathways to early retirement such as special rules for women. This is, however, very unpopular. As an alternative, many countries have introduced “flexibility reforms” which allow combining part-time work and partial retirement. A key measure of these reforms is the abolishment of earnings...

Causes and Characteristics of Population Aging

By Kyounghoon Park (The Bank of Korea) Korea’s level of population aging remains lower than the OECD average. However, the pace of population aging in Korea is faster than that of many other member countries, as its total fertility rate is the lowest among OECD countries while its life expectancy exceeds the OECD average. Using panel data from OECD member countries, this paper divides the common causes of population aging in OECD countries into declining fertility rate and increasing life...

Old-age Labor Force Participation in Germany: What Explains the Trend Reversal among Older Men? And What the Steady Increase among Women?

By Axel Börsch-Supan, Irene Ferrari The aim of this paper is to illustrate for Germany the factors that may explain the U-shaped pattern of older men’s labor force participation - from a long declining trend that began in the early 1970s to an increasing trend starting from the late 1990s - and at the same time the steady increase in older women’s labor force participation. In a first step, we provide graphical evidence of the trends of various variables which...

Pension Plans and Employee Performance: Evidence, Analysis, and Policy

By Richard A. Ippolito In this provocative book, Richard A. Ippolito explores the relationship between employees' preferences for certain types of pension plans and their productivity. Ippolito begins by reviewing how pensions influence workers' behavior on the job, helping employers reduce early quit rates and increase early retirement rates. In a novel contribution, Ippolito then shows how pensions can assist employers in attracting and retaining workers who have personal attributes valued by the firm. Challenging the accepted view of defined contribution...

Advice That Sticks : How to give financial advice that people will follow

By Moira Somers The advice is sound; the client seems eager; and then… nothing happens! Too often, this is the experience that financial professionals encounter in their daily work. When good recommendations go unimplemented, clients’ well-being is compromised, opportunities are lost, and the professional relationship grows strained. Advice that Sticks takes aim at the problem of financial non-adherence. Written by a neuropsychologist and financial change expert, this book examines the five main factors that determine whether a client will follow through...

February 2018

Building Evidence for Active Ageing Policies: Active Ageing Index and its Potential

By Asghar Zaidi,‎ Sarah Harper,‎ Kenneth Howse,‎ Giovanni Lamura,‎ Jolanta Perek-Bialas  This book provides multinational evidence on active and healthy ageing. It generates authoritative new knowledge for mutual learning and policymaking in addressing challenges linked with population ageing. The authors discuss how to achieve better active ageing outcomes through appropriate policies including addressing life course determinants of active and healthy ageing. The chapters are distinctive in their focus on quantitative analysis of active and healthy ageing based on a first-of-its-kind composite measure, the Active Ageing...