October 2023

From PEPP to Corona: European Aspects of the Dutch Pension System

By Hans van Meerten In this contribution, I will address some salient points in the Dutch and European pension landscape. For instance, the state of affairs anno 2023 regarding the WTP and the 'EU Pension Union' (EPU) will be addressed. What developments are there and do they actually bring the signalled EPU (in 2015) closer or further away? In doing so, I would like to address two topics specifically: the internal market for pensions and developments regarding the Corona pandemic,...

Time Consistency in Optimal Retirement Planning

By Frank Bosserhoff, An Chen & Manuel Rach We study time consistency in optimal consumption problems of annuities and tontines. We find the annuity problem to be time-consistent, hence delivering the same optimal consumption at each time. The tontine problem, however, is found to be time-inconsistent, opening the possibility for individuals to increase or decrease their overall expected utility by changing the ex ante fixed consumption profile. However, such an increase in the utility of the tontine cannot lead to...

Determinants of Portfolio ESG Performance: An Attribution Framework

By James J. Li We develop a parsimonious attribution framework for evaluating the ESG performance of a portfolio. Our attribution model decomposes portfolio ESG performance into three principal components: a value effect, a weighting effect, and an interaction effect. We illustrate our approach using the equity portfolios of U.S. public pension funds over time. We find that U.S. public pensions’ positive ESG performance over the past decade is mainly due to their underlying holdings boosting their ESG scores over this...

Directorio y gestión ESG: Impulsando el futuro de la empresa

Por Deloitte  Nos encontramos en un punto de inflexión en la agenda de los negocios, puesto que la integración de los factores ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG por sus siglas en inglés) se está posicionando como el camino para desarrollar resiliencia y generar valor a largo plazo en las empresas. Hemos llegado al punto en que los inversionistas, trabajadores, consumidores y el público en general, esperan que las empresas aborden activamente dichas prioridades y oportunidades. En la actualidad, la...

Los sistemas de pensiones en América Latina: Aportes para el debate de los trabajadores

Por Soledad Giudice, Aníbal Peluffo & Natalia Otero En el siguiente documento se busca hacer más fácil y comprensible un tema que suele ser muy complicado de abordar para los trabajadores, porque resulta complejo, porque parece lejano, pero también porque es algo incómodo. En la primera parte del trabajo nos interesa destacar algunos aspectos considerados relevantes a la hora de debatir sobre los sistemas de pensiones en los distintos países. Primero, la importancia de señalar a la seguridad social como derecho...

La inclusión financiera en el Perú

Por Allan Herminio Vargas García La inclusión financiera es un factor clave en el desarrollo económico de una nación desde un punto de vista de acceso (oferta), uso (demanda) y calidad de los servicios financieros. El uso y acceso a servicios financieros permite a la población ahorrar los excedentes de capital para realizar previsiones y futuras inversiones. Asimismo, genera una base sólida de ahorros reduciendo la dependencia de los mercados financieros internacionales ante choques económicos. El acceso a una cuenta en...

Determinantes del Ahorro Voluntario en el Perú: Evidencia de una Encuesta de Demanda

Por Antonella Garcia Bianchi, Rubi Santillan Leiba & Narda Sotomayor Valenzuela Los ahorros tienen una gran importancia para la economía y en particular para las personas, al permitirles acumular recursos, suavizar su consumo en el tiempo e invertir en capital humano y actividades productivas. Este estudio analiza los determinantes del ahorro de las personas en el Perú, tanto en dinero como en bienes, así como los factores que motivan el ahorro en el Sistema Financiero (SF), utilizando la Encuesta Nacional de Demanda de los...

Global Pension Risk Survey: UK Findings 2023/24

By Aon The Global Pension Risk Survey has been running every two years for over a decade and it gives the pension industry great insight into how the pensions landscape has developed. The 2023 findings show that many pension schemes are grappling with recent challenges including persistent high inflation, rising interest rates and a raft of regulatory change. Schemes are having to prioritise carefully which actions they will address and when, while also navigating the risk of non-compliance as well as...

Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2023

By CFA Institute & Monash University  The Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index benchmarks 47 retirement income systems around the world, highlighting challenges and opportunities within each. Botswana, Croatia and Kazakhstan were added to the mix this year. We also used updated data from the OECD and added some new questions to the integrity sub-index. The Index is made up of three sub-indices, including adequacy, sustainability and integrity, to measure each retirement income system against more than 50 indicators. Each year...

Preparing for an Aging Africa: Data-Driven Priorities for Economic Research and Policy

By Madeline E. Duhon, Edward Miguel, Amos Njuguna, Daniela Pinto Veizaga & Michael W. Walker The over-60 population in Sub-Saharan Africa is expected to grow rapidly in the coming decades, tripling between 2020 and 2050. Despite this explosive projected growth, few countries in the region have implemented policies designed to support older populations. Further, little research in economics has specifically examined aging in Sub-Saharan Africa, though many opportunities exist for economists to generate research evidence to inform the design of...