October 2023

Understanding Financial Vulnerability Among Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics in the United States

By Andrea Hasler, Annamaria Lusardi, Olivia S. Mitchell & Alessia Sconti The COVID-19 crisis has brought to light the deeply rooted financial struggles that many people face in America, and it also exacerbated racial inequality. In particular, minority communities have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic in many ways, making them ideal targets for efforts to promote financial well-being. This paper examines the financial vulnerability of Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics in the United States, along with potential drivers, using data...

Artificial Intelligence Policy: A Primer and Roadmap

By Ryan Calo Talk of artificial intelligence is everywhere. People marvel at the capacity of machines to translate any language and master any game. Others condemn the use of secret algorithms to sentence criminal defendants or recoil at the prospect of machines gunning for blue, pink, and white-collar jobs. Some worry aloud that artificial intelligence will be humankind’s “final invention.” This essay, prepared in connection with UC Davis Law Review's 50th anniversary symposium, explains why AI is suddenly on everyone's mind and...

Informe de Seguridad Social y Bienestar en las Américas 2020

Por Seguridad Social para el Bienestar  El ISSBA es uno de los proyectos más ambiciosos que ha realizado hasta el momento la nueva administración de la Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social (CISS), y surge con el objetivo de conocer la situación de los sistemas de los países que la integran. Esta información permitirá formular recomendaciones de política pública que promuevan una seguridad social universal, de calidad y orientada al bienestar en las Américas, como parte de los esfuerzos basados en la...

Estadísticas del Registro Electrónico de Planes de Pensiones 2023

Por Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro Con el objetivo de incrementar el ahorro pensionario, la Ley del Seguro Social (LSS) ofrece incentivos a las empresas para que constituyan y brinden a sus trabajadores planes privados de pensiones adicionales al régimen obligatorio del Seguro Social. Específicamente, la fracción VIII del artículo 27 de la LSS contempla la posibilidad de que el patrón realice aportaciones a algún plan constituido por la empresa, sin que dichas aportaciones se consideren parte del salario base...

Sistema español de pensiones: revisión crítica de los elementos comunes al cálculo de pensiones contributivas

Por Elisabet Errandonea Ulazia  Este libro se divide en cinco capítulos titulados respectivamente: “Pensiones adecuadas y periódicamente actualizadas” y “prestaciones sociales suficientes” como requisitos exigidos por la Constitución española (Capítulo I), Los problemas del actual sistema español de pensiones (Capítulo II), El tope máximo de pensiones y las “pensiones adecuadas” (Capítulo III), Los complementos para pensiones inferiores a la mínima (Capítulo IV) y La revalorización de pensiones (Capítulo V). Dicha obra, de acuerdo con su introducción, se plantea como objetivo “analizar si efectivamente la normativa española referida...

Pensiones en México: retos y recomendaciones

Por Ana María González Franco   El envejecimiento poblacional ha provocado un incremento en el gasto público destinado a pensiones y jubilaciones a lo largo del tiempo. Este desafío presupuestario puede ser abordado con base en dos categorías de pensiones: contributivas y no contributivas. Las pensiones contributivas son exclusivas para los trabajadores del sector formal, es decir, aquellos con contratos laborales que incluyen seguridad social, ya sea IMSS o ISSSTE. La normativa de estas pensiones ha experimentado cambios legislativos significativos a lo...

Asian Retirement Markets 2023: Building Security Against Uncertainty

By Shaun Ng As Asia’s retirement pension funds evaluate the funding status for the many approaching their golden years, alternative investments offer diversification and returns. Major pension funds in Asia have been diversifying further into alternatives, driven by the need to deliver solid returns and combat inflationary pressures as they face a looming underfunding crisis. However, nearly 41% of Asian pensions surveyed by Cerulli cite a “limited understanding” of alternatives, while one-third say they lack in-house expertise when investing in alternatives....

The Vanguard Retirement Outlook: A national perspective on retirement readiness

By Fu Tan, Fiona Greig, Andrew S. Clarke, Kevin Khang, Kate McKinnon & Victoria Zhang The global retirement landscape is changing. As populations age, government retirement benefits are under pressure. At the same time, the shift from defined benefit to defined contribution workplace retirement plans means that workers bear more responsibility for managing capital markets risk and turning accumulated savings into retirement income. And many workers have no access to a workplace plan. In the United States, the figure is about...

Understanding Trends in Hispanic and African American Retirement Preparedness in the US

By Edward Nathan Wolff  Retirement income security refers to households’ ability to provide an adequate income stream during the period of their retirement from the labor force. Expected retirement income is based on four components: standard wealth holdings, defined contribution pensions, defined benefit pensions, and social security benefits. Using the Survey of Consumer Finances, I find that Black and Hispanic households made remarkable progress in terms of retirement income, poverty reduction, and replacement rates over 1989-2007. This was followed by...

The Role of Disability Insurance on the Labour Market Trajectories of Europeans

By Agar Brugiavini & Petru Crudu  This work documents the role played by disability insurance, typically part of a wider public pension provision package, on the labour market trajectories and retirement decisions. We will first employ a machine learning approach to estimate a Transition Probability Model able to uncover the most likely labour market histories and then evaluate the effects of policy reforms, including reforms to the eligibility for disability insurance benefits. The main contribution is the introduction of disability...