November 2023

Annual Survey of Investment Regulation of Pension Funds and Other Pension Providers 2021

By Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos This report describes the main quantitative investment regulations that pension funds are subject to in OECD and a selection of non-OECD countries, most of which are IOPS Member countries. This report also covers the investment rules for other pension providers, such as life insurance companies, for countries like Denmark, France, Ireland, Korea, Latvia and Sweden among OECD countries and Jordan among non-OECD jurisdictions. The information reflects the rules in force at the end of 2020...

The world’s largest pension funds – 2023

By Thinking Ahead Institute  The global top 300 pension funds is an annual study conducted by the Thinking Ahead Institute, in conjunction with Pensions and Investments. The research highlights high-level trends in the pension fund industry and provides information on how the characteristics of these top funds have changed. Key findings Assets Under Management (AUM) of the top 300 pension funds total US$20.6 trillion, having reduced by 12.9% in 2022, down from 8.9% growth the previous year Volatility and uncertainty in...

Sustainability of pension schemes: Building a smooth automatic balance mechanism with an application to the us social security

By Frédéric Gannon, Florence Legros & Vincent Touzé We build a “smooth” automatic balancing mecanism (S-ABM) which would result from an optimal tradeoff between increasing the receipts and reducing the expenditures of a pension scheme. The S-ABM obtains from minimizing a sum of discounted quadratic loss function under the constraint of an intertemporal budget balance. One advantage of this model of “optimal” adjustment is its ability to analyse various configurations in terms of ABMs by controlling the adjustment pace. Notably, this S-ABM...

Health and Retirement: Heterogeneity in the Responsiveness to Pension Incentives

By De Fen Hsu, Melinda Sandler Morrill & Aditi Pathak Workers often time retirement around pension eligibility, yielding a strong instrument for retirement timing.  By estimating the characteristics of the complier population, we find heterogeneity by individuals' health status in the responsiveness to pension-related financial incentives to retire.  Workers in poor health do not uniformly retire earlier or later, but rather are less responsive overall to pension incentives.  Thus, characterizing compliers may yield different conclusions than simple comparisons of means. Source...

In search of financially sustainable pension systems: three benchmark models

By Ekaterina Cuéllar, Daniel Gamboa & Waldo Tapia  One of the great dilemmas facing countries around the world is to define a pension system that is financially sustainable in the face of increasing life expectancy, falling fertility rates and the consequent lack of generational replacement. Globally, pension reforms in countries with more advanced aging processes have focused on implementing parametric reforms and incorporating automatic adjustments of the main parameters to share productivity, financial and demographic risks. In this article we present the advantages...

Proyecciones del gasto público en pensiones España

Por Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones De acuerdo con la proyección, el momento de mayor gasto en pensiones se produciría a finales de la década de los 40. En 2050, en la proyección del  escenario base sin reformas, el gasto total en pensiones contributivas sería del 14,7% del PIB, y una vez sumado el gasto en clases pasivas y en pensiones no contributivas, alcanzaría el 15,8%. Una vez incorporado el efecto de todas las medidas aprobadas desde 2020,...

Diagnóstico del sistema de pensiones peruano y avenidas de reforma

Por Álvaro Altamirano, Solange Berstein, Mariano Bosch, Gustavo Caballero, Manuel García-Huitrón , Lukas Keller & María Teresa Silva -Porto Este documento contiene un análisis detallado del estado actual del sistema de pensiones peruano. El documento enumera y describe los retos principales que el sistema de pensiones enfrentará en los siguientes años así como distintos elementos de análisis para avanzar en una nueva generación de ajustes que: (i) considere el sistema pensional en su conjunto; (ii) incremente cobertura; (iii) mantenga un equilibrio...

En busca de sistemas de pensiones sostenibles: tres modelos referentes

Por Ekaterina Cuéllar, Daniel Gamboa & Waldo Tapia Uno de los grandes dilemas a los que se enfrentan los países de todo el mundo es definir un sistema de pensiones que sea financieramente sostenible frente al incremento de la esperanza de vida, la caída de la tasa de fecundidad y la consecuente falta de reemplazo generacional. A nivel global, las reformas de pensiones en países con envejecimiento poblacional más avanzado, se han concentrado en implementar reformas paramétricas y en incorporar ajustes automáticos...

Sistema de Pensiones para la movilidad social

Por Enrique Díaz-Infante Chapa Las pensiones son un componente esencial en la discusión sobre movilidad social, porque permiten que las personas gocen de una vejez digna y ayudan a contener la pérdida de bienestar socioeconómico en esa etapa de la vida. Además, el ahorro para el retiro acumulado en las AFORE impulsa la inversión y el crecimiento del país, con la consecuente generación de empleos. Sin embargo, en ausencia de una reforma fiscal, el pago de pensiones pagadas con recursos...

2022 Future Focus Survey: ESG and sustainable investing trends in Europe

By J.P. Morgan Asset Management   While allocations to sustainable investing strategies continue to grow, the average allocation across Europe is relatively low, at 23%. Even in Finland, which tops the table, the average allocation is only 33%. It is clear that even in the region where sustainable investing is most popular, broad ESG adoption is still at the early part of its journey.* Interestingly, there is far more divergence among the investors within countries than between them. Therefore, we urge investors to focus on the...