October 2024

Rules of Thumb and Retirement Accounts

By Vanya Horneff, David A. Love & Raimond Maurer We examine the welfare costs of applying common rules of thumb for saving, investment, 401k contributions, and withdrawals in an environment that includes a realistic treatment of taxation, Social Security benefits, 401k-plan details, and uncertainty in income, longevity, and asset returns. We test the performance of commonly recommended rules, such as investing 100-minus-age percent of assets in stocks, contributing 6–10% of income to a 401k account, or withdrawing the required minimum...

Beyond the Status Quo: A Critical Assessment of Lifecycle Investment Advice

By Aizhan Anarkulova, Scott Cederburg & Michael S. O'Doherty We challenge two central tenets of lifecycle investing: (i) investors should diversify across stocks and bonds and (ii) the young should hold more stocks than the old. An even mix of 50% domestic stocks and 50% international stocks held throughout one’s lifetime vastly outperforms age-based, stock-bond strategies in building wealth, supporting retirement consumption, preserving capital, and generating bequests. These findings are based on a lifecycle model that features dynamic processes for...

Patterns of Consumption and Savings around Retirement

By Arna Olafsson & Michaela Pagel This chapter analyzes how consumption, savings, and other positions on household balance sheets change around retirement. Four patterns stand out. First, many households have barely any savings and hold substantial amounts of consumer debt at the time of retirement. Second, consumption falls at retirement, possibly due to work-related expenses, bargain shopping, or because households face unexpected adverse shocks. Third, liquid savings increase at retirement. Fourth, wealth increases more over the course of retirement for...

Construyendo redes de seguridad resilientes en el Caribe: Preparando los ingresos de jubilación para el futuro (en inglés)

Por BID Los países del Caribe, al igual que sus pares de América Latina, están observando gradualmente los efectos de un rápido envejecimiento de la población. Los sistemas nacionales de pensiones se enfrentarán a crecientes demandas presupuestarias para sustentar a un grupo cada vez mayor de jubilados. Sin embargo, estos sistemas se sustentan en un grupo de trabajadores que se reduce gradualmente, de los cuales sólo una fracción estará contribuyendo. Esta tendencia demográfica está impulsada por varios factores, entre ellos...

Hacia el diseño sostenible de una nueva longevidad

Por Diego Bernardini Zambrini Una de las mayores transformaciones de la primera mitad del nuevo siglo en nuestras sociedades será la transición demográfica. El aumento del número de personas mayores nos esta confrontado con nuevas necesidades y demandas de la mano de la cohorte de mayores mas educada, rica y comunicada en la historia de la humanidad. Aspectos como los servicios de salud, la protección social, la gobernabilidad, los derechos humanos, la sostenibilidad, la economía y el mercado laboral o...

Caracterizando la informalidad laboral en América Latina. Un Análisis de su persistencia

Por Daniela Guzmán Sanhueza  El artículo presenta un análisis integral, interconectado, dinámico y multidimensional de las particularidades y subdimensiones de la permanencia de informalidad laboral en la región, describiendo los efectos que genera y estableciendo la conexión entre ésta y la desigualdad. A través de la metodología secundaria de revisión sistematizada de la literatura técnica y científica se identifican las variables sociales que se encuentran asociadas de manera más frecuente a la informalidad laboral, que son: género, edad, pertenencia al...

Labor Market Gender Gaps in Türkiye: A Bird’s Eye View

By Silvia Domit & Damla Kesimal Despite recent improvements, Türkiye’s low female labor force participation and high share of informal female workers stand out internationally. Closing these gender gaps would boost medium-term growth and make it more inclusive. This paper puts these gaps in an international context, explores their interlinkages with fiscal policies, and identifies policy priorities. Source SSRN

Assessing Immigration Impacts in Developing Countries. The Case of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

By Riccardo Magnani & Marie-Claude KAMAR This article analyzes the effects of low-skilled immigration in developing countries characterized by a large informal sector, high unemployment (especially among highly educated people), and low participation of women in the labor force. We use an OLG model to account for the general equilibrium linkages between the immigration shock, the level of wages and employment, the education choice, and the emigration choice made by natives. The model includes search and matching frictions in the...

Savings Goals Matter – Cognitive Constraints, Retirement Planning, and Downstream Economic Behaviors

By Zihan Ye, Thomas Post, Xiaopeng Zou & Shenglan Chen We study how cognitive constraints relate to each distinct step of the planning and execution process for retirement, that is, individuals’ propensity to plan, savings goals set, and economic outcomes (wealth accumulation and portfolio choice). We find that different cognitive constraints play distinct roles: Higher advanced financial literacy (and quantitative reasoning ability) predicts a greater propensity to plan, while higher basic financial literacy and verbal cognition predict setting higher savings...

The Sustainable Investment Report 2024

By Dan Wills We are delighted to present the latest in our IFA Annual Report Series; The Sustainable Investment Report 2024. There are many facets of sustainability and companies are having to change their processes and behaviours to work towards our sustainable future. Researched and written by leading Compliance Consultant Tony Catt, this report is intended to provide a snapshot of the current situation and thinking from across the industry, in relation to the matter of sustainability in investment solutions. Get the report...