January 2022

Conflicts and Opportunities for Pension Fiduciaries in the ESG Environment

By Susan N. Gary Acting as prudent investors, pension managers should consider financially material factors that affect the risk/return profile of funds. Material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors may affect financial performance by identifying opportunities and risk, so it would seem prudent to consider those factors when making decisions in the best interests of plan beneficiaries. In June 2020 the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a rule that appeared to be an attempt to curtail consideration of ESG factors....

Racial Inequality in Unemployment Insurance Receipt and Take-Up

By Elira Kuka & Bryan A. Stuart This paper studies differences in receipt and take-up of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits among white and Black individuals. We combine state-level UI regulations with data containing detailed information on individuals’ work history and UI receipt. Black individuals who separate from a job are 24% less likely to receive UI than whites. The UI receipt gap stems primarily from lower take-up of UI benefits among likely eligible individuals, as opposed to differences in benefit...

The Asymmetry in Responsible Investing Preferences

By Jacquelyn Humphrey, Shimon Kogan, Jacob Sagi & Laura Starks We design an experiment to understand how social preferences affect investment decisions through stock allocations and probability assessments. The major preference channel is asymmetric in social outcomes – although negative and positive responsible investment (RI) externalities have the same magnitudes, negative externalities have greater impact on investment choices. The effect is persistent, but heterogenous. We also find asymmetries in belief formation and learning constitute a secondary channel. Overall, our results...

Did Pandemic Unemployment Benefits Reduce Employment? Evidence from Early State-Level Expirations in June 2021

By Harry J. Holzer, R. Glenn Hubbard & Michael R. Strain The generosity of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits was expanded during the pandemic (FPUC), along with the groups of workers eligible for benefits (PUA). These two programs were set to expire in September 2021, but 18 states opted out of both in June 2021. Using Current Population Survey data, we present difference-in-difference and event study estimates that the flow of unemployed workers into employment increased by around two-thirds following early...

December 2021

Choice Overload? Participation and Asset Allocation in French Employer-Sponsored Saving Plans

By Marie Briere, James M. Poterba & Ariane Szafarz This paper employs administrative data from one of the largest plan providers in France to investigate the role of plan and default characteristics in affecting whether employees participate in the plan and whether they accept its default investment option. The dataset includes information on the saving choices of 680,392 active employees at 1,610 firms. French employers have wide discretion in structuring employee saving plans. All plans must offer medium-term investments, which...

What Drives Variation in Investor Portfolios? Evidence from Retirement Plans

By Mark Egan, Alexander MacKay & Hanbin Yang We study empirical patterns in investment behavior using a comprehensive data set of defined contribution plans. Using plan-level portfolio allocation data for the near universe of 401(k) plans over the period 2009-2019, we document substantial differences in investment behavior across plans. Plans with wealthier and more educated participants tend to have higher equity exposure while plans with more retirees and minorities tend to have lower equity exposure. These patterns cannot be explained...

Green Finance: A Shift Towards Sustainable Economic Growth

By Bazgha Khan & Noria Farooqui Green finance refers to the financial arrangements that are specific to the utilization for projects that are environmentally sustainable or projects that adopt the aspects of global climate change. It’s to extend the level of financial flows from banking, micro-credit, insurance and investment, the public, private and not-for-profit sectors to sustainable development priorities. United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has been working to align financial systems to the 2030 sustainable development agenda to direct financial flows...

Aging, Retirement and Economic Growth

By Chao Ma & Xiangbo Liu This paper aims at examining the effects of an increase in life expectancy on long-run growth boosted through endogenous human capital accumulation. We first justify the negative growth effects of population aging by developing a three-period overlapping generation (OLG) model with private and public education systems and a social security scheme of a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) nature. In our model, government expenditure structure is allowed to adapt to demographic shifts for the purpose of maintaining...

Pension Reform and Labor Supply

By Andrew C. Johnston & Jonah Rockoff As unfunded pension liabilities mount, governments experiment with ways to curb the costs of pensions. We examine the effect of one such reform on the retention and productivity of public-sector workers. The reform reduced pension annuities and increased penalties for early retirement, projected to save 8 percent of revenues. We use the fact that the reform only applied to workers below age and experience cutoffs to estimate the effect of the reform. We...

The impact of non-contributory cash transfers on poverty in Latin America

By Simone Cecchini, Pablo Villatoro & Xavier Mancero This article assesses the impact of conditional cash transfers, social pensions and other non-contributory transfers on different indicators of poverty and extreme poverty in Latin America, based on an analysis of household surveys from 15 countries in the region between 2014 and 2017. It is found that in 2017, the combined effect of non-contributory social protection programmes reduced simple regional averages for poverty by 2.0 percentage points and for extreme poverty by...