August 2023

Labor Mobility and the Problems of Modern Policing

By Jonathan S. Masur, Aurelie Ouss & John Rappaport  We document and discuss the implications of a striking feature of modern American policing: the stasis of police labor forces. Using an original employment dataset assembled through public records requests, we show that, after the first few years on a job, officers rarely change employers, and intermediate officer ranks are filled almost exclusively through promotion rather than lateral hiring. Policing is like a sports league, if you removed trades and free...

Public Employee Pensions and Municipal Insolvency

By Sean Myers  This paper studies how municipal governments jointly manage spending, credit market borrowing, and public employee pensions. I model governments as levered investors who must meet non-defaultable pension obligations and may value government spending more than citizens. I quantify the model using California city-level data, including a new record of fiscal emergencies, tax increases required to maintain essential services. After the financial crisis depleted pension funds, cities engaged in excessive risk-taking: the fiscal emergency option encouraged gambling for...

July 2023

Las recientes movilizaciones en Francia por la reforma de las jubilaciones

Por Berenice P. Ramírez López Las ultimas semanas hemos observado las grandes movilizaciones de personas trabajadoras por la defensa de su sistema de pensiones y en contra de las reformas impulsadas por el gobierno de Emmanuel Macron. Al 11 de marzo se habían registrado 7 jornadas de movilizaciones que han impactado a las principales ciudades de Francia mediante debates parlamentarios, manifestaciones de oposición a la reforma y acciones de rechazo, entre las que destacan huelgas y suspensión de servicios públicos...

Análisis del piso del protección social y los beps Colombia, casos comparados en Latinoamérica

Por Angie Viviana Figueroa Gonzalez & Ludwing Quimbayo Pachón En América Latina, se viene implementando un sistema de políticas y programas para la protección de la población en condiciones de vulnerabilidad, especialmente, al ser constituida por países en vía de desarrollo económico, lo que a su vez se refleja en el fortalecimiento de los derechos sociales y la lucha contra la desigualdad. A raíz de ello, los estados buscan, mediante políticas públicas y gubernamentales, la manera estructurada de crear programas...

El futuro del trabajo en América Latina y el Caribe: ¿cómo avanzar hacia pensiones sostenibles para sociedades más longevas?

Por Cuéllar Ekaterina, Gamboa Daniel, García-Huitrón Manuel & Tapia Troncoso Waldo Esta edición de la serie El futuro del trabajo en América Latina y el Caribe analiza los retos y posibilidades que surgen para los sistemas de pensiones de la región ante el envejecimiento poblacional, los avances tecnológicos, el cambio climático y los cambios en los mercados laborales. Diferentes estudios prevén que hacia 2050 la región se caracterizará por una baja natalidad y una mayor longevidad, un escenario que puede...

Providing security, building sustainable futures

By Pension Protection Fund  Our purpose is to protect the future of millions of people throughout the UK who belong to defined benefit (DB) pension schemes - 9.6 million as at 31 march 2022. When these schemes fail we’re ready to help. We do this by paying our members, charging a levy and investing for the long term. Read book “here”

China pensions reform: Winning strategies for global asset managers amid evolution in retirement market

By Asifma Major reforms to the Chinese Mainland’s pensions system are creating new opportunities for asset managers. This report, jointly authored by KPMG China and ASIFMA, explores the background to China’s evolving three-pillar pensions system and the demographic factors that necessitated the current reforms, and shares insights from market players on the challenges as well as the opportunities. Pillars 2 and 3 of the pensions assets industry in China could grow to as much as 15-21 trillion RMB by 2030 under...

Public pensions reporting act

By Minister of Justice A valuation report filed pursuant to this section shall be prepared in a manner consistent with the guides and Recommendations for the preparation of an actuarial report in connection with a pension plan, published by the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, and shall include such additional information as the Minister may from time to time require. Read book “here”

Defined benefit pensions with Liability Driven Investments

By Work and Pensions Committee The economic uncertainty experienced in the UK in September 2022 brought to the fore risks associated with the use of Liability Driven Investment (LDI) strategies by pension schemes. LDI strategies aim to reduce volatility in scheme funding levels by investing in assets whose value moves in the same direction as that of the scheme’s liabilities. Leverage allows schemes to do this in a capital efficient way, freeing up capital that they can invest in ways...

The pensions regulator’s annual report and accounts 2022-2023

By The Pensions Regulator The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is the UK regulator of workplace pension schemes. We make sure that employers put their staff into a pension scheme and pay money into it. We also make sure that workplace pension schemes are run properly so that people can save safely for their later years. Read book “here”