September 2023

Las consecuencias de los cambios tecnológicos sobre la reforma de las pensiones

Por Juan F. Jimeno  Avances tecnológicos, derivados del desarrollo de la robótica y la inteligencia artificial, y cambios demográficos, que reducen el peso de la población en edad de trabajar en la población total, van a acelerar tendencias estructurales en la composición sectorial y ocupacional del empleo y a condicionar el crecimiento de la productividad y de los salarios. Este artículo analiza sus consecuencias sobre el sistema de pensiones, destacando efectos sobre el empleo, salarios y su financiación y apuntando...

Cohesión social intergeneracional: el futuro de las pensiones públicas

Por Alicia Homs Ginel La pandemia de COVID-19 ha transformado Europa y el mundo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Ha puesto a prueba nuestros sistemas sanitarios y de protección social, así como nuestra resiliencia económica y social. Tendrá repercusiones duraderas en la manera en que vivimos y trabajamos juntos, que probablemente persistirán incluso cuando el virus haya desaparecido. Y la pandemia nos ha golpeado en un momento en el que Europa ya estaba inmersa en un proceso de...

The Future of Global Retirement

By Andrew Evans & Will Wynne Smart is a world-leading retirement technology provider. Our mission is to transform retirement, savings and financial wellbeing, across all generations, around the world. Launched in 2015, our technology platform – Keystone – serves the needs of retirement savers globally, and we are now active on four continents. Keystone is specifically designed to help governments and financial services organisations to serve their citizens' and customers' retirement saving and spending needs. Smart’s team of engineers, researchers and user...

2023 BlackRock Read on Retirement

By Black Rock If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that burnout is real. Three years on, it turns out it’s not just a workplace side effect. BlackRock’s 2023 Read on Retirement™️ survey reveals that financial burnout is on the rise – and one for employers to watch. Today, only about half of workplace savers feel on track to retire with the lifestyle they want – a double-digit drop compared to last year and a worrisome trend since 2021. Encouragingly, though, this drop in...

Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean: social protection and quality of life of older persons

By Natalia Aranco, Mariano Bosch, Marco Stampini, Oliver Azuara Herrera, Laura Goyeneche, Pablo Ibarrarán, Deborah Oliveira, Maria Torre Retana Reyes, William D. Savedoff & Eric Torres Ramírez  In this report, we analyze older persons quality of life in Latin America and the Caribbean, its relationship with social protection policies, and how these policies must adapt to respond to population aging. We create a measure of quality of life of older persons which combines healthy life expectancy and income security. For...

2023 Retirement Plan Landscape Report

By MorningStar  Millions of Americans rely on the U.S. retirement system to save and invest for their futures. Similarly, the system depends on new employers offering retirement plans to replace plan closures. Expanding access to employer-sponsored retirement plans is essential to ensuring Americans are saving enough for the future, but it’s also necessary for the current system to address its weakness. In the second iteration of our annual report, we take a comprehensive look at the overall health of the...

Population Aging and Economic Growth: From Demographic Dividend to Demographic Drag?

By Rainer Kotschy & David E. Bloom  This paper examines the extent to which changes in working-age shares associated with population aging might slow economic growth in upcoming years. We first analyze the economic effects of changing working-age shares in a standard empirical growth model using country panel data from 1950–2015. We then juxtapose the estimates with predicted shifts in population age structure to project economic growth in 2020–2050. Our results indicate that population aging will slow economic growth throughout...

Eggs and Baskets: Lifecycle Portfolio Dynamics

By Loretti Dobrescu, Akshay Shanker, Hazel Bateman, Ben Rhodri Newell & Susan Thorp  Housing and pension wealth are two major contributors to the quality of old-age provision. Here we study the interplay between these two asset classes using the impact of changes in saving incentives on wealth accumulation across the lifetime. To do so, we build and estimate a dynamic lifecycle model of saving and portfolio choice featuring risky earnings, lumpy housing with collateralized borrowing, and financial assets inside and...

Motivated Saving: The Impact of Projections on Retirement Contributions

By George Smyrnis, Hazel Bateman, Loretti Dobrescu, Ben R. Newell & Susan Thorp Projections of future benefits can assist pension plan participants prepare for retirement. Here we measure the effects of projections of retirement incomes and lump sum balances on voluntary contributions and plan interactions of retirement savers. Data from a two-year field trial in a large Australian pension plan show that the frequency and average amount of participants’ voluntary contributions and interactions with the plan rose significantly in the...

Financiamiento de los sistemas integrales de cuidados: Propuestas para América Latina y el Caribe

Por Julio Bango, Jorge Campanella & Patricia Cossani La inversión en Sistemas Integrales de Cuidados no sólo genera bienestar, también puede convertirse en un motor de la recuperación socioeconómica pues genera un triple dividendo ya que permite la creación directa e indirecta de empleo, y facilita la participación laboral de las mujeres en el mercado laboral, lo que supone un retorno de ingresos para el Estado vía impuestos y cotizaciones así como mayores ingresos para las personas y los hogares. Una...