September 2022

Homeownership and the Perception of Material Security in Old Age

By Claudius Garten, Michal Myck, Monika Oczkowska Homeownership has been shown to be related to various aspects of well-being, although both the causal nature of this relationship and the possible channels behind it have been difficult to identify. We focus on one of the most often quoted mechanisms which could be responsible for the positive effects of homeownership, namely its role in providing material security in old age. Using data from 15 European countries collected in wave 2 of the...

August 2022

The Health and Retirement Study. Aging in the 21st Century. Challenges and Opportunities for Americans

By Survey Research Center. Institute for Social Research University of Michigan Published in 2006, the first HRS data book sought to introduce the world to the HRS by describing the study’s innovative design and content and providing some early findings within the main content areas of health, work and retirement, income and wealth, and family connections. In the decade since, the HRS has built on its foundation of innovation, pioneering in new directions and increasing the data’s value and relevance. The...

July 2022

Getting Older But Not Poorer

By David Amaglobeli, Era Dabla-Norris & Vitor Gaspar Unless you live in France, you might not think recent mass strikes over the proposed pension reforms in that country have anything to do with you. But given how fast demographics are changing around the world, that would be a mistake. If you live in Europe and your parents are getting ready to retire at the age of 65 (the statutory retirement age in many countries), you should know that today there are,...

June 2022

The Aging Readiness & Competitiveness Report 2021. Enabling Innovation for Healthcare and Wellness

By AARP As the world enters the UN’s Decade of Healthy Ageing, amid global covid-19 vaccination efforts, the need to increase support for the wellbeing of older adults has never been so clear. Older people comprise a growing share of the global population. This trend will persist over the coming decades, and not just in high-income countries. By 2050 an estimated 80% of older adults will be living in low- and middle-income countries. Yet disparities for older adults are ubiquitous,...

Aging People, Aging Places: Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges of Growing Older in Canada

By Maxwell Hartt, Samantha Biglieri, Mark W. Rosenberg & Sarah E. Nelson How well do the places where we live support the wellbeing of older adults? The Canadian population is growing older and is reshaping the nation’s economic, social and cultural future. However, the built and social environments of many communities, neighbourhoods and cities have not been designed to help Canadians age well. Bringing together academic research, practitioner reflections and personal narratives from older adults across Canada, this cutting-edge text...

April 2022

The Causal Effects of Place on Health and Longevity

The Causal Effects of Place on Health and Longevity

By Tatyana Deryugina & David Molitor Life expectancy varies substantially across local regions within a country, raising conjectures that place of residence affects health. However, population sorting and other confounders make it difficult to disentangle the effects of place on health from other geographic differences in life expectancy. Recent studies have overcome such challenges to demonstrate that place of residence substantially influences health and mortality. Whether policies that encourage people to move to places that are better for their health...

Movements In and Out of Poverty at Older Ages: Evidence from the HRS

Movements In and Out of Poverty at Older Ages: Evidence from the HRS

By Robert L. Clark, Annamaria Lusardi & Olivia S. Mitchell The objective of this paper is to determine Americans’ mobility patterns into and out of poverty in their later years. We track how older adults enter into and exit from poverty using the most extensive longitudinal survey on older Americans currently available, the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Using over 20 years of data from the HRS, we show that the conditional probability of escaping poverty diminishes as the number...

Silver Hues : Building Age-Ready Cities

By Das Maitreyi Bordia, Yuko Arai,  Terri B. Chapman  & Jain Vibhu Cities and countries the world over are at the cusp of epochal global trends whose impacts are likely to be more intense and more far-reaching than those of similar trends in the past. The simultaneity of the demographic transition, deepening urbanization, a technological revolution, frequent shocks brought on by health and climate emergencies, mean that one will need to plan for an older and more urban future. This...

Age-friendly cities and communities: A global perspective

By Tine Buffel, Sophie Handler & Chris Phillipson New book Age-Friendly Cities and Communities: A Global Perspective, Policy Press Tine Buffel, Sophie Handler and Chris Phillipson (Editors) Bringing together leading researchers and policy-makers working to develop age-friendly cities and communities, this edited volume examines the potential of developing urban environments responsive to the needs of older people. The book provides numerous case studies and examples of good practice, drawing upon work in Australia, Europe, Hong Kong, and the USA. It...

March 2022

Fiscal Challenges and Inclusive Growth in Ageing Societies. OECD Economic Policy Paper

By OECD This paper was prepared in support of Japan’s G20 Presidency. It takes stock of ongoing and projected population ageing across G20 economies and its far-reaching implications for economic growth, productivity, inequality within and between generations and the sustainability of public finances. Rising old-age dependency ratios will put the financing of adequate pensions, health and long-term care under high pressure. The paper provides recommendations on policy responses to address ageing-related challenges and highlights good practices. A comprehensive approach is needed,...