October 2017

Saving the Next Billion from Old Age Poverty. Global Lessons for Local Action

This Book Project is the first of a series of initiatives by pinBox to jumpstart a global dialogue and collaborative action on pension inclusion across Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Book presents the policy outlook, past efforts and planned interventions by several developing countries as well as thematic chapters on the key principles and issues in design and implementation of inclusive pension arrangements. This book was realeased on October 12 on the pinBox Digital Micro-Pension Inclusion Roundtable 2017 For more information...

September 2017

Asset Management Market Study Final Decision: Market Investigation Reference (MIR) on investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services

By FCA This document sets out our final decision to make a Market Investigation Reference (MIR) in relation to investment consultancy services and fiduciary management services. Alongside our interim report of our Asset Management Market study we provisionally decided to make a MIR. We received a number of responses which we have carefully taken into account when reaching our final decision. In addition, the three largest investment consultants offered us a package of undertakings in lieu (UIL) of a reference to...

August 2017

El ahorro en México desde 1960

Durante las últimas décadas el tema del ahorro ha figurado como un punto central en las discusiones académicas y entre los responsables de formular las políticas económicas en diversos países y organismos internacionales. Experiencias internacionales recientes en algunos países contribuyeron a reavivar el debate sobre la importancia que tendría el ahorro para garantizar un crecimiento sostenido. Leer más: AQUÍ

Estudio Integral de las Pensiones que Otorga el IMSS

Por Comisión Representativa ante Organismos de Seguridad Social ¿Cómo obtengo mi pensión y cuál es el trámite para adquirirla? ¿Cómo reactivo mis semanas de cotización en el IMSS? ¿Cuánto dinero voy a recibir? ¿Cómo consigo una pensión mínima garantizada y la atención médica de por vida? Estas y otras preguntas más encontrarán respuesta en este trabajo que la Comisión Represen¬tativa ante Organismos de Seguridad Social (CROSS) del Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos (IMCP) ha puesto a disposición de todos los asegurados,...

Un Panorama de las Pensiones en America Latina y el Caribe

"Panorama de las Pensiones en América Latina y el Caribe" presenta por primera vez un amplio rango de indicadores para la comparación de los diseños de los sistemas pensionales en 26 países de América Latina y el Caribe. Los indicadores son comparables con los de los países de la OCDE y miembros seleccionados del G-20, publicados por la OCDE. Leer Más: AQUÍ

April 2017

#Republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media Hardcover – March 14, 2017

From the New York Times bestselling author of Nudge and The World According to Star Wars, a revealing account of how today's Internet threatens democracy--and what can be done about it As the Internet grows more sophisticated, it is creating new threats to democracy. Social media companies such as Facebook can sort us ever more efficiently into groups of the like-minded, creating echo chambers that amplify our views. It's no accident that on some occasions, people of different political views...

February 2017

Rethinking Pension Reform (English Edition)

By Franco Modigliani & Arun Muralidhar This book, first published in 2004, presents an academic and a practical aspect on managing pension funds to clarify the global debate on social security. The authors establish the basic choices in designating any system to help policy makers develop the system that achieves their many objectives. They examine reforms in Latin America to highlight flaws and to estimate the true cost of these reforms and factors affecting these costs. The authors then...

Reforming Pensions in Central Europe: Path Dependence and Path Departure in the Pension Systems of former Czechoslovakia

By Ivan Lesay Welfare states in general and pension systems specifically have been recently facing many economic, ideological, political and other challenges all around the world. However, welfare state retrenchment and pension reforms are most likely not to look the same in the post-Communist Europe as in other parts of the world. Almost a half century in the Soviet bloc prepared different political, economic, and institutional legacies for potential welfare state restructuring in Central-East Europe after the fall of Communism....

Securing Pension Provision: The Challenge of Reforming the Age of Entitlement

By comparing Germany, France, the UK and the USA this study explores how governments have tackled the increased pressure of financing state pensions. Specifically, it looks at the approach of each of these countries to raising the age of entitlement in order to understand the ways in which this policy was introduced in different countries. Read More: HERE