October 2017

A New Labour Ecosystem in the Sharing Economy: A Platform for Growth?

By Marta Santos Silva (University of Bremen) The role of the traditional labour market is being challenged by globalisation and modern technology, particularly the unprecedented and generalised use of smartphones. Online platforms facilitating the on-demand economy are radically changing the prospects for the jobs of the future, which will be less regulated and more inclusive. This paper focuses on online ridesharing platforms, particularly Uber as international market leader, and their potential for combating social inequality and developing the transport industry. Online ridesharing platforms...

Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index 2017

By Yianni Katiforis As the social and economic effects of population ageing grow, nations’ capacities to effectively provide financial security in retirement become progressively more critical. A public measure of this readiness, the MMGPI’s global profile has also increased steadily since its inception in 2009. This year, the 9th edition of the report assessed the retirement income systems of 30 nations across six continents, covering more than half of the global population. Despite retaining its third-place ranking behind Denmark and The Netherlands,...

Transición pensional del Régimen General de pensiones en el ESD: Servidores Públicos

por Angela Janeth Rivera Silva Los fondos de pensiones que administran el Régimen De Prima Media con Prestación Definida, han visto en aumento el número de demandas en su contra por parte de los pensionados por ley 33 de 1985, quienes solicitan la Reliquidación de la Pensión con el IBL del último año de servicios y todos los factores salariales percibidos, con fundamento en la Sentencia del 4 de agosto de 2010 del Consejo de Estado , y la Circular...

Saving the Next Billion from Old Age Poverty. Global Lessons for Local Action

This Book Project is the first of a series of initiatives by pinBox to jumpstart a global dialogue and collaborative action on pension inclusion across Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Book presents the policy outlook, past efforts and planned interventions by several developing countries as well as thematic chapters on the key principles and issues in design and implementation of inclusive pension arrangements. This book was realeased on October 12 on the pinBox Digital Micro-Pension Inclusion Roundtable 2017 For more information...

pinBox Digital Micro-Pension Inclusion Roundtable 2017

On 12 October 2017, pinBox Solutions and the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University are co-hosting the first global policy roundtable on digital microPension inclusion. The roundtable co-sponsored by UNCDF, PFIP, CEM Benchmarking, Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion and microPension Foundation. The roundtable will be platform for the global launch of the new book titled Saving the Next Billion from Old Age Poverty: Global Lessons for Local Action. This book is co-edited by Parul Seth Khanna, William...

Do Limits on Institutional Investment Increase Opportunities For Ratings Shopping at the Margin of Investment and Speculative Grade?

By Joseph Kerstein (Yeshiva University - Syms School of Business), Sungsoo Kim (Rutgers Business School - Camden), Murugappa (Murgie) Krishnan (Yeshiva University) Rating agencies are expected to be concerned about their long-term reputation because if they lose the trust of investors their ratings would lose credibility and value. We expect that there is less effective monitoring and hence more opportunities for ratings shopping within speculative grades because pensions and other similar institutions known for effective monitoring are limited by regulatory...

Life Insurance as a Retirement Income Tool

By Russell DeLibero & Wade D. Pfau (The American College; McLean Asset Management) Given its tax-preferential treatment, careful study is warranted to determine whether life insurance can play an important role in an overall retirement portfolio. This study develops hypothetical scenarios for different types of individuals with varying ages and distribution periods, while using a historical outlook to determine the proper structure of a variable universal life insurance policy. We compare a variable universal life policy to different investment vehicles...

September 2017

Drawing Down Retirement Savings – Do Pensions, Taxes and Government Transfers Matter Much for Optimal Decisions?

By Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald (Independent), Richard J. Morrison (Independent), Marvin Avery (Human Resources and Skills Development), Lars Osberg (Dalhousie University) This paper examines the importance of pensions (employment and social security), taxes and government transfers for alternative retirement savings drawdown strategies, based on Canadian evidence. Using as examples single elderly Canadians at the 10th, median and 90th percentiles of the income distribution, we use a lifetime utility framework to evaluate an illustrative set of six popular drawdown strategies. Our longitudinal dynamic...

Financial Literacy and Inclusive Growth: Challenges and Opportunities

By Dinesha P. T. Sr. (University of Mysore) In India, financial literacy could now be only for the disadvantaged needy / underprivileged / poor but this is a continuous process where all citizens of the country should be periodically educated, which would become a certain tool to pave for the economic growth and the strength of the country. Recently our Prime Minister has announced series of ambitious social security schemes, relating to the pension and insurance sector and intended at...

Do Good Working Conditions Make You Work Longer? Evidence on Retirement Decisions Using Linked Survey and Register Data

By Petri Bockerman (Labour Institute for Economic Research; University of Turku) and Pekka Ilmakunnas (Aalto University School of Business) We analyze the potential role of adverse working conditions and management practices in the determination of employees' retirement behavior. Our data contain both comprehensive information regarding perceived job disamenities, job satisfaction, and intentions to retire from nationally representative cross-sectional surveys and information on employees' actual retirement decisions from longitudinal register data that can be linked to the surveys. Using a trivariate...