October 2022

Herd Behaviour of Pension Funds by Asset Class

By Jacob Antoon Bikker & Ian Koetsier This study investigates asset herd behaviour for Dutch pension funds from 1999 to 2014 using quarterly data. We find herd behaviour for investments in twenty asset classes including non-traditional asset classes, and to both purchasing and selling. Pension funds’ herd behaviour is particularly high in alternative investments, which might increase herding in general, as pension funds move their portfolio towards these assets in recent years. Herding intensity is higher during stock market crises,...

Liability Driven Investment and Asset Allocation inspired by JPM LTCMA

By Eddy H. Verbiest A white-box deterministic system simulates long-term LDI cashflows using as input J.P.Morgan Long Term Capital Market Assumptions adapted to make them interest rate dependent. Trading, coupons and dividends provide cashflows to pay liabilities and extract excess cash to stakeholders while maintaining the allocation weights and target lifes. Performance is measured by FixPct: the annually extractable Fixed Percentage of remaining liabilities to run-off to zero. This measure summarizes the interplay of drivers over many decades and allows...

Investors’ Activity in Response to Information About Their Pensions

By Amedeus Malisa This paper uses individual-level data on fund choices in the Swedish Premium Pension to analyze how investors respond to information about their pension savings. The Swedish Pensions Agency mails an annual information letter, the Orange Envelope, to investors to provide them with tailored information about their public pension accounts. This paper examines the effect of pension communication in the Swedish Premium Pension System (PPS) by exploiting the staggered roll-out of these letters across different Swedish counties. Results...

The Effect of Removing Early Retirement on Mortality

By Cristina Bellés-Obrero, Sergi Jimenez-Martin & Han Ye This paper sheds new light on the mortality effect of delaying retirement by investigating the impacts of the 1967 Spanish pension reform. This reform exogenously changed the early retirement age, depending on the date individuals started contributing to the Social Security system. Those contributing before 1 January 1967 maintained the right to voluntarily retire early (at age 60), while individuals who started contributing after that date could not voluntarily claim a pension...

Pension funds in sub-Saharan Africa

By Owen Nyang`oro & Githinji Njenga The population structure the world over is going through a demographic shift, and the elderly proportion is projected to increase with population growth. This change is a matter of concern for sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, where the majority of the people are young and the rates of both population growth and unemployment are high. A good pension system provides elderly assistance and is a source of savings for long-term investment. The pension systems in...

September 2022

Nudges and Networks: How to Use Behavioural Economics to Improve the Life Cycle Savings-Consumption Balance

By David Blake Many people find it difficult to start and maintain a retirement savings plan. We show how nudges can be used both to encourage people to save enough to provide an acceptable standard of living in retirement and to draw down their accumulated pension fund to maximize retirement spending, without the risk of either running out of money or leaving unintended bequests. Networks can help too, particularly employer-based networks. However, the nudges and networks are more likely to...

The Safe Withdrawal Rate: Evidence from a Broad Sample of Developed Markets

By Aizhan Anarkulova, Scott Cederburg, Michael S. O'Doherty & Richard W. Sias We use a comprehensive new dataset of asset-class returns in 38 developed countries to examine a popular class of retirement spending rules that prescribe annual withdrawals as a constant percentage of the retirement account balance. A 65-year-old couple willing to bear a 5% chance of financial ruin can withdraw just 2.26% per year, a rate materially lower than conventional advice (e.g., the 4% rule). Our estimates of failure...

Do the Retired Elderly in Europe Decumulate Their Wealth? The Importance of Bequest Motives, Precautionary Saving, Public Pensions, and Homeownership

By Charles Yuji Horioka & Luigi Ventura In this paper, we use micro data on a large number of European countries from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) to examine the wealth accumulation (saving) behavior of the retired elderly in Europe. To summarize our main findings, we find that less than half of the retired elderly in Europe are decumulating their wealth and that the average wealth accumulation rate of the retired elderly in Europe is...

Depression and Loneliness Among the Elderly Poor

By Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Erin Grela, Madeline McKelway, Frank Schilbach, Garima Sharma & Girija Vaidyanathan The mental health of the elderly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is a largely neglected subject, both by policy and research. We combine data from the health and retirement family of surveys in seven LMICs (plus the US) to document that depressive symptoms among those aged 55 and above are more prevalent in those countries and increase sharply with age. Depressive symptoms in...

Choice Overload? Participation and Asset Allocation in French Employer-Sponsored Saving Plans

By Marie Briere, James M. Poterba & Ariane Szafarz This paper employs administrative data from one of the largest plan providers in France to investigate the role of plan and default characteristics in affecting whether employees participate in the plan and whether they accept its default investment option. The dataset includes information on the saving choices of 680,392 active employees at 1,610 firms. French employers have wide discretion in structuring employee saving plans. All plans must offer medium-term investments, which...